No you should all perish in the fires of hell. I don't like Zelda games. Is it bad? Probably not. But I'm sure someone will say otherwise.
Basically the same thing here. It is good, but I'm not a big follower. I think it is hype. Zelda and Final Fantasy are both great series. But the fan bases make you think they are one step short of being the definition of perfection, and they aren't that good.
Me neither, well I sort of finished Dissidia, well I remember fighting Chaos but I don't think that was the end. Btw, I love your signature, I would kill to be able to play Portal 2 right now :/8D:
You're all pathetic. ...I've only beaten Tactics and 13 >> LoZ, aside from the handheld games, Windwaker, OoT, MM...I think that's it actually.
Controversial gaming confessions? The only Final Fantasy games I've beaten are all the ones in the FFVII chronicle thingy. I usually stop at the end boss either from getting annihilated too many times or the game just starts getting less boring. FFVI is my least favorite of all the games, I pretty much instantly stopped playing it because I disliked the battle system so much. I've tried on several occasions to get into Zelda, I've played OoT, WW and TP. TP is the only one I actually enjoyed enough to bother playing it for a decent amount of time. I've given OoT three chances because people say it's so amazing, by the time I get to the castle I'm so bored I don't know what to do. The most enjoyment I had out of the game was when I spent two hours just listening to the music in the windmill thing or whatchamacallit. I thought both Eternal Sonata and White Knight Chronicles were good games on their own merits. There has not been a good KH game since the original one, BBS was just a broken game. I could go on and on, but you get the point c:
Oh no, it wasn't. You play as all the other FF characters too. In Shade Impulse, though. Shade Impulse was the only good part of Dissidia, as the other "pre-Impulse" stories were horribly short, and boring.
This thread makes me feel like the odd one for having finished the majority of both the mainstream FF games and Zelda games >>
I have... Final Fantasy 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 ...and I have only beaten 10,12 and 13 :lolface: half are emulators lol and others I just havent had time to get to yet...but I am either half way through or at the very end of.