Is marijuana bad for you?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by woodstockfootball26, Jan 22, 2013.


Is Weed bad for you?

Poll closed Apr 22, 2021.
  1. Yes

    20 vote(s)
  2. No

    6 vote(s)
  1. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    I think the illegal racing is kinda worse than weed, as weed will only f*** you up eventually, and racing on streets may end up killing some inocent bystander..
  2. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    Yea I never saw one when I watched and even when I was racing never experienced it. How ever during a highway battle I did happen to see some next gen crash it was pretty serious. was racing those guys too. It was a S2000 and I think an Eclipse GT I had my BMW M3 GTR and the S2000 tried to cut off a truck to pass the GT and the 2000 got clipped crashed into the GT, truck hit the passenger door, flipped the car over, and I speed off after that. At the time I was going with no NOS 158 so they must have been going at least 164 plus.
  3. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It's bad, but not as bad as some people would make you believe. It doesn't cause any direct fatalities, it isn't a gateway drug and it's hardly addicting (not in the way that nicotine is, for example). That being said, it certainly isn't healthy and huffing a weed/tobacco mix is actually worse than either of them separately...somehow.
  4. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    It's bad insomuch that your lungs simply aren't meant to tolerate contact with smoke. That is the only thing about it that can be directly tested to be bad as far as health concerns go; if you really feel the need to, you can buy a vaporizer apparatus for a virtually smoke-free experience. Additionally, if you're not responsible about it, it can interfere with your life, but the same can be said about video games, food, and even socializing with other people. Moderation and self-control are key. If you're an even moderately responsible person, you can smoke without having it ruin your life.
  5. Splodge Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 30, 2012
    The Second Dimension
    Will it is not as dangerous as other drugs, marijuana leads to depression, which can lead to other things such as self inflicting pain, if something is an illegal drug it one for a reason, the reason? It messes up your body. At least in my opinion.
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Well, yes, but only in cases where the person was predisposed to mental illness (at least that's what I've picked up in the articles I've read in passing). And as I said before, smoke just simply isn't good for your lungs. However, given that those are really the only two health concerns, I really think it should be a "do at your own discretion" kinda thing like alcohol. Freebase cocaine, methamphetamine, those things destroy the liver, strain the heart, and cause crippling physical addiction; I can understand why they're illegal. Cannabis is just so mild and practically harmless by comparison that its illicit substance status just seems to be overkill and waste of a lot of effort to me.
  7. Xalxe Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 11, 2012
    On the move
    i think its one of the worst things god put on this planet. it kille people, people loose a good chunk of there life span from it and its just plain stupid! i mean i dont say this to everyone but look how horrible people on this planet really are. on the news yesterday some teen did armed robbery and when the victim said she didnt have money he killed her baby! i mean thats truely heartless. the world is screwed up just like the dang drug!
  8. Hohenheim Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2013
    Never tried it, so I really can't say. (Even though I'm an avid smoker)

    I think that it's good, and bad for you at the same time. It really depends on the way that people see the marijuana.

    Some see it as a medicine, others see it as the leaf of the Devil, and others see it as "good stuff".
  9. Airi Ban King's Apprentice

    Jan 3, 2013
    probably something
    Somewhere in the sky
    It's bad and good depending on how it's used. It can be used medically for good or it can be overused or used in the wrong manner in which case it would be bad.
  10. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I went to a college that has a bit of a rep for substance use, but it's also one of the best colleges... possibly in the country, and in all my life I've scarcely met brighter people than I have there. What's more, speaking as someone with no desire to partake, all of my weed-smoking friends were courteous as can be about it; they'd even offer to open a window when they wanted to smoke, since most of them know the smoke irritates my stomach. I've never seen someone get violent or unstable on the drug, nor have I heard of such in all my years. And bearing in mind the allegations that people who do drugs lose intelligence and perform poorly in school... I, the sober kid, am the only one I know who dropped out.

    Marijuana is not a dangerous drug. Anyone who tells you so is most likely lying or ill-informed. Some of the people who use it are dangerous, but let's reserve the blame for their own idiocy and not foist it onto a poor little plant that just wants to help people kick back and unwind. Plenty of us could use that kind of de-stressor, and it'd be nice not to be thought of as a ne'er-do-well for it.
  11. Vagineer Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2013
    Yongen-Jaya, Japan
    Just like any other abused substance out there...
  12. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Weed is probably one of the healthiest things you can do, its been proven to fight cancer, and it is not an addictive substance. I'll admit that I smoke weed every once in a while and I have no problem against it what so ever. The only reason it is illegal in so many states of America is because it can be used as a substitute for cotton, and since America gets most of its money from cotton, they made weed illegal.
  13. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Although it is indeed a gateway drug I figured I might as well post this less known fact.

    As for fake weed, I only learned of its existence a few days ago when I watched this :
    Judging fromwhat they said here fake marijuana consumption has nothing to do with marijuana users wanting to "upgrade", it' s just that fake marijuana can weasel its way around regulations. Why the hell would you favor the fake one over the real deal otherwise, am I missing something ?
  14. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Essentially everything is bad for you in some way, but in comparison to a lot of things that are actually legal (Tobacco and Alcohol to name a few) weed is nearly harmless. Weed isn't as bad for your health or as addictive as tobacco and can even be used for medical purposes, and it's also natural and not something synthesized or manufactured like a lot of popular drugs today such as Molly or MDMA or Ecstacy or whatever name you call it. It doesn't lower inhibition and coordination in the same way as alcohol so it doesn't really effect driving as much either and judgement as much either.

