Is Homosexual and Bisexuality a sin/bad?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by jrock907, Jun 4, 2008.


What do you think about bi and homosexuality?

  1. put them all on an island on the other side of the world

    2 vote(s)
  2. its ok. and I think its cool. they r your ticket to all the parties

    35 vote(s)
  3. im cool with it but I don't think its right...

    20 vote(s)
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  1. jrock907 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 26, 2008
    I was wondering what alot of you thought about this Idea. I think that it isnt a sin but many people still don't like it because "its not normal" or its against their religion. what do you think?
  2. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Ummm... You're missing an option.

    According to those options, you either hate them, exploit them, or just don't think it's right.

    Where is the "I have no problem with it" option?
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Yeah, your poll is lacking. lol Like Mirai said.

    As to be more in depth with my answer, it's simple: I don't mind. If you're gay, that's fine. I really don't care. It's not any different than being straight except you like the same sex. *shrugs* What's so horrible about that? It is a part of nature.

    It's not a sin, simply because I don't view actions as sinful or not. I know many gay/lesbian individuals who are completely normal individuals. I don't get it out people rave about it being so wrong and so "Unnatural" when there is no innate human flaw in them. The fact is, we are all organisms of nature. It doesn't matter what option we take because it will always be a path of nature, and nothing less. And that goes for all decisions and actions.
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I am bi so I say 'party on!' XD Who the f*** thinks it's a sin?! And why?! Well, I kinda know the answers to those since my aunt and uncle are homophobes >.<
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Seriously, to say all Catholics are religious nitwits
    is wrong.
    I'm Catholic and I'm alright with it.

    Even though Laurence_Fox will say otherwise:
    I think they are people with just as much
    righ to be somewhere as you.

    I'm straight.
    I have Homophobia.
    I'm Catholic.
    But despite the stupid norm that is instantly
    stamped on us,
    just because the Catholic majority says it's all wrong.

    To Catholics: I'm not going against the Pope.

    To gays: I'm not going against you

    To the question of whether it's really a sin:
    Like I'm supposed to lie?
    Which, in fact, would be an even greater sin.
  6. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    i wish there was another topic...
    the middle one doesnt really cover my opinion...
    and no its not a some religions it is, but those aren't everyone's religion so techinally its not a sin for someone of a different religion or none at all...

    why all the gay threads lately?

    Its not a bad thing, but jw...
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City

    I made one a while back,
    but it really wasn't something on

    It was about 'gay days' going on in florida,
    and just proved as a warning:
    Don't wear red clothing to the Disney parks.
    Because if you do, ergo, you're taken for Gay,
    and you'll attract alot of bad attention.
    By bad I mean biased sneers,
    and being brought into conversations with people
    talking about things you'd rather not discuss....>.>....<.<....<.>
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I believe that it's more 'normal' than people want it to be and that's why religion labels it as a sin. I don't see why a God would care about whether two people together are straight or gay. I think it's far more of a 'sin' for a gay and straight person to be together while one of them is cheating with someone else etc than I do for two people who want to be together and be committed; whether gay or straight. I think cheating is a more annoying thing that hurts people far more than two gay people walking down the street and showing affection just as straight people do. If I see a gay couple kissing I can turn away and go on my way. If I'm being cheated on by a girl that is with another girl etc...that's kind of going to tick me off when I find out because of the matters of safe sex and well, I just wouldn't trust her anymore.

    It's unproductive to reproduction but it's been around since the dawn of man and if God had so much of a hatred for it why didn't he extinct it out of people so long ago? Of course I don't believe in the religion but that would just be my point of view if I did. I really just don't care what people feel guided to do unless it harms others. The only way gays harm others is that some people fear them or hate them and that's not a justifiable reason in my mind to say it shouldn't exist and people shouldn't be left alone.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    many other religions consider it:


    A great Haraam

    Doing the hibibty jibity.

    I just got the last thing from
    an Adam Sandler movie,
    because I couldn't think of anything else...xD
  10. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    This is a very hard question. My religion says it is a sin to be a homosexual, but I just don't know. God loves people no matter what and so do I.

    I know that's not a definite answer, but that is all I have to give to this thread. =]
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Father Corapi, a great preist and speaker,
    once said something I won't soon forget:

    "God loves the sinner,
    but not the sin."

