Iron Army

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ShibuyaGato, May 13, 2010.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kam took out his PDA. After dialing a number he placed it against his ear, speaking straight into the receiver.
    "My lady, I have uncovered that Stark is alive after causing the viral incident. I request immediate extraction, madam. This group is... Young and brash. I don't know if they are able to overcome such an obstacle. I request, no, I demand that you send a squad, asap."
    Kam listened deeply.
    "T-Thank you... I will prepare soon. Stay safe, my love."
    Kam hung up, listening to the silence around him and within him.
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat stayed quiet. She was right at the other end of the hallway. She had heard everything and could only wonder who Kam had called and why she was sending a squad? "Young and brash"? "...don't know if they are able to overcome such an obstacle"? What did it all mean? After some thought she decided that keeping this to herself was for the best but she would have a few suits ready in case this "squad" was too tough for hand to hand combat alone. She walked over to Kam's door, knocked and asked him, "Kam, you okay? Look I know that it's hard and I know you hate Tony for everything... but if I can forgive him then you can too don't you think? I mean I'M the one who lost their family to this thing... please. Just... just tell me what you're thinking. I wanna help you. You WERE one of them after all..."
  3. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Scythe looked around the lab one of the machines was making a funny noise he looked and saw that the virus had escaped from the machine and was oozing out. he hit the red alert button ,injected himself, and put on his armor "we have a breech!"
  4. SkeletonHerald Moogle Assistant

    Jun 9, 2010
    Left... Forward... Right... These Directions Keep Going into Solvin's Head as he raced through the highway he wasn't aware where he was taking himself but he ended up in a parking lot somewhere. sleep... he slept.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kam approached the door and, lent upon it. He began to chuckle slightly.
    "It's not that simple..." he sighed "I work with some powerful people, people who want to know more, having an constant hunger... A want to know everything. And what they don't know... They eliminate..."
    Kam heard the alarm sound, the breech of the virus had begun whilst he believed it to be his own reinforcements breaching.
    "Cat... for what it's worth, I'm sorry about what's happened to you and your family..."
    He opened the door, facing Cat he struck her on the side of her neck, paralyzing her for a few minutes, as he caught her slumping body, placing her gently on the floor. Kam ran through the labyrinth-like halls, locking himself in the suit bay, destorying the control panel.
    "That should slow them down, atleast time for me to get out with a suit or two... Where are they!?"
  6. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Nngh!!!" Cat couldn't believe what Kam had just done to her or more importantly what he was GOING to do. After everything he was just going to betray her like that? OR maybe this was his plan from the beginning... maybe he was just using her to get to the tech... NO! She refused to believe it.

    When Tony heard the alarm and he put on the suit Cat had given him. He saw Kam run into the suit bay and he followed silently. He was able to enter undetected and when Kam was shocked at the absence of suits Tony decided that it was time for him to make a move. "Well they can't just walk, er... fly away on their own... well who knows really? With all the work that she put into these I wouldn't be surprised if they actually DID fly away on their own." The front of his helmet went up and he all he could do was look at Kam and back at Cat. "Look kid... it doesn't have to be like this. Just tell me what's going on and we can finish this quickly... and painlessly."
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    OOC: Thank you kindly.

    Kam cackled out loud at Starks presence, "Mr Tee-oh-en-why, Mr Tony Stark." He turned to face the man in the Iron Suit, staring him straight in the eyes.
    "It's funny, you know? How a global genius like yourself can be so easily fooled, I've been connected to the Stark industries mainframe since this virus incident began, you had some 'holes' that we took advantage of yet you were blond from the beginning... But I digress, my clients require your presence immediately. What do you say?"
  8. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    OOC: Oh sorry. I'll fix it now.

  9. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    OOC: No problem.

