I dunno if anyone saw this or not, but for those of you that have not, this is the Iron Man 2 footage shown at Comic Con. http://www.joblo.com/iron-man-2-footage omg Whiplash
Wow. That looks pretty good. Although it'd be better if we didn't see the footage in such bad quality.
Well it's better than nothing. :3 And yeah, it looks like it's going to be a good movie. Robert Downey Jr.'s looking good. x3 At least it looks like they'll have more bad guys this time around.
What would they base it on? I mean, I thought they were coming up with an Avengers since at the end of the Hulk Tony Stark was talking to the General of the Army since The Hulk responded through him.
im pretty happy with how whiplash looks x3 and god the I love the Casters for picking Robert Jr. He owned the role IM afraid it will end up like Transformers 2, less story more mindless violence
I personally can't wait! @0@ And what's wrong with Endless violence? And it had a great hidden story and plot line, you just have to be able to notice the little things to appreciate it. ^^
I see you put my link to good use lol. I'm exstatic with this movie and the reality of an 'unmasked' super hero maintaining his superhero ego.