Is the press fair?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by BaseSebastian, Jul 10, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Why do people call the press of America the free press, if everybody dismisses the independant and conserverative medias? The liberal media is something that quite frankly scares me, as it controls the minds of people, causing them to beleive things that are not true.

    National Enquirer, Globe, etc....why do they like to say things they know aren't true, just so they can make people believe something untrue, and line their own pockets?

    Quite recently I read something on the cover of National En-queer-erer(Not "queer" as in the gay slur, "queer" as in the word for strange or out of place.), as I playfully call it, that stated George W. Bush was doing Crack Cocaine. How did they make people beleive this? They showed Bush on a seperate part of the front page, and on the other side of him, was a finger pointing to a packet of white grain. -_-? Obviously, if it shows George W. Bush with a picture of a finger pointing to alleged crack, which is probably just sugar in a pouch(Media does that alot...and it works), then obviousluy that must be Bush's own finger....right? Wrong!

    If you're either on the wrong side, or the media just doesn't like you and you're famous, they will rip you to shreds to where people dislike you and do not trust you. Celebrities, Republicans, and even other papers and news stations are attacked by the liberal media.

    Here's a few translated headlines the press has done in recent years. Not the exact words, but the lies they try to spread:

    "Don't listen to Fox news, they favor only themselves!" Meanwhile NBC favors haveing Democrats talk about a controversey surrounding a fellow democrat, and the Republican party has no voice, and then FOX news has both sides to talk freely, esp. Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly factor.

    "If you like Tom Cruise, you're a communist!" -_-...? Just because he's a leader and public figure in scientology?

    "Robin Williams, on the side of the Iraq terrorists!" Actually, they say this because he's out there trying to entertain the troops by reminding them their country hasn't forgten them, as most entertainers prefer to stay at home instead of "feeding the pointles(?) war. Plus, the media doesn't like Episcapol people, as it turns out.

    "Support Anti-Catholicism and bring the church to its knees!" Why? Because of a few corrupted preists, Cardinals, and bishops? Just like the terrors of Al Gharib while it was under American occupation, houseing terrorist prisoners, those troops did not represent the entire U.S Army. Yet, nobody would listen to the people who were right on that.

    "Queen Latifa, gay!" Nothing wrong with homosexuality, but when you're not gay, and people are calling you that, it hurts....I know, they called me "gay jay" in school. The actuality behind that was that Latifa was pictured with another female person, who were both smiling at the camera and looking girlfriendish. It just takes the write titeling to make the picture stupid, since two people of the same sex can no longer be friends, and esp. women can't go out and have lunch and go shopping together either.

    "McCain is a segregator and an albinoist!"...then is it fair to say Obama is "Anti-Old Guy?"..No, because then we'd be unfair to somebody who's not actually publishing those things.

    Seriously, I know I'm probably going to get a lot of negitive feedback on this, but just try to understand, and not be close-minded. I'm being fair, you be fair.
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yea seriously, Fox News is not an unreliable news source, i still don't get to talk freely. the people who say it's bias are basing this on stuff like "they kept the camera on Geroge Bush the entire time instead of that of that other guy!" i wouldn't call any other news source "liberal" tho. but i HEARD that, about only 3 people get to decide what news gets to air on all the news channels, that would make me think the news is a little unfair, but i dont' think the news favors Liberals either, i really do think all the news are objective. however, i can't say the same for all media.
  3. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
    I don't think the press is fair to be honest alot of people say things and they will like rearange(sp?) it and it will be like they say something else...that's about the only reason i can think of lolz but yeah i don't think it's fair
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    No ****, the press is unfair. But what makes you believe, and I mean believe, because there is no thinking going on here, that you are so right? The media has one job, not to spread correct news, but to sell papers, get airtime or whatever the equivalent is for a certain type of media. Why could this be? Money, yes the media *gasp* like everyone else is trying to get money. They are a business just like big oil, which brings me to another term you so fondly used: liberal media. All media is crooked, just as an fyi, the Conservatives are just as ****ed up and wrong. Many people of your mindset see mass media as puppets of liberalism and that is just wrong. Mass media is just all the magazines newspapers and television programs spamming the nation that tell everyone what someone who supposedly knows more than you has to say, nothing more. Here's where you get ridiculous, you go on to say that people believe tabloid drivel and what's more you link it directly with liberal media. For the final time, all reporting is loaded and/or skewed, you can't do anything about it and it goes both ****ing ways. Liberal or conservative, radical or moderate, they all want to get their words out and the media allows them to do so.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Of course the press is biased and not very fair at times.

    Also, I don't get how you think Fox News is uh...reliable in any fashion sense of the word. They have told outright -lies- to people and also think it's appropriate to say things like 'terrorist fist jabs' and to report catastrophes, politics, etc in such a slanted point of view it is just nuts. Their motto of 'we report, you decide' is full of crap. Fox News is absolutely the worst news media out there and the only thing worse I could compare it to is by going to magazines like Enquirer or World Weekly News.

    The only news I really pay attention to is BBC, some CNN, Reuters, and other news that is from around the globe so I can research and try to get the most accurate news. Hell, the Daily Show has more news on it that is accurate and it's supposed to be a comedy show.

    The media can be very biased, despite trying to say they report neutrally. Also, Catholicism was hit not just because of the priests, but because it did -nothing- to report these people to the police so that charges could be assessed. That is very wrong. Do I think it should make the church go down though? No, but I do believe that criminals, whether in a religion or not, are punishable by the law. They should be held accountable and sitting in jail and not just 'let go' from the Catholic Church, or have the crime covered up.