    "Well before I agree to anything like this I wanna know the name of the company you work for... and how the hell did you get in my mainframe?!"
    Meanwhile Cat was just starting to regain her movement and she got up. She had one of her portable suits on her, hidden from the unaware Kam. As she put it on she saw that Tony's was in use. "Jarvis! Patch me through in Tony's conversation and tell me his present location!" She saw that they were in the suit bay and she made her way over. She saw that the controls were jammed but she could faintly make out Kam's voice. "Looks like i've gotta bust my way in now... how strong is this thing anyway?"
    "Scans suggest that it would take a clean shot to the center with your unibeam to even make a hole in it mam."
    "Well I was wondering when i'd get to use this thing." Cat charged up her unibeam and walked back to get a clean shot to the center.
    "TONY GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" She hoped that he heard her warning but his suit wouldn't be too damaged if the beam hit him. The beam became fully charged and she let out the power of the beam. A hole just barely large enough for her to fit became visible and when she entered she saw that Tony wasn't the one lying on the ground. It was Kam. Tony had heard her warning and moved out of the way but Kam had the unfortunate luck of getting hit.
    "Well that's a hell of a way to make an entrance Cat."
    "Well he made it hard to get in through any other means. So what's he want anyway?"
    "His company claims to have hacked into the mainframe from the beginning and they apparently want me to make an appearance."
    "I think we could arrange that... and we could find out if they've really been in the mainframe."
    "I know that look... you've got a plan."
    "Part of one, yes. Now i've just gotta figure out how to get us both out safely."
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "Arghhhh!" Kam took a full hit from the aftermath of the beam and recoiled in pain.
    "Cat, this doesn't concern you!" Just then, a metal claw scrapped through the base hangar door that the suits would usually exit. It ripped the door out to reveal a large mech, with strong legs, claw hand in its left and Gatling gun in its right, with an obscure cockpit in the torso area. From the speakers mounted on its sides came a voice.
    "Tony Stark, come with me peacefully to meet my emplyers. Failure to comply will result in the deaths of your new associate, Cameroon Sage and afterwards your friend Cat. If you still refuse I shall shot your kneecaps from their original place and will carry you to my benefactors. What is your choice?"
    "Damn it..." Kam whispered under his breath. He didn't have control of the situation and now they were all in jeopardy. If only everything had gone smoothly... But Cat was too motive to be patient and let things take course. But that didn't matter now, it was all Stark's decision now.
  11. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat was in shock. Had they really hacked into the servers? Was that how they knew so much or was it because of their little spy boy 'Cameroon'?
    "Are you people crazy? You've apparently hacked into my servers and now you blast through my wall and expect me to come quietly? I'm not scard of your toys you little-!"
    "Tony... go with him. They'll only kill me if you don't and it'd be better to just let things come how they may. I'll come for you eventually but for now just go. You already did your part to try and save the world once... now i'm gonna do mine. Just GO!"
    "...Cat... fine." Tony was infuriated at the sudden turn of events. He had no choice at the moment but to go. Otherwise the other two people in the hangar would soon be dead. "Give me a second to say something to your colleague and i'll go quietly." He walked over to Kam and the front of his helmet popped open. He had a look on his face that was intimidating. "Kid... I always knew that there was a reason we didn't get along from the beginning. Only now I realize that it was because you seemed like you were nervous about something... you were nervous about betraying the person who had given you something you didn't deserve... friendship." Tony looked into Kam's eyes once more and walked over toward the mech. As it went off into the distance Cat took of her suit. Her head fell forward and a single tear fell from her face. "...KAAAAM!!!!!!!!!" She couldn't help but do what she did. She ran up to Kam and gave him a solid punch in the face. "You little traitor! Why'd you do this!? You just put all of us in jeapordy for no good reason!!! You'd better be glad I took off my suit before I lost it or you'd have been beaten AT LEAST within an inch of your life right now!!! You just destroyed any hope I had left! I... I don't know... what i'll do without him again..." Cat fell to the floor whether from exaustion or sheer guilt no one knew, not even her, but she just burst into tears.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kam cackled. "Cat... I ever have a daughter, I hope she's as fiesty as you..." Kam smiled but then again caught the image of the metal mech towering infront of him.
    "We leave now." said the driver.
    Kam thought about the consequences of his actions but he didn't care any more. He had one goal, and it would be completed otherwise everything he sacrificed would be in vain.
    The mech began firing up its jets and began to leave. "Mr Stark, start your suit up and follow close behind. Anyone follows or you change course, I'll fire missles at your base within 2 minutes" uttered the faceless voice from before. Kam equipped his light Iron Suit and followed the mech close to the side and kept his eyes fixed into the cockpit.
  13. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Well keep this up and you'll be dead before you ever meet the lucky lady." When Cat saw Kam fly off after the mech she got an idea but to pull this off properly she wanted to see if they could monitor the suits' frequencies. "Cameroon... please come back. I... I don't want you to die. Everything before was just me being scared, scared for you... scared for us. Please come back... come back... and touch me Kam. Touch me like we've got nothing more to lose." Cat was grinning with joy as she said this in a teary voice. If they could hear then they'd only think that she loved him. If they couldn't then regardless she would explain this to him later. Either way it was the perfect plan and that company would think nothing of it.
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "Whaaaaaa-?!" He lost control of his suit as it plummeted to the ground, until finally regaining awareness again, when Kam almost fell into a flock of gulls going past.
    "Cat! Just shut up!" Kam shouted outloud for all to hear. He then covertly turned on his secure comlink between the suits and began his plea.
    "Cat, can't keep this channel long before they hack like they have with all of our other frequencies. These guys are highly wealthy mercs, who enjoy killing. Don't aggregate them or you may wind up dead, without me being able to help. They've got someone I care for and I can't stop now. Stay put and I'll keep Tony safe. I promise. Ok?"
  15. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    She heard everything he was saying but just couldn't understand what was so important of his that they had. She still didn't understand how his "love" played into any of this. "Fine... just don't do anything too stupid." This was the only response she could think of. After he turned off the link she followed after him in stealth mode. That way no one could track her. "Hold on guys..." she thought "i'm coming."
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "We are arriving to our destination, Cameroon you will escort him to the meeting chamber. You'll await further instructions from their." The mecha headed off into the clouds, somewhere unknown.
    "Keep close Tony, and keep your weapons holstered. This group... they call themselves the Olympians… don't have the same sense of humour as you." He grinned. "That's why they just love me..."
    The pair arrived outside a flying fortress high above the earth. It was a huge metal sphere floating high in the air with spires forming from it's top, whilst cannons where surrounding the rest of it's surface.
    "Follow close." The two flew closer and landed in a hangar bay, where troops where lining the walls, all wearing advanced battlesuits armed to the teeth. They walked calmly pass into a room close by that held a large table with chairs scattered around it.
    "Stark sit down, and wait here. I will watch from the other side and remember… wait for the opportune moment." he winked quickly ands walked away.
    At that moment, a door on the opposite end of the room opened and a large tall man in a suit appeared followed by a woman in a plain dress. The man sat at the head of the table whilst the woman, sttod pen and pad in hand ready to write something down.
    "Tony Stark, nice to meet you."
  17. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Well since you already know my name could I have the pleasure of knowing yours? You seem to know a lot so I just want to know a few things before we get started. Did you hack my servers? If so then why and what do you know? Lastly what do you all hope to accomplish by doing all of this?"

