You say you want a hamster, but what you really want is this: [video=youtube;zddNAq8-kPA][/video]
Hamsters and dogs are evil bishes, Go with a fox / cat..something exotic or fun, Or just.. "Out there" :33
I agree with Maki, get a cat. Hamsters are vicious creatures, and they will start eating each other if left alone long enough.
Because foxes are the go to pet this season. The only fox that has been domesticated is the domesticated silver fox and pretty much went the way of the Soviet Union. But the common red fox would probably require a permit to own. But back to the original question, no. I wouldn't think any less of you for getting a hamster.
What's so great about a cat if all they do is go outside, hide in house or get run over? Also lol at the thread change.
I had a Gecko. His name was Newt. He died of starvation. I say go with a hampster. It's fun to squeeze them. They poop and their eyes bug out.