Is Homosexual and Bisexuality a sin/bad?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by jrock907, Jun 4, 2008.


What do you think about bi and homosexuality?

  1. put them all on an island on the other side of the world

    2 vote(s)
  2. its ok. and I think its cool. they r your ticket to all the parties

    35 vote(s)
  3. im cool with it but I don't think its right...

    20 vote(s)
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  1. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006

    homosexuality cant be a sin...its love...yes its unconvertional but its still love

    and sometimes stronger love than that of a stright couple...and sometimes not
  2. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    In the eyes of many religions it is. I'm not saying I agree, but if this is a question about how religions address homosexuality, then yes, it is a sin.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I'm sorry to disagree here but homosexuality was condemned in the Old Testament a few times and also in the New Testament, Jesus does say to stand by the Old Testament laws. There is nothing that shows -at all- that the Old Testament did not say clearly what it does.

    As a Christian you must make a choice whether you go by the Bible or not there. There are no ands, ifs, or buts about it and it is -very- clearly said in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. So, saying that, a Christian can choose to disregard it as a thing of the 'times' but doubting it's in there is just not right.
  4. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    I don't get why so many people are against it.
    It's just like what the blacks went through, only more civilized.
    (By the way, i'm not talking about the physical **** too much, even though it STILL happens on a way smaller degree)
    As far as the "sin" part goes, i'm not religious, so I wouldn't know. But even if it is, think of it like this:
    If GOD(s) created all people,and he LOVES all people, why is it "wrong" to be gay/bi. You would be more likley to go to hell if you don't accept it, from where I stand.
  5. Serbkiller Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2008
    Reminds me of the concept of eternal sin.
  6. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    I'd like to know this: WHY? Why does your God think that it's not a good lifestyle? It harms no one, and if harms anyone, it's the people involved, not anyone else.

    Also, you're picking and choosing Bible verses. You have one from Leviticus. Do you even KNOW what's in Leviticus? If we took its laws as truth, we'd be stoning every person in Western society!

    Also, not giving in to feelings of love (consensually. I do not condone rape) is basically lying to oneself, which is never healthy.

    Yes, if someone born with a predisposition to be violent (is that even possible?) should not give in to their emotions. Why? Because it gives them more chance to harm others.

    That's the problem with that analogy. One is harmless to everyone uninvolved, while the other can be very dangerous to everyone.
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    And why is that this one verse from Leviticus is the one everyone knows and is the one everyone uses for an argument against homosexuality? I mean, if you're going to follow this passage you should follow the rest of them on the page and in that book as well. I feel like I'm repeating myself here since I've ranted and raved about Leviticus 18:22 time and again since it seems to the the ONLY one that I keep coming across on this forum.

    On that same page where this verse comes from it tells us that we cannot eat shellfish. But you don't see protesters at Red Lobster with all you can eat shrimp now do we? Also on that page it tells us that we should burn a bull because the scent is pleasing to God. Anyone that objects can be stoned at leisure. Leviticus also tells us that a woman is unclean during her menstruation, and should not enter a church for a 30 day period afterwards and that anything she touched during her menstruation should be burned/cleansed for a 30 days period.

    Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

    So what I want to know is why the fascination of Leviticus 18:22?


    Also 'I don't have anything against homosexuals but don't agree with what they do' is kind of oxymoronic.
  8. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Do you REALLY want to use Leviticus? I'll quote some Bible verses as well. From the same book.

    Rules about women's *ahem* "time of the month."

    15:19 And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.
    15:20 And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean.
    15:21 And whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
    15:22 And whosoever toucheth any thing that she sat upon shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
    15:23 And if it be on her bed, or on any thing whereon she sitteth, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the even.
    15:24 And if any man lie with her at all, and her flowers be upon him, he shall be unclean seven days; and all the bed whereon he lieth shall be unclean.

    Slavery? No problem!

    25:44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

    Seafood patrons are going to Hell!

    1:10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
    11:11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
    11:12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

    Those that have blemishes and other stuff? Don't come to church!

    21:17 Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God.
    YouTube: The 2-verse Christian Test
    21:18 For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,
    21:19 Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,
    21:20 Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
    21:21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

    So, why do you pick the Bible verses to follow? You're cherry picking. Follow one law, you must follow them all.

    EDIT: Curses, LF beat me to it.
  9. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    ... Um... Periods and commas are our friends... Translation: That sentence is very hard to comprehend, as the grammar is so messed up.

    Wait, do you really think it's okay to have slaves because it says you can in the Bible? And by making slavery illegal, it's breaking the rules of the Bible?

    The Bible is not the moral guideline for everyone. We do not follow everything in the Bible mostly because we realize that some things condoned in the Bible are morally wrong. Such as slavery. Also, not everyone's Christian, so... yeah.
  10. saix23 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 12, 2008
    Watching the moon
    I honestly don't think it matters what sex you love. Love is love, it hits you hard, and in mysterious ways. Who cares if you like the same sex as you? Technically to Catholics like myself it IS a sin, but there are much worse sins then something as small as that. Plus in the Catholic religion God forgives everything so even if your that hardcore of a Catholic, God forgives anyway. In my oppinion I see nothing wrong with Homo or Bi sexuality, in fact I'd encourage it to people who arent sure about their sexuality. As long as love is spread thats fine by me. Rock on.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    There are a few quotes against homosexuality in the Bible. To deny they exist is silly to me. However, at the same time there are a lot of other quotes against everything else too.

