But the nearest convenience store is a 15 minute drive away.... and then I have to actually go in the store... andishouldprobablyputonpantsfirst The topic: Ever been hungry incredibly late at night that you go down to the nearest convenience store and just load up on food like it's meant to last a month and you have no intention of letting it last the ride home? ..No?
Ahhh sorry to hear bro. And yeah I know that feel. We don't have much to eat here and Im not hungry, but I'd make you some nice manly grilled sausages. No homo.
I make late night food runs all the time. ._. But to be fair, my sleep schedule has been so incredibly f'd these past few weeks, that nighttime is basically my day. And it always seems as if whenever I check the cupboards for food, there is nothing that interests me. /: Sometimes I just want to go out and eat a cheeseburger at 4:00 in the morning and we never have the stuff to make anything I want at home, so I have to go out. The people at Sheetz probably think I am such a pig. Coming in at four in the morning and practically ordering an entire dinner.
So an update: I bought so much that an officer who was there for coffee checked to see if I was stoned. To clarify, I bought an apple pie, a bag of cheetos puffs, a bag of honey roasted cashews, a bag of pizza combos (**** you Jerome, **** you), and a mountain dew livewire. .... And a sub. See, I normally blame behavior like that on gamer life. Because that generally sums up my summers XD
I kind of can eat a lot... Also: >Open bag of cashews on one side of laptop >Open bag of combos on the other side >Discard apple pie wrapper behind it >Soda not an inch away from me Am I a fatass....? I weigh like 125lbs, but I feel like a fatass.... EDIT: And now I'm out of food.
I wish I could do that and not gain a pound. I ate an omelette with a banana and I feel like just returning it all. /sadness