Inu Yasha meets Fullmetal Alchemist

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by naminesgirl, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    OOC: My character in this rp is Ling, not Zexion

    BIC: Ling watched everything unfold, "What interesting people." He sighed and looked over at Al, "Hey, big guy! Need some company?" He sat down beside him without waiting for an answer.
  2. swordser2 Banned

    sam got out woth 6 fish and shook all the water off like a dog on the floor "ok iam never ever going to get in a river with fish its disgusing" sam said to everyone going to the fire to make fish "ling hand me a stick" she said tara got out slowly she was all wet in her cloths "sis this is why iam your big sis by a year i can kill GET OVER HERE" she yelled sam got up and ran faster then light with speed she activate gliding speed so did tara and they ran around like dogs
  3. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    "Hey Ling," he said.
  4. swordser2 Banned

    sam walked up to ling in her black bikini "ok ling first dibs ok becuase you hardly ate last time and how bout you big guy fish wich i made into sew flea ewww that sounded wrong thats why that demon hated in his armour he didnt like the name" she said to al and ling putting the food down tara walked to ling and sat between him and al and ate "she is lucky i dont slay her" tara yelled to everyone "well you couldve some big sis you turned out to be were wer you when i almost became a full robot hu oh ya making out with tige luckily i didnt" sam yelled back eating next to ling winry looked at al "Al where were you" winry said to al putting some oil on his arm it was rusty
  5. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Ling perked up at the mention of food, "You are right, I didn't eat as much. I will eat some more." He smiled, "As long as I don't act too much like Gluttony."
  6. swordser2 Banned

    sam smiled then moved to sit next to al on his other side she was crowded " wait hwree my dog" sam said with her face in the air " ya thats right moki ehh we will find her later she ok she can transform rememebr that" tara said with a smile "ok then tara but if hse dies you owe me 599 thats how mcuh she cost and thats why iam here to be a anoyying little sis by a year" sam said with a smile and she ate her soup winry wastaking off als arm to see if the inside was clean and nothing was in it she found a twig iwth berries"hhahah al you had a twig with berries in you" she said giggling
  7. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Ling looked over and laughed, "I thought he only hid kitties in there."
  8. swordser2 Banned

    winry luaghed "well we got berries now here sam put them in your bag" winry said " ok winry it matches" sam said putting it in her bag and sam fell in the water by accident "gelp drwoning" she yelled
  9. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Ling looked at Sam in surprise, "How did you get in there?" He gracefully slipped into the water and took a hold of her. He started to swim back to the shore. "You know, i really didn't feel like getting wet." His tone was surious, but he was smiling, "Ah well. Anything for a pretty girl, such as yourself."
  10. swordser2 Banned

    "thank you ling and please it came form my mom sides and yet i fell in i slipped i wasnt paying attention i was looking at al head i wonder how he sees in that thing and then i slipped some how like a force did thst to me" sam said with her headin her face in her pamls
  11. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Ling was drying himself off on the shore, beside her. He stopped when he heard what she had said about Al. "Well, you see, he is not inside the suit of armor. He is the suit."
  12. swordser2 Banned

    "that is what uncle chester said for halloween and he was he just was cursed with a ugly wich aunt patronia" she said shivering and felt like she was going to pewk then she sat down on shord and took off her shirt to her bathing suit dried her cloths " ewww fish in my pants" she said taking them out of her pants that were hanging
  13. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Ling didn't really know what to say to her, "Uh, ya, those fish are sure annoying." He smiled.
  14. swordser2 Banned

    " non smart" she whisperd to her self and then said " i mean i believe you and it almost happendto me when it was christmas luckil moki bit me before i did" she said with a happy face and then sat next her fire and got warm tara didnt realy care " hey! i couldve help but i was trapped in mokis dog house cuase of dad it was punishment" tra yelled back eating madly winry just smiled and started to oil als other arm " al where were you and what happend and why are you so rusty" winry said worried voice
  15. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    Ling smiled and laid down on the shore line, his hands behind his head. "This place is strange, but beautiful."
  16. swordser2 Banned

    sam couldnt help it she was to smart she just had to fight " danm it i need to or destroy somehting" she said walking to the water with her keyblades and stabbing at the fish" gosh i cant help aiam smart but i llike to kill" she said looking at the boys tara sighed and look at ling and layed with him winry was to busy oiling al he was so rusty
  17. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    He looked over at Tara beside him, "So, where are you from?"
  18. swordser2 Banned

    "well you dad was a wolf mom was humain well we were at home doing some alchemy making moms golden ring dance then all of sudden it stopped