Is Homosexual and Bisexuality a sin/bad?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by jrock907, Jun 4, 2008.


What do you think about bi and homosexuality?

  1. put them all on an island on the other side of the world

    2 vote(s)
  2. its ok. and I think its cool. they r your ticket to all the parties

    35 vote(s)
  3. im cool with it but I don't think its right...

    20 vote(s)
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  1. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    Homosexual is a sin. but that doesnt mean its wrong. People should accept people for who they are, a bunch of churches are wrong to say Gay is not the way to go. Some people will never change their views on gays, but I believe that all these people who are Homophobes should be more open minded. It is possible to be Gay and a christian unlike these stupid people that say other wise
  2. Imiko Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 5, 2008

    I would be mad as well. Or what if, since theses guys were the ones who translated it, what if they changed what ever they wanted to change and made the Bible today Inaccurate? How can anyone trust such a thing? But that's not the point, yeah, I think it isn't a sin because you cannot trust what the Bible says in the first place. Who knows what's been changed and manipulated over the years.
  3. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    and a catholic so if this next statment offendes im sorry

    but i think God created why creat homosexuality?...i mean its not exatly free will one wants to be flamed by the rest of the world...

    but its not like im not happy xD
  4. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    I honestly couldnt care if someone was gay or not. 90% of y friends are either gay or bi, it really doesn't affect me at all. I hang out with them, they go to my bars with me, I hit up their bars with them, im completely straight, and have no interest in same sex personally. I think it all boils down to one simple word. RESPECT. I RESPECT my friends, and make a genuine effort to be a part of their lives, therefore I do things they like to do, I go to the parades, I go to the bars, all in support of them, they all know I'm not gay, and they don't try to make moves on me. I don't try to turn them straight either. the problem religion, in my opinion has is the lack of respect for what it doesn't understand. I think if the gay activists and religious leaders sat down, had lunch together and civally talked to one another, the world would become a hell of a lot more peaceful. I'm not saying the hatred is coming only from one side. I think BOTH groups need to change.

    sorry for the mini-rant.
  5. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    No, homosexuality and bisexuality are not bad. It may be a sin, but it just really isn't bad. I'm completely straight (besides being a yaoi fangirl :3) and I have nothing against gays or all. People shouldn't hate others for having different sexual's not right. Lighten up, people.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Today in history: Bill Clinton passes a law allowing Gay men and Women to join the army under prefferances "don't ask, don't tell, don't persue." Which means don't ask if anyone is gay, don't tell anyone you are Gay if you are, and don't pursue your fellow troops of the same sex in the bunker.

    To be honest, the only problem there is when a Gay soldier may loose blood on the battlefield, and it's still wet when an open wound touches it, there might be a chance of the other wounded soldier of contracting AIDs. But since not all gay people have AIDs, it's not extremly likely.

    So, if you really think about it, Gays, Bis, and and Lesbians fight for our freedom to. that's a different story...0o..
  7. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Well, in the bible, there are two verses going against homosexuality.
    This verse is taken from Romans 1:26 and 27 of the King James version of the bible.

    And this one is taken from Leviticus 18:22.

    So, basically, according to the bible homosexuality is bad. And yet most of society accepts it even though it's mostly a taboo... So, yes it's a sin against God and the bible, but most of society doesn't think of it as bad. It's up to you to decide which you want to agree with; Society or the Bible. As for me, I have to side with the bible.
  8. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i dont' know, i always wondered about stuff God didn't want us to do. i always wondered, if He didn't want us to do this, why did he make it possible to do the stuff? my reasoning is that if it's possible, then it's ok, if not, then that's what is not ok for us to do? but then again, murder is not ok and it is possible so yea, i dont' know. i also am not christian or anything, so i dont' know much about the Bible. i tried reading it once to see what it is about but it was kinda boring.
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol, Leviticus also stating that children should be killed if they disrespect their parents and that it is forbidden to wear clothing made from two different materials. Very suspect.

    Also, most Christians go so far as to ignore most of the Old Testament because of its sheer ludicracy. They take it "metaphorically", saying that the New Testament and specifically the teachings of Jesus to be the true word of God.

    Really, a peice of writing is only as sound and valid as its author(s), and considering that little is known about the original authors, and a lot of what they had originally written may have been ignored or even purposefully changed over the years takes a lot of validity out of it.

    Also, how can something God him/herself created (debatable, but not here) be a sin? It has been proven that homosexuality is pre-determined at birth meaning that God is the creating gay people lol
  10. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Yes, because only gay men can have AIDS and they don't do AIDS screening in the army. *facepalm*

    I can tell you straight, you are probably breaking at least two laws in the Bible without even realizing it. The Bible is full of laws that we would now consider hateful, racist, religiously intolerant and sexist. But, of course, that's mostly in the Old Testament (except sexism. I think Paul was very sexist. Or was it John?).