    As for "fake weed" which is commonly referred to is K2, among other names, it's actually a bit worse for you than the actual plant because it's synthesized chemically. It was actually made by some university scientists for medical use but it just doesn't have the exact same properties as the natural stuff so it's illegal in a lot of places now, though I know it's still Legal in North Carolina.

    The only real argument people have against weed is it's a gateway drug, and that's only because the media and school systems spread the idea that weed is just as bad is crack, coke, heroine, acid, etc. when it really isn't. So when people try weed and it's not bad their like "Well **** all those other drugs must not be that bad either" and thus the slippery slope of drug abuse begins.[DOUBLEPOST=1371408165][/DOUBLEPOST]

    That's not the only reason it's illegal. One reason was that weed was said to make white women want to be with black men, I **** you not. Racism had a fair part in weed's current legal state.
  15. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    The statistics of "being a gateway drug" is debatable, sure today a lot of people who uses other kinds of drugs used marijuana before, but that is because it is illegal, so to get marijuana you have to go to the same place you get crack or whatever.

    But one could say 100% of crack users were before "milk drinkers" so does that mean that milk will make you a drug user?

    As for organic X synthetic , people have a huge misconception that "organic is better", that is not true, in reality most "organic things" have some degree of bad effects, as the plant wasn't at first "wanting" you to kill it, some plants co-evolve with some animals and it becomes safe for this animal to eat it, but not another.. just look at Chocolate is good for us, but kill our dogs , because dogs didn't evolve to eat cacao, but this shows that cacao has lethal chemicals is only that we are able to get rid of those.

    The synthetics chemicals are prone to be better than natural ones, only that they have to be tested before consumation, the only advantage of "organics" is that we have been eating it for thousands of years so we are adapt to their poisons.
  16. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007

    In most cases, no. Weed dealers don't really ever sell crack, at least not while selling weed. Some dealers may move up to selling more lucrative product (Crack is a hell of a lot more expensive than weed) but most people selling weed are selling weed because it's easier to get, costs less to get your hands on and depending on how much you're caught with you may not get in much trouble at all while something like crack will get you in a much deeper hole much quicker, and a lot more people die over drug deals involving the harder drugs such as crack, meth and so forth because 1) they're much more addictive causing people to go to more desperate measures to get their hands on them and 2) because they're much more expensive meaning you can turn a bigger profit.
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    For people saying there are little to no harmful effects, please re read over the thread.

    Addiction, higher chance of developing mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression, degradation of memory, and other life altering effects to me tells me a skewered idea of marijuana by both users and those who oppose it.
  18. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    I think most people agree that marijuana does have harmful effects but they're similar to the drugs that are already legal and it also offers its fair share of benefits so why prohibit it?

    There's nothing like nicotine in marijuana so your body doesn't necessarily crave it like it would if you smoked cigarettes. Becoming addicted to marijuana is like becoming addicted to any other thing that isn't inherently addictive like exercising, sugar or alcohol for example. There's nothing there that causes cravings but you like the effect that it brings so much that being without it feels weird.

    Where was this said? Too lazy to look in the thread. If it wasn't said here, could you link to where you read it?

    Same thing can be said for alcohol. I agree that it's an issue but like alcohol, you'd either have to ingest copious amounts of weed or be constantly smoking for memory loss to become a problem. And like alcohol, weed should be used in moderation to prevent effects like this from happening.
  19. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    I voted no, but really it's yes and no. Anything in excess is bad for you and marijuana is no different. It's definitely not as destructive to your body as other drugs and not as immediately destructive as cigarettes. In moderation, weed use wouldn't necessarily be healthy but it wouldn't be that detrimental to your health either. I don't crave marijuana. You may have a moment where you're like, "I wanna get high." But it's nowhere near the way people get behind harder drugs. Hell, it's not as bad as people get behind cigarettes during a nicotine fit.
  20. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    In other words correlation is not causation, Sure, except we do have ideas about the causal links involved here, as opposed to milk consumption.

    There' s the fact that you grow used to it, insert long brain chemistry explanation here, you have to ingest higher and higher amounts to feel as strong an effect as before. If you get highly addicted you might be tempted to cut the crap and "upgrade" to something that can send you in la-la land more quickly.

    There' s also the fact that trying out one recreational drug will raise your curiosity about the others. If you tried vanilla ice cream and loved it you' re likelier to want to try chocolate ice cream than a guy who never ate ice cream at all.

    As for going to the same place to get marijuana and harder drugs I suppose it can happen, but speaking from personal experience 99% of all the cannabis dealers I' ve ever met weren' t selling anything else.

    That being said, I agree that there are so many factors involved that I' m a little iffy on sticking the gateway label on one recreational drug in and of itself. Those statistics just show the current trend, not the golden rule.