    All of the candidates running for president have received a lot of bashing. McCain has hardly been touched though in comparison to what was done to both Hillary and Obama. He now gets it because more attention can be focused on him now that the Democrats are done with their war. And well, it's fair considering how badly people still bash Obama and Hillary, especially now that Hillary is out of the race.

    Celebs do get bothered a lot by the media which causes some to go nutty. The Enquirer is so full of lies and the paparazzi won't leave them alone so they can get pictures cheaply and make a great profit off it because celeb lifestyles sells on the stands. We get a very fictional view of what the reality is whenever we look at the idiocy in magazines. Some people really do have fantasies in their heads, such as the Queen Latifah thing and make it a reality by making the story 'real'. It's stupid but there are people out there that believe that any two people that hang out with each other anymore must be in a relationship, whether they are with someone of the opposite gender or the same gender anymore. Celebs have had to accept the lies and some anymore just laugh at it all.

    In the end, it sucks. Journalism has fallen considerably but then again, there have always been journalists that cater to certain things and bring out their biased opinions and try to present it as fact. They do need more finger pointings and accusations flung their way and as far as we are concerned, the best advice for getting the real news is to shop around and don't listen to just what one place tells you. We have the internet and it's a great resource to get news from.

    Also, if you think it's bad being Catholic, try being Atheist and Fox News and other stations interview Atheists just to put them down and say they believe in God there's nothing the person can do about it blah blah, when they should be interviewing the person's book or what they think. Also try understanding that Catholics have never been told that they shouldn't be considered American citizens by the president and having some medias agree. You have it easy, BaseSebastion.
  6. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    The press isn't always fair, but its because they're all lying greedy little *******s!
    They don't always put the truth inside, because it won't get much attention since the press need media attention
    They make up stories and sell them to unsuspecting people who believe the whole bullcrap story, then they accuse a certain thing (like a person, or a thing, or the internet) until they realize they've been fooled like idiots, realizing that the certain thing actually helped them, rather than trying to give crap to everyone else.

    Paparazzi is also a problem to celebs, But thats because they do it for money, they do things for the news and embarrass those certain celebs. Some also stretched the truth and editted a certain photo they took just to make celebs get embarass from something that isn't true or didn't even happen or any kind of that crap.

    Seriously, the people is getting dumber and dumber with all this lies, Unless someone does anything about it, alot more will believe their bullcrap and accuse crap of something that maybe a lie, never happened, or just plain crazy and actually realize the crap they've said with all the crap they believe. Sometimes i think how the heck do these people believe this lying crap.
  7. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    yes the mass media does tend to "trick" us with their filthy lies

    wich raises a more important question

    how much lies have we been fed , by the media, and how much more are they planning to....

    the answer is simple, like it or not, money overules thruth nowdays, lamentable but true.

    the media would go as far as lying and spouting off lies, just to get your attention.

    so we can simply deduce that they are just gonna continue with their lies at the expense of peoples morals, after all, its for the money.
  8. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It's called capitalism people. These news companies are out to make money, they do this by getting high ratings. They do that by having sensational news, true or otherwise. It is exactly the same with newspapers, the tabloids are notorious for bending the truth to make a story sound more interesting and if they are caught out they just blame an unnameable unreliable source.

    The only news I really trust is the BBC. It isn't out to make a profit (being funded by TV licence money) and I don't think I have ever really seen it affected by politic tampering.

    Although, even if the American government brought out a funded news organisation I wouldn't trust it. It is practically a commercial organisation in its own right xD

    Your best bet is to read around, if the story is the same (or at least, very similar) then it is probably true. Even then you should take it with a pinch of salt.
  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    do you know any specific incidents of these? because it's hard to believe any of this without evidence or citation. i've been wondering what makes Fox News unreliable for a while. i googled it, ALOT of people say it is inaccurate but no one is actually saying about any specific examples or anything so naturally i would be a little skeptical. i mean everything they reported actually happened so i dont' see how it is inaccurate. i also watch other news like CBS and NBC and it seems like the same thing to me, except the Fox News station where i live seems to focus more on local news. all 3 stations pretty much have the same news. even the online news matches up with the details with the other 3 news stations i mentioned.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    The simple answer to this is no. I dont mean to come across as a cynic, but all the press -media in general wants is to make money. They are going to be unfair or unjust as they feel they need to in order to make money. Imo, the press can never be fair. This goes in both ways of course. If they are unfair in my favor or not. But yeah, I dont think there would be any way. News is told from a point of view. That means opinion. Which is, no matter how good the opinion may be, the opposite of fact.
  11. Marluxia13579 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 13, 2008
    Sadly, no, the press is generally not objective or unbiased. Which I suppose is natural: human beings, in general, are not objective or unbiased. I think you can't really trust any media with an agenda fully, whether it be conservative or liberal. Propaganda is sadly rampant on both sides. It's really difficult to find anything in the media that's completely factual, without having some sort of agenda to force upon you.
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    This just in:


    Now, I hate Hil as much as the rest of sane-U.S.A, but come on, people! All it shows of her on the cover
    is that she's drinking out of a wine glass....OMG! A WINE GLASS!

    As for Bill cheating? Probable...I mean.....Hilary Clinton...0_o
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