Is Obama Ready For Presidency?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Advent, Jul 20, 2008.


Is Barack Obama Ready to be President?

  1. Yes

    27 vote(s)
  2. No

    25 vote(s)
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  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    while experience isn't the determining factor it is NOT something you neglect either. experience is VERY important. also, even if Alaska has a small population, being Governor is a bigger deal than being a Senator ever will be. i feel as though Senators are the most out of touch politicians because ALL they really do is say "Pass, Fail, Present" on potential bills. and Barrack Obama says Present an ungodly amount of times which isn't going to bring about this "change" he keeps ranting about. governors, heck even mayors would be better suited for the job of President than a senator.

    as for the failing economy, it isn't a result of an "old style government" it's the result of "George W. Bush style government". the economy was doing just fine before George W. Bush, we can't really blame anyone else.

    anyways, i'm not voting this year. i dont' believe in either canididates enough, i was going to vote for Mc Cain to vote against Obama, but i decided against it because i dont' like Mc Cain either. Mc Cain and Palin is a LITTLE too right wing for my comfort, even though they ARE more experienced than Obama. Obama however, all he really does is blame crap on the government and says the word "change" like a billion times and that's all i've really heard from him and everyone's eating it up. he also promies WAAY too much stuff and it'd be a miracle if he fulfills even half the stuff he promised.

    anyways, in short, no to Obama, no to Mc Cain. they both suck.
  2. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Actually, no. But I think he's going to win either way because everyone hates Palin. XD I do like the things he's trying to do, but he hasn't been in government as long as most others, so he doesn't know exactly what to expect. Do I think he'll be horrible? No. Presidents have about 50 advisers and as long as he listens to them, so he'll be fine. That was one of what I think was Bush's biggest problems. He never took advise from his advisers and ended up making himself look like a total dumbass.
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i think Obama is going to win too. but the advisors thing, i think ANYONE can listen to advisors so that doesn't really sell me on anyone. and yes, Bush is pretty stupid. starting a war in Iraq was a bad idea, i don't believe for a second that it was started to stop these weapons of mass destruction. i mean, remember when the US was trying to pressure North Korea to disarm their KNOWN nukes? we didn't go to war against Korea but we did for Iraq for SUSPECTED nukes. i think there's probably some other reason there was a war in Iraq, probably oil, or something else that they're not telling us. and about Sarah Palin, i don't really like her either, she's WAAY too right wing, she's part of the NRA, she opposes gay marriage (so does Joe Biden btw, or at least according to BIden during the VP debate), but i think she IS more experienced than Obama.
  4. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    We can't invade North Korea, for a lot of very good reasons... fyi...

    Off-topic, sorry staff...

    The reason why we lost North Korea is because it's right next to the Chinese border, which is pretty damned close to their capital Beijing, anyone who invades North Korea is going to face against China afterward.

    We did invade North Korea at one point, the Chinese just drove us back to the South Korean border. They just surrounded us and shot at us till we were driven back there.

    China won't let us invade North Korea, it's their safety net. Bush actually, in my opinion was smart not going after Korea though he was eying it. I do disagree with the war, but it would cost us even more lives to go after that country, nuclear or not.

    Right now, we don't need experience, we need someone who actually knows what the hell is needed. I still strongly doubt Palin has as much experience as people say, I think Obama could pull us through this without a huger deficit that we have, or letting the banks CEO's trot away with more cash.

    I won't go into the banking industry, but the housing market was a ticking time bomb, everyone who was an economist warned everyone else about it.

    No one, including the banks, listened enough to save themselves or anyone else.

    There needs to be change, and right now, the only one who is offering it is Obama.
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    but i thought that China also pressured North Korea to disarm the nuclear weapons during that time (if i'm not mistaken and a LITTLE sorry to keep pushing this offtopic issue)?

    also, can you make it more clear as to why you would choose Obama rather than McCain? i'm unable to connect the dots here, i get that you want change but can you tell me why you think Obama is going to accomplish it? because both John Mc Cain AND Barrack Obama is offering change and i just really want to understand the reasoning for your choice better.
  6. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    China might have, but they're still not going to let go an invasion of North Korea, it'd kinda be a damper to their country.

    The thing is that Obama has at least a sense what the workers are going through. (Yes, I'm democrat.) This isn't something someone who grew up with a lot would understand. FDR who brought together the country during the last financial crisis of this scale appealed to the workers, the people who needed jobs and removed a lot of the government to people barriers that are being scaled back.

    Obama isn't probably at the level of FDR is at, and if I say otherwise at any time, you can smack me. But right now, it's not going to be a bunch of people who don't have a sense of understanding what the working class, the people who put food on the rich classes plates is going through. He also is getting people together who knows at least a little of what this country needs to get done to pull this economy through this crisis.

    Republicans are against Federalization in a massive scale, and I defiantly don't want this into a federalized country completely, but right now, we need at least some government support. And democrats, if anything else, offers that. McCain has been an ardent supporter of Bush, changing tactics every five seconds, and so far hasn't shown any appeal to the people who need it the most.

    Also, Evil... If you brush up on your American Government, most Senators create the laws for the President to look at. Or the House, it's rare for the President to do so, he can step in and encourage/discourage a bill, but not actually make one.
  7. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    That definitely isn't the case for Obama. McCain totally massacred Obama at the first presidential debate.

    Please, watch the first presidential debate. Go to a news website and watch it. Of course, a president doesn't need experience. You're right. But Obama doesn't have experience and his 'open-mindness' is fake. When he gets into office he'll be the same as any other President. I'd rather have someone who has experience and not open-mindness than a democratic candidate who has niether. Also, Sara, the economy wasn't destroyed by 'Bush'. He had a small part to do with it. You can thank our Congress for the financial crisis we're in. What I'm saying is facts and before somebody posts a disagreement with these words as quote in their post, check my facts. They're right.
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