    Which he thus gave a good metaphor for,
    but that I actually did forget.

    So on the basis of whether it's a sin:
    but that doesn't mean God hates them.

    As for it being "bad":
    Not for me to decide.

    And Sovereign.....really nice sig.
    makes my puny tribute look like crap compared to yours...

    But then I hardly knew Soku,
    having only Role-played with him once.
    And I, regrettably now, quit that Role-play many
    weeks ago before his death...,
    so I never actually even role-played with him that much....
  12. GenerationVIII Destiny Islands Resident

    May 30, 2008
    In my pretty rose-covered coffin...
    As a bisexual myself I see nothing wrong with it. My mom is a hardcore baptist. They believe that homosexuality and bisexuality are sins that will be convicted upon us in the final judgement day (at least that's what my preacher and youth minister teach...)

    As for homophobes and people against us for religious purposes: You can't change people if they're comfortable the way they are. Simple as that.

    For the people who think we get into all the parties: Where I live there's pretty much "straights only" parties... People fear homos here...

    For all you people who accept us: I thank you. It makes us feel like someone cares...

    Sorry ya'll rant over...
  13. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    I say, let them do what they want, nobody's really stoppin' them. If someone is bi or gay, let them be bi or gay. It's not bad, because it's not doin' anything to anyone. People have the freedom to love who they want, unless it's a fictional character. XD It ain't a crime. George Bush was a bigot/idiot/asshot/moron/etc. to ban a certain type of love.

    Seriously, the stereotypes need to stop
  14. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Don't ever feel bad about yourself due to your sexual orientation. Although I am Christian, I believe people are people. Simple as that. You have a right to love who you want, and nobody has a right to stop that.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    George Bush is being stereotyped right now.
    Sounds sort of hypocrtical.

    I agree,
    unfair stereotyping needs to stop.
    But not just for gays, bis, and lesbians, respectively,

    For example:
    Black people are all gangbangers

    All Indians wear turbans

    All Native Americans are pagans

    The Stereotyping alltigether needs to stop.

    I'm homophobic,
    and yet I am accepting of other ways.

    I'm Catholic, but yet that doesn't mean I can't
    learn about certain other religions.

    That's a better example for this than anyone might think.
    Because even though I don't
    practice anything else other than Catholicism[I'm straight, but then I accept other people for their religions as well].

    The only hard part now:
    Gay, Bis, and Lesbians learning to accept homophobia.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    People mistake the word homophobia for being anti-gay. It's the same as if someone says something bad about the Israel/Palestinian issue that person is accused of being anti-semitic. Some things are just taken more seriously than they are.

    However, also understand that the gay movement does try to deal with 'homophobia' by showing people to not be afraid and being out there so that people get adjusted to them and accepting of the fact a gay person sitting next to you somewhere isn't out to destroy your life, give you some contagious thing, isn't going to pedo with your kids and isn't an evil thing. That's what the purpose of the gay parades, Disney World Gay Days etc are really meant for. It's just meant to make people who are homophobic learn there's nothing to fear. So not all gays obviously, with the message implied here, see homophobia as being anti-gay.

    Like any fear though, people want to help others to get over it so that it doesn't turn to hate. The problem with some gay events now is that many people do accept it and don't fear it and are tired of seeing gay events happen because who really cares what sexual desires someone has? Many of us are no longer homophobic. However, some people still are, or they are haters. So the movement continues. Probably as long as gay people are forced to commit suicide, are kicked out of their families and disowned etc, this may be an issue.

    Just like any other issue we face though, such as racism, there are going to be events to try to spread the word to stop the hate. Hate is the real evil here and often fear leads to hate when enough people who hate drag in others who fear and get them in on the act. Homophobia is a lot easier to deal with than people who hate gays outright. There is a possibility of someone with homophobia accepting gays if in the right circumstances, but there is also the fact that it can go the other way too. It's not that gays hate homophobes. They just want you to see they are people too and you are still safe and they aren't out to take over the world and eliminate straight people etc. There are all sorts of silly irrational fears that go with homophobia that are just not logical in any way.

