IS: Infinite Stratos AniDB: IS: Infinite Stratos Official Website: IS: Infinite Stratos Genre: Action, Comedy, Harem, Mecha, Novel, School Life, SciFi, Seinen Description: Did anyone watch the first episode? Is it worth following?
This. I was hoping it isn't, but noooo. It's another typical high school anime with mechs controlled by girls.
I honestly think that the series has some potential and it looks like it'll be a fun watch so I'll be sticking with it. I've always had a soft spot for harem anime just as long as they don't turn into a show that will only focus on boobs, panties and fanservice.
I like how all the different relationships are developing :P It makes you think... who will he really end up with if anybody. Further more, it's an interesting plot certainly. I am a fan of Chifuya-nee as well... I love her attitude to everything :P