For some reason I couldn't sleep again, this has happened 2 weeks ago. I would stay up all night if Im willing to stay up (only once a year, most likely in the summer) but now it has been to a point to where I can't fall asleep till 3 or 2 in the morning. I don't want to take sleeping pills because I know that will only make it worse but I don't know what else to do. I stopped drinking soda and eat at a late time for 2 weeks now and I still have this problem. I got school today and stayed up all night last night so I'll be acting like a zombie today, it is bad on my part because I have five 2 hour classes and Im not sure if I am able to survive today, I survived without falling asleep in class last time but Im not sure about it this time. In 3 hours I would be awake for 24 hours. I guess I have Insomnia or what ever is similar to that. EDIT: My parents are aware of my problem but nothing seems to work. I could go to bed at 9 and would still be awake at 3 in the morning.
As long as it's only sometimes, it's not bad. Also, if you're having trouble falling asleep, force yourself to. At 10:00 PM, turn everything off and just lay there with your eyes closed until you fall asleep.
If it's just a problem with your sleeping schedule getting messed up, it's nothing too serious. It happens to everyone. What you can try to do is no matter what time you manage to fall asleep, wake up early. I don't know when you usually wake up, but when I have to fix my inner clock, I set my alarm for 7am each morning, even on the weekend. After this, do not nap during the day. By late evening, you will probably be much more tired and ready to sleep. It could just be a phase your body's going through. I don't know how old you are, but sometimes during growth spurts, I've heard it can be more difficult to sleep. However, if this goes on much longer, and/or is really hindering your faculties throughout the day, I would go see your doctor.
Try to keep a semi-consistent sleep schedule. Go to bed around the same time every night, if possible, and wake up at an equally consistent hour. Also you've got to find what works for you, for example I can't sleep unless all the electronics in my room are unplugged, the lights are off, curtains closed, etc. Try to develop a before bed routine as well, like I'll turn my stuff off/unplug it, brush my teeth, then read for a little while. Other people find drinking warm milk helps (I can't because I'm lactose intolerant, hah). But no, definitely do not eat late at night. Not only can it make you gain weight, but your body will have trouble falling asleep (or sleeping soundly) if it's digesting what you just ate. If you really are starving and don't have a choice, eat something light. If the problem persists I would echo seeing a doctor, they might have better advice and/or remedies other than sleeping pills.
If it's constant, then you likely have some form of Insomnia, which can be detrimental for your ongoing health and growth. I can only recommend an attempt to exhaust yourself, in order to feel the need for sleep. The only thing I know is to do that, which gives a generally well received result, but it's all up to you in the end.
If this doesn't work (doesn't for me) play a handheld game while laying down in the dark, I know they same to play in a well lighten room, but every time I do this I start off feeling wide awake then I start to feel really sleepy, it's almost like a night-light, and if you have something that admits light when it's on power-save mode try keeping that one thing on, again something I do with my TV. This is why I think having TVs and computers in the bedroom is a good idea, for people who can't sleep in complete darkness, like myself
I stay up late a lot as well, and I will admit, it's affecting how I think and how fast my responses are. Just try to get on a regular sleeping pattern. Whatever helps you do that, do it. If you absolutely cannot fall asleep, go to another room and do something like read a book. Nothing like video games, it would just wake you up even more. What works for me usually simulates other people: Going on Skype on my phone and talking on there until I fall asleep. Like I said, whatever works for you, do it. If problems persist, I definitely recommend talking to your doctor about it. Don't go for sleeping pills too soon, either. I wish you luck! ~ Your friendly neighborhood medically-diagnosed insomniac.
I used to stay up to a rediculous amount of time, and I would actually have problems falling asleep too. But I made a scheduale that I would go to my room around 8-8:30PM, and by 10PM, I'd be laying in my bed getting ready to sleep, if not already trying to sleep. I always make sure there's no light, and if there is, I face away from it. Also, if you have a game system or something, you could always play that for a while. I don't know how it will work on you, but for me, when I play my DS in a dark room the light from the screen makes me more tired. So always by 11PM I'm with my eyes shut and sleeping. There are rare occasions where I'm just too distracted to pay attention to time, and I'm wide awake, but this usually works for me. You should see if you can make your own sleeping schedual and see if that helps. If not, do what everyone else says, and go see a doctor. Also, eating at night isn't the greatest thing. Sometimes i'll grab like a drink of milk, although I rarely do that now than I did before, or if we have soda i get that, since sugar makes me crash nearly immediately, but eating isn't good to do at night.