    However, because there are so many things that can be considered sins, this is the reason Jesus died on the cross, right? To give people some form of redemption by asking for forgiveness. Now, I don't really believe in Christianity and don't feel homosexuals should be 'sorry' for sinning, let alone I don't believe in 'sins', but at the same time, it is apparent that 'any' sin can be forgiven in the eyes of the Lord. People still are in punishment over the 'Original Sin' and can be forgiven for that too. So, I'd think homosexuality is something we should not judge either and if a Christian is homosexual, that's his/her choice. If the person isn't Christian, well, they aren't held to the same constraints.

    Marriage existed before Christianity. Homosexuality also did, easily. Christianity, to me, shouldn't have a say on who can get married because of that fact alone. All marriages are not done through Christian services. All marriages, whether in a church, synagogue, out on the street, etc, must be cleared by the court. Therefore, Christians have a say in deciding that no homosexuals can marry in their churches, but really, they should have no say whatsoever whether homosexuals can get married via any other way because in the end, they don't have jurisdiction over it. This is one of the reasons there is separation of Church vs State. And I really do not for the life of me understand why -some- Christians feel they have the power to say what others who are Christian or not Christian can do with their lives. It has no affect on them at all.

    What if Steve and Jay live next door and are married? What does that do to Jill and Mike next door? Nothing really unless Mike and Jill want to be up in Steve and Jay's business. Both couples decided to spend their lives together, grow old together, tolerate each other through times of hardship and joy. The only reason that Jill and Mike have a problem is the way she and he were raised, to have intolerance to something different that has gone on for longer than religion was probably thought of. Steve and Jay just want to live their lives and really they aren't harming anyone at all other than say existing because some people still choose to be in denial that it is going to happen. The Christians who are against gay marriage and gay relationships simply hurt -themselves-. It's not the gay people's fault for it. It's self-inflicted wounds. I'm straight and really, I think that if two people are happy together, let them be. They aren't doing anything that harms me in any way. There's a point when people are too sensitive to stuff that doesn't pertain to them and I don't believe people should just be given what they want because it is upsetting them.

    If any sin can be forgiven and you should not be judging your fellow man/woman, then really, I don't see why there's a debate. In Christianity the cure is to not judge others and let God take care of it. If you believe it to be a sin and it is so wrong and all, don't do it. For those who accept it, they know that apparently nearly -any- sin can be forgiven so that's the way to accept it. For those of us who aren't Christian or of the monotheistic faiths which label it as an evil act, well, we don't have so much in our way to say it is something to banish or not. For us, it's either legit and has been there all along or we just think it too gross to let go on. For me, I don't consider homosexuality near the levels of disgust as I do something like bestiality or child molestation/rape. Homosexuality doesn't cause more diseases or a pattern of doing 'more deviant acts' than anything else done. It is between two consenting people. The only difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality is there are two people of the same gender involved instead of a man and a woman. Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by people having sex with various partners and someone is infected and oops. There are promiscuous heterosexuals and homosexuals that do not employ safe sex, so those people are responsible. I just am not seeing why it is a real problem in the end for two people to be together. The sin is in the Bible a couple/few times, yes. But so is the redemption and so is the part of not judging others and letting God do his job. Homosexuality is only hurting people because they make it hurt them.

    On another final note, homosexuality has been around a long time. With it out in the open, cheating and deceptions, false marriages to cover up lives etc, has been dwindling. People are getting with who they -want- to and so less people have to suffer through being used or lied to. So which is a worse sin? Cheating on your spouse and lying about devotion or gay relationships and gay marriage? At least one is out front and honest. This is why I am totally for gay marriage and homosexual relations being out in the open. Everyone then can -know- how someone is and that person can do what he/she wishes without condemnation and no one but people who stick their noses into others' lives is going to be hurt by it. Nosy people get told to butt out of other things not their business. I think the same should apply here.
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    lets see firstly.

    the women's period thing.

    the reason why they choose those rules.

    it was because the women, didnt have the necesary things(like tampons ect.)

    of course they would be unclean, spilling blood all over everything.

    seafood , no comment, you can eat anything you want really, but it is wiser to not eat the things they mention, because out of the animals, the most impurest were allowed to be eaten, but in reality we shouldnt need to eat meat at all, just some is less harmful than others.

    and as for the blemishes thing.

    in ancient times, the people went and served offerings, it was required not to go with things like blemishes, because the sacrifice meant purity.

    and as for the reason there is no need for sacrifices, there was one last sacrifice, at wich time the wine colored rag in the temple got broken(or something similar)

    meaning that the ceremonial laws such as the ones you mentioned were no longer needed.

    EDIT: the veil being broken is in s.matthew 27:51
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