That's right! believe it or not, They've actually decided to finish Inuyasha. I guess it was going to happen eventually. I mean, how could you leave an anime, like that, hanging out in the rain? Of course the greatness of Inuyasha doesn't compete with the likes of Fullmetal Alchemist (obvious FMA fan here), but you still can't end a prolonged series the way they did. Well anyway, here's the question that you are all probably wondering. When is it coming out? Well I have your answer. This fall. That's right. We'll be seeing it this Fall. The fall season seems to be coming out with a lot of great anime, and this will be one of them. For all you Inuyasha fans, be sure to check out 'Inuyasha Final Act' A.K.A 'Inuyasha: Kenketsu Hen' This fall.
Is this for real? I can't believe it, finally they're finishing the darn thing. Hopefully it comes boasting better action scenes and better quality animation. I'm glad, and hopefully it gets aired in Adult Swim, they anime is still airing there, so most likely, yes.
Yup! It's real. I had to smack my head around a few times too just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. here's the link to this fall's anime. It's a picture that shows all the new shows and has descriptions. you can increase the size by clicking it. This is how I found out about it.
My heart is literally pounding. Oh, God, yessssss!!!! InuYasha was my first real anime! It's the reason I'm honestly who I am today. o-o I was obsessed from 3rd grade to 7th. YES YES YES. 8D Thank you for making my day!
Finally! 8D I made myself read the ending of the manga to know the ending but I guess I can also watch it!
Holy crap! That is like a dream come true. Now maybe they will finally defeat Naruku for once and for all. That was disapointing with the ending they had though with riding into the sunset.
I really hope they do it right, i mean i thought the anime was horrible, especially the animation, and when it was getting good they stopped it, i hope they do it good this time
That's what I did, too! ^^ Yeah, judging from the mangas, if they do this right it will be an awesome ending! I seriously thought they were finished with the anime. This is cool! ^^