    The same can be said about how some people feel about races. Seeing whites as being wealthy and the oppressors all the time is obviously a stupid thing in this day and age. Seeing all blacks as rebellious haters that are in gangs is obviously a stupid thing. Seeing all Hispanic peoples as illegal immigrants taking jobs away is obviously a stupid thing. However, this is how people who fear and hate think. Fear is a stage before hate and so people of these groups will naturally try to want to deal with these people and show real proof that it's not so darn bad as they think and they've been misled by others who fear and/or hate.

    The reason stereotypes and assumptions are so bad right now really comes down to the fact that they have some grounding point, albeit a prejudiced and uneducated one. If someone sees some blacks in a gang, oh's TRUE!!! If someone finds illegal Mexicans working...yep, it's true again! If someone sees some group of white people talking trash to a black person and all, it's true again. So, when someone fears already or has suspicion, those few that do the stupid crimes can make up the opinion of that person to say 'all' people of that clique do that and that's just how it is. The same with gays. Some people have a bad experience and suddenly it's fear or hate the gay people, or they listen to stories made up by others and say they are true for nearly all cases. Some people -want- to fit the stereotypes of what people think are the worst qualities in a certain group. Many others don't. It's the many other people of the groups that are trying to stand up and say 'your opinion is wrong!' And they have every right to do so.

    So championing a phobia is a lot harder because you see, these people that stand up and try to say you are wrong and to open your eyes are trying to show you that they are not what you think. That even if you've had a bad experience with some other person or people of their 'classification' they are asking you for a chance. They are asking for acceptance.

    You are in a different stage of homophobia. You aren't as bad and though you fear, you also accept them so you aren't necessarily a 'target'. I do think some people here took it a bit far in getting mad at you instead of talking to you about it calmly, but the point they are making is 'what is it you really fear?' Why are you worried about it? People do want you to see here that there's nothing more to fear from a gay person than there is a straight person. You made some comments such as homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles. This is what people are trying to get you to see. That's a prejudice based on fear and not knowing the facts. Straight men might -wish- that were true but it simply isn't. Since pedophilia is the majority of the time caused by men, and more young girls are the targets of it than boys (though this isn't to say there aren't a good number of male victims too), it goes to say that there obviously must be quite a few straight people that are into it. Homosexuality or Heterosexuality doesn't make someone more likely to want to be around little kids that aren't even thinking about sex yet. But people that fear and hate homosexuals spread this rumor about. This is why phobias are dangerous. They automatically make you prejudiced because you are judging the many people because of a few. Prejudice, by meaning is irrational. So is phobia.

    That's not to say -you- are irrational. We all have our points of not being logical. No one can be perfect and devoid of bias. It's hard for some people to have much sympathy for someone who is afraid and yet in the majority because they ask 'what's he got to be afraid of?' and also they do see it as a phobia, which as I said, there's no way to just say it's founded to have a fear of an entire group of people because of some bad instances and/or rumors. The gay movement though is one of the most peaceful movements ever truthfully even if at times it gets annoying to see displays by gays or straight people that shame either side. Looking through history, despite some losses of life here and there, the movement to have gay parades, wear colors etc has been peaceful on their parts and also peaceful on the side of straight people who aren't out destroying them. It's a milestone of improvement in Europe and America and shows maybe we are dealing with things better than in the past. Of course we have work to do to get better, but it's better than the attempts to free women and accept them as equals, free blacks and see them as equals, etc.
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    The ongoing battle is:
    Everyone who is homophobic,
    fears gays entirely.


    When in fact,
    I just get mild-indigestion,
    but yet I deal.

    It's just a spontaneous reaction that happens.
    I deal,
    you deal;
    We all deal with homosexuality.
  18. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    I'm very religious, and there are rumours being spread at my school for this, but I think its fine.
  19. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007

    I don't think of things as a "sin" or as it as "bad". It was said before but I'll reiterate the point, its a part of nature now. I've no problem with it. I don't really see why some people think of it as bad. I do however understand where they're coming from when they say it. But I'm still perfectly okay with it.

    In my opinion, I see nothing wrong with homo/bisexuality.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Im not homo or bi but I don't really care who is or not (unless a guy has a crush on me. Then Im scared) but I had a discussion in class about this in class once. My class was split into 2. The ones who are withhomo love and the ones who are against. I was in the middle. after a long discussion I was suppose to chose a side and I chose the against side and a bi girl cried because the against side one and it made me feel bad
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