Is Generation Y Really That Bad

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Crumpet, Oct 4, 2008.

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  1. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    The new makes us all look bad, seeing as probably all of us are Generation Y, but are we really that bad? Think about it, I mean sure we drink ... heaps [ well most of us ] we crash cars, we have teen pregnancies, but the other generations can be as bad. Every week someone gets killed, mainly by Generation X, we don't kill others, we kill ourselves. Abductions, rape, murders, homosides... usually by people over 30... Generation X.

    Also I've noticed [ this isnt as bad but still ] that Generation W is rude. Sure we have to be respectful, but I've noticed that they can be mean. I'll wait to cross a street, and the people that don't let me through are all old people... and they all give me evil looks... like I've done something bad. I'll be at work, and they'll demand a discount... they're meant to get discount cards. It does get irratating.

    The news always make us look bad, but really, it's not just us is it?
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    trust me, we're not as bad as the people in the 70s. i read in quite a bit of books that during that time period, crime rate and drug usage was much higher than it is today. but then again..........there weren't ANY school shootings during that time period..........
  3. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    I have one question. What is generation Y. I know it, but I just forgot.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    if i'm not mistaken, the generation of people born from 1980-1999. i believe that 2000 and higher is "Millinieum Generation" or something like that.
  5. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    I believe that Generation X was probably worse than Y. As EvilMan_89 said the 70s were very, how should I say this, out of hand? Anyway, I honestly don't think that we are that terribly bad. But of course, there was a gang at my school football game last night...
  6. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    All the generations before Y are probably worse.I mean some of Generation W believe in corporal punishment and hit whatever they think deserves it when they have no right to do so.
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I don't really think that you can say anyone generation is the worst generation. They all have good aspects and bad aspects.

    However that being said I do think that Generation Y gets a really ****ing rough deal. The media makes Y out to be evil and terrors and little *******s who are all yobs and violent etc etc, but this is so unfair.

    Yes there are some in Y who are rough and thuggish and we do have problems, but no generation is perfect.

    At the end if the day this generation didn't raise itself. If Y really is such a problem generation then maybe those accusing us of such need to look at how they raised us.

    Generation Y is having to deal with the mess caused by a lot of other generations and we still get called out the most.
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Generation Y is no different from generations prior. Our behaviors are simply altered thanks to the social system.

    It might be less safe, and kids might be doing more criminal acts, but instead of stating it no one does anything. Damn media. =/
  9. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    that's true, it's the adults that raised us, they can't blame us when something bad happens because theres obviously no restrictions
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    The parents aren't the only thing responsible if gen. Y is worse. While they are likely the root cause, we also pick things up from school, from kids, and likewise religious institution. Things like money get indoctrinated into children when they're young, and it can easily corrupt them at that age, just as easily as it was implemented.
  11. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    For sure they are not a sole reason, but they are a factor in it.

    A generation is not born corrupt or ****ed up.

    Parents and parenting is a part of it and I do think that is overlooked a lot. Which is ironic when you consider how harsh older generations can be over how Y are raising the next generation.

    I guess every generation will always have imperfections, I guess X felt like W were harsh to them too and no doubt the new generation will in turn come to feel like we inflict too much on them.

    It's like a chain effect.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    All of those other causes you just stated come back to parenting. It doesn't have to be the child's parents that screw them up, other kids parents can do just as much damage by screwing up their own children.

    Generally, it is the previous generation who have to answer for the next generation. But there are other factors such as the legal/justice system (which in the UK at the moment is a complete joke, the courts might as well not exist), the social environment and even the state of the economy to some extent.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Generation Y to me is fine. Sure, there are members in any generation that flub it up for the rest. It's the way it works. We all have choices in the end to make of whether we will be people that contribute to society and well, become decent people or not.

    Parenting can be an excuse for only so long really. When people are teens and younger, sure, we can say that they are coming out awful etc and point directional sensors at parents. However, I'm inclined to feel that as a person becomes an adult, he or she is responsible then to make choices and think on life in grander scale since the person is supposed to be cognitive and able to make decisions. Parents mold children as does the environment and genetics but after a time, parents shouldn't hold the same power when someone is out of the house away from that. That's the time when people should be thinking on their own and coming to their own choices, so even if a parent is say prejudiced against gays or colors of skin etc, there's nothing saying the kids have to follow in the same footsteps if they don't want to.

    Teenage years really are a time to start beginning to opening the mind and seeking out your own answers. You may have to not say much to parents etc if they are biased or closed-minded, but some teens do and well, teens therefore get labeled as rebels. Every generation has its people that do things differently from the generation prior. It's only natural to do so. There's always a stigma older people lay on younger generations but they also have different problems than afflict a younger generation. Younger generations also attack older generations, not recognizing their issues as well. It's a vicious cycle and rather silly in the end. I think we should not really disdain 'generations' as much as we should be annoyed at some of the people in each generation that bring that generation down and make it seem pathetic. To harbor negative feelings to a whole generation doesn't seem much different than having ill reactions to gays, women, men, ethnicities etc. It's prejudice. On the same note, though each generation has its troublemakers, there are also great people that emerge from any generation. I feel it rather important to note that.
  14. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I'm not really so sure, but some people in the older generation take what they have for granted. If i let somebody through a door first, some are nice, and say "thank you". Others take it for granted and ignore you. Particualy since i look really young. It annoyes me sometimes >.<
  15. Repliku Chaser

    I know what you mean. I went to a drug store to get a prescription for a family member and was standing in line. This old woman came up behind me with her cart and I didn't notice her since I was getting things explained about the drug and signing my life away. I turned and went to leave, expecting no one behind me because no one is supposed to be directly behind you when you get drugs by the privacy act. I almost hit her cart that was directly there and she's lucky I didn't just boar through it. She gave me this 'look' because I suppose I seem the gothish type and I just said "Excuse me would be proper and also next time, back up. I could have hurt you very unintentionally." She then gasped and gave me this look like I was going to harm her and I waved and walked out of the place.

    Some old people are very disrespectful of younger people and don't seem to get it that we pay their social security checks. They should consider that a bit more and stop looking down on us so much. Fortunately, it isn't all old people though, as I've met quite a few that think I'm unusual but like me for my originality. All I can say is that I hope when I grow old I am one of those funny old guys and not one of those rotten ones that sits around griping all the time and expecting the world to bow down to me because I lived so long.
  16. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    Well, I don't think anyone should generalize when it comes to generations. Not everyone in Generation W will be rude (my grandfathers are both goofballs and very polite, and my grandmothers are very sweet). I'm a part of Generation Y but I definitely haven't drank alcohol, done any drugs, crashed any cars, or gotten pregnant. I think every generation definitely has its upsides and downsides, based on the events of the times, the beliefs of the times, the laws and restrictions, etc. If we're talking about the vast majority here, then I don't know enough about Generation W or X, at least in comparison to Gen. Y, so I would be biased in my argument.
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