Is it possible to live a life without saying something bad?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Tahno, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Da Freak Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 5, 2006
    up your blarg
    Actually yes( I'm serious about this) people who are deaf can't hear a thing and thus they are protected from hearing and saying profanity.
  2. 7th Key of the Kingdom Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 29, 2008
    The good old US of A
    It's pretty possible.

    Just not likely to happen in many places.
    But yeah, the mute and the deaf are the least likely to.
  3. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    You do have a point. But what if they end up reading something, and then they have it stored up in their head. What if that thing they just read is profanity?
  4. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    If your religion prevents you from saying profanity(eg muslim or buddisim), then try using an alternative word instead

    EDIT: But then again, since s** is a part of nature, it really doesnt mean anything wrong...

    OOPS i posted in a dead thread :(
  5. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    I think that at some point in time everyone has said at least one profane word. The intension may not have been there, but ppl do it.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I don't swear at all, but I know the words because I hear it all the time around school... Maybe it's possible if the person really knows how to watch what they say.
  7. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Like buddihists (and to a certain extent, muslims) they have to be very disiplined to watch what you say. But if you are driven to a point where you're anger is about to burst or you did something really bad, they are forced to let spill their anger let it be by profanity, or violence
  8. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    I don't believe in any word to be "vulger".
    So yes, I do believe it to be possible.
  9. -axel Moogle Assistant

    Aug 30, 2008
    Its possible. Though its very hard to avoid...
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Basic Buddhism doesn't prevent 'swearing'. Swear words are only such because they offend some people. In old times there were actual 'curses' people would say that would use gods' names such as 'Zeus damn you' etc and with Christianity and Islam etc too. That is what 'curse words' actually meant initially.

    Crass words such as the alternates for crap, sex, etc ..these were just words that became worse because some people were so offended by them. They aren't really curse words at all but 'disgusting' words to some because they talk about body functions or parts. You can say 'sex' but can't say the F word. You can say 'boob' but can't say 'tit'. You can say crap but not the S word etc. It makes really no sense in the end.

    What Buddhism does teach is how to use 'right speech' for the 'right time'. If I were walking down the street talking to some people that cuss a lot, I may too do that. If I'm at school, I probably won't much at all. If I'm around little kids, I will not say crass words around them. If I'm in a business meeting, I probably won't either. If I'm at home and stub my toe, oh yeah, I'm saying some good crass words. If someone upsets or angers me, yes, I may some some crass words. Why? Because they are exclamation words. Since some people find them offensive, I try to curb my tongue in their audience and it isn't that hard. However, I am pretty much a Buddhist-Atheist and have been for years and there simply really is no rule against using 'profane' language. It's more about molding yourself to be right in the right place you are. Centering yourself and gaining control of your life so that you don't just do things that are 'wrong' habitually when you know they are.

    This kind of goes along with right thought. If you can think calmly you will speak calmly. You can work on your presentation to others and work on how you feel about yourself too. I hope this makes sense because Buddhism in the west is greatly misunderstood. To a Buddhist, if you are yelling, out of control, raging etc, it doesn't matter if you use non-crass words. You are still avoiding the issue of inner peace.
  11. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I sorta get it now...
  12. ~Misa-Chan~ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 16, 2007
    I want to goo zee moon :O *points at moon*
    397 is possible..but sometimes when it comes to swearing it's sometimes difficult to avoid it
  13. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Well, this is my opinion. It's really hard to not cuss unless the country you live in never cusses at all.
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I dont know,unless your deaf or cant speak.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    You guys keep bringing up the deaf. I have news for you that deaf people know how to cuss just fine. Some can also speak out words and have conversations with people despite the fact they cannot hear. Also, they can still certainly gesture and in ASL (American Sign Language) there are signs for the cuss words too. xD
  16. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A