    Also, the Bible=a book of good and horrible myths, and good and horrible morals, to me. And to many others. Taking the Bible literally is never good. However, one cannot figure out which laws to accept and which to throw away as old fashioned.
  11. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    That is true. Most things have changed over time and most laws in the bible don't and shouldn't apply to our everyday life now in 2008.

    And I ultimately agree that maybe taking it too literally isn't good...but most things that are morally correct should be done, in my opinion. And yes, some things are hard to know what to follow etc. But somethings should be obvious. And also, there is a verse in the bible saying men shouldn't wear women's clothing and vice versa...most christian females wear only skirts instead of pants and shorts and capris...but most of our females who aren't christians wear pants and such which is first a man's clothing...would you think that since times have changed that this rule should apply to our generation now?

    Yes, your right that most of the things in the old testament is ludacris, but I'm not sure about the homosexual part being from birth. I think it's a person's decision to be straight or gay. They train they're mind to be attracted only to males or females or be trained by parents that homosexuality is good or bad.

    I just really don't think it has to do with genetics.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Umm, it has been proven by a scientific study using brain scans of straight and gay men and woman to show that they had different brain structures which could only have been formed in the womb. I posted the article myself >_>
  13. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Of course the rule shouldn't apply anymore. In fact, I don't think it should apply at ANY time! Slavery was still amoral in the 1850's. The majority does not have a say in what's right or wrong. Nor the minority. Not even a holy book. It is logic. If something goes altruism (before the group/someone else before yourself) it's most likely wrong.

    And MOST girls in our society wear pants. It doesn't matter if they're Christian or not. In our society, girls with pants is perfectly fine.

    Skirts aren't especially for Christians, especially if they're nice and short.
  14. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Just think of those of us who were obligated to read it for graded assignments. lol.

    Anyway, Leviticus is all well and good. But the problem is that people only argue with the one verse being 18:22. They don't think of the ones that tell them that we can't eat shellfish, sell our children into slavery, or take ownership of our neighbors from other nations.

    If we follow 18:22 so dilligently by reminding homosexuals/bisexuals that it's an abomination. Should we burn down the Red Lobsters and stone Brett Favre for handling a ball made from a dead pig? Should we burn our clothing made of mixed fibers? Should be burn crops because corn is planted next to potatoes?

    But of course, Christians like to pick and choose their laws as they see fit.
  15. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Over the years, people had changed parts of the bible... I assume they also took off the part where being a homosexual or a bisexual was ok...
  16. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    *Also meant to quote post number 71!*

    I said the chances weren't likely! Give me a little cred for supporting Gays here! Since I'm both homophobic by nature and a Sound and Proud Catholic, everybody's lucky I'm not ranting about something I'm not but understand. I am well aware straight people can contract the same disease, so, like I said before, the only problem is null and void anyway.

    And as for the Bible being boring and maybe debateable....I've always kept it in mindsight the Bible is in fact written by man, inspired by God. But then again, anybody can say they were inspired by God. Yeah, a dude could take a kid's ice cream cone and say God inspired him to do it. Human beings are fickle things when we have no comprehension. And I almost forgot about the boring part: Boring? meh....a little. I read through half of the New Testement not so long ago, and I didn't find it so boring. And there's a few good moral storys in the Old and New testments as well, if you find the right bible edition and read the right parts and all.

    But even the bible has been changed numerous times by numerous people. John or Paul might not have been as "sexist" as anyone thinks, due to the fact the Bible has been translated, changed entirely by corrupt people, and the fact nobody's quite sure what was the original text.
  17. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Well, according to the bible, it's a sin to be bisexual... However, despite the fact I am Christain, I see no problem with it... You can't really help who you fall in love with, right?
  18. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Technically it's a sin because it's in the Bible, but not everyone is perfect.
    And if I was gay or bi, I'd rather be with the one I love instead being with something I can't stand or lone with the rest of my life.

    Some of my friends are gay or bi and it doesn't bother me, as long as they are happy.
  19. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    BaseSebastian im going to point somthing really ironic out to you

    stright people have (now please note this next word because it might shock you) JUST as much of a chance getting AIDs and ANYONE ELSE!

    but then again people seem to forget that FACT alot when it comes to homosexuality


    oh yea and about the whole "dont ask dont tell" funny...because if any soilder even is suspected of being a homosexual there sent home much for secrest
  20. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    First off, the Bible does NOT condemm being Bisexual or Gay ....

    The Bible was written in Origional Hebrew; and after being "Translated" over 100 times , and into modern language ; MANY of the phrases and words are taken out of context and do not mean what they were thought to have meant something else .....

    Also; we need to consider that the Bible was written for a different time .... age of history .... and so much of it does not apply to us in this day and age ....
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