Is Satan actually evil?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Inasuma, Oct 1, 2006.

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  1. Tallian Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Darkness
    Allright. Your right. Everyone has their different beliefs.
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Thought everyone has their own belief's on if evil is TRULY evil, I believe evil in some ways is no better than the good of things...and sometimes evil is the only way...Just make sure you know that.
  3. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    Maybe evil is simply there not to be bad but to help, showing us our mistakes and forcing us to become better?
  4. sonicfan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 30, 2006
    Timeless river
    i think satan is evil because he tortures people in hell and was jealous of god.
    Heaven and hell do excist. there has been events like "staues of jesus crying blood". How can you expain that? coinsidence? i don't think so.
    Reading this whole thread also confuses me!!!!!!!!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Those statues "crying" blood are setups. People do those things all the time. With simple tools and objects you can do the same to a concrete wall. Often used in movies.

    This is intel, it's supposed to confuse you. =]
  6. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    i think we're all over thinking this. maybe the devil isn't evil but rather he's ebil. it would explain many things like why he has the bad reputation he has now.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I said keep it intel...that is considered spam no matter how on topic that seems.

    (Internet slang isn't welcome) D=
  8. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    i dont really know what internet slang is but my definition of ebil is when people think ur evil but your really not. ur always misunderstood and start becoming mischeivious but it doesn't help because still think of you as evil. that's what i think ebil is.
  9. no-reality_allowed ¢ℓαιяνσуαηт ℓσνєкιℓℓ

    cin is completely right on the fact that there is no definition of evil, but just defferent point of views....some people say that marilyn manson is the persona of evil and many say the USA is evil......its' all what you one is truly evil it would be basically impossible, many people i know even refer to me as evil because of my increadebly cruel personality.........and hades was not....wait is not evil....just think of him as doing his job to see that everyone go to hades.....and hades is layered with different areas, and he oversees it all...even the good part, so how could he be evil for one can say that satan is evil because they have not even been to hell......for all we could know hell is good and heaven could be bad......
  10. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Interesting theory, no-reality-allowed, HOWEVER, I totally disagree with your 'hell might actually be good and heaven be bad' thing.

    As a Christian, I believe Satan to be pure evil. Actually, cancel pure. Pure would be given the term of holy and clean evil that could never be traced and actually good.

    Evil is indeed is told and thought through the opinions of others, but what is in fact evil?

    To some people, evil is good. Some people believe it is a calling from God that it is their duty to do some evil. But please remember that I could go into a school right now, and light it on fire and say it was by the will of God. Now, that is just stupid. Seriously. To say that it is a calling of God to do harm to others is most likely not done by God but by your sinful self.

    To boost my term of Satan is evil, I quote from The Good News Bible, the book of Revelations, Chapter 2; Verse 10

    'Don't be arfaid of anything you ar eabout to suffer. Listen! The Devil will put you to the test by having som of you thrown into prison, and your troubles will last ten das. Be faithful to me, even if it means death, and I will give you life as your prize of victory.'

    While it does state that you should firm your belief in Christ for the future, it states that Satan will torment you and perhaps bring you to the brink of death. This is just one of the things that give you a brief hint of what Satan can do.
  11. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    prolly no. that's becuz he's just doing his job as a punisher. he prolly didn't even ask for that job. he MAY do evil things, but he prolly doesn't want to.
  12. no-reality_allowed ¢ℓαιяνσуαηт ℓσνєкιℓℓ

    well we could go on all day discussing this (we probably will)and never come to a conclusion except this: you should live your life the way your heart tells you to and believe what you really do believe in(unless you live in a communist country, then you cant, yay!:) )

    yes i know it sounds super corny but you know its the truth....oh yes you know......
  13. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Life??? We already have 'life.' To say 'Satan' would bring us to the brink of death is blasphomy. MANKIND created the bible, it is FLAWED. WE are the reason war and terrorism exists. Satan plays no "true" role in it, in my opinion. We are the ones who tempt ourselves with sinful thoughts. The bible was created in 400 B.C...what does that tell you? I said it once, and I'll say it again, the Bible IS a historical referance. The part about Noah's ark was an original story of a man in mesopotamia who thought he could create a boat to save himself from the floods of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in the farm land of the Fertile Crescent. And although I may seem off-topic, I am actually enlightening you about the true location and creation of the bible so you can see how truly you rely on it. That's ONE story that is false in the Bible. 'So how many can you possibly believe now?' you might ask. I have read the bible thoroughly, I know it front and back. I also know that this Noah's ark story is false because we have physical proof of it. Using RadioCarbon dating, scientist's have uncovered this. Go ahead, look it up for yourself.

    I find it interesting how people can EASILY believe in Satan, but find it SO hard to believe in God. So like I said, WE are the reasons we are brought to our deaths. Satan does not "torment" anyone. It is the weak minded beings who so seek purity. MUCH LIKE us humans, wouldn't you say?

    And btw, Purity is the right term. It can be used in negative cross positive. =P
  14. Tallian Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Darkness

    Heaven be bad and hell being good? Wow, that's kinda funny.:rolleyes: I highly doubt heaven could be bad or hell could be good. I mean, c'mon.

    Edit: And Darkwatch, your right, we do tempt ourselves with evil thoughs. But that is sin and Satan likes it when you try to confuse yourself or, in this case, tempt yourself. We ARE flawd due to sin. We are all flawed, but in my belief God cannot be flawed. He is the most purified existing thing in the entire universe. Also, in kinda insults me if you say I'm weak minded trying to search for purity. I don't wanna try to sin; I believe it's wrong. Purity is what we need. We don't need sin. Although some people believe that.
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well, I wasn't saying JUST you are weak. All humans are weak. We are delicate life forms, both mentally and physically. That's all I mean't. And some religious figures use this as an excuse for the reason why people get taken over by Lucifer. (Lucifer is one of the names of the Devil, incase you didn't know ^_^';))

    And I also agree, God is the perfect "being." Though some say Satan is, which In my opinion, Satan is the perfect Sinfilled being, while God is the perfect being, as in being purified. But now that you mention it, God may not be perfect...since perfection cannot be "absolute", due to the fact that Perfection differ's from person to person. ;)
  16. Tallian Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Darkness

    Allright. Yes, we are weak. But I believe God is perfect in the sense of everything. That's my view. According to the Bible he cannot sin and is perfect.
  17. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    If god never Sinned, then he would've never given us the free will that we have as beings. If God never sinned, then he never would've told Abraham to kill Isaac . See what I'm getting at? Nothing/no one can be perfect. Everything has some flaws in some way, even if it's the smallest, most insignificant way...Though I'm sure he isn't "perfection" I DO believe he is far more perfect in every way then us.
  18. Tallian Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Darkness
    He didn't tell Abraham to kill Issac. As I remember, DW, you said we tempt ourselves, right?rolleyes:
  19. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    This is different, Tallian. Before we were talking about how SATAN tempts us. I'm talking about a story in the bible. lol...Or maybe I got the story wrong. XD
  20. Mari Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    Bay Area
    I really don't think hes evil. God says hes good. Sure, he may have created us but he did give us rules to follow, which means not enjoying the lives were suppose to have. People say Satan is defined evil by the bible for going against gods will of following the rules. But Satanism is about living your life to the fullest and just do what you want to do until death becomes a part of you.
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