    Cat was flying over as she saw the base she was amazed. She couldn't help but stare at it in awe. She flew over to where Tony, Kam, and the mystery pair were. When she entered she arrived to see Kam tell Tony to wait for the opportune moment and she couldn't help but smile. Knowing that he was on their side comforted her, if only just a little bit.
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kam kept an eye on the tall man sitting at the table head. He was leaning on a cane while sitting down, wearing leather gloves to fit is clean cut suit.
    "Tut, tut, tut Mr Stark. You are in no position to deman anything from us. You are here as a guest of Olympians, the highest order of human protectors. We are the ones who fund your companies, control your governments, the ones who tell the public what we want them to hear. Do not think you are in control, since we've been in control for centuries."
    The man grinned whilst the woman behind attentively noted down the conversation.
    "But I will be civil with you. You may call me Ares. And I know you like your games, Tony. So let's play. I ask you a question first, and you answer, then I'll allow you to ask a quesion and if I think it's worthy of answering I will."
    Whilst Kam lent on the wall in the middle of the room, he exchanged looks with the woman from taking notes. He was being patient, more than he wished, the Iron suit on his body feeling heavier with each word said by Ares.
  19. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Well Ares you've piqued my interest. I can only think of one reason as to why you share the name of the greek god of power, and why your little organization is called the Olympians. Well come on then, ask your first question already!"

    When Cat heard the strange things that Ares had said she couldn't help but think that maybe they were in control. That maybe... no. She wouldn't, she COULDN'T believe it. If they were in control, if they were "human protectors" then why were there still people out there who were dying. People who were being killed. People who hadn't done anything to deserve what was coming. She refused to believe any of it. Because if they were the protectors that they claimed to be then the army wouldn't be needed and the world would be a much better place than it really is.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    "Hahaha, power is greater than just in battle, it expands into the mind aswell." Ares shifted his position into sitting up straight in the chair and placin the can on the table infront of him.
    "But we shall begin… How long ago, exactly, did you create the virus that plagues Earth today?"
    Kam shifted to look at Tony, also interested in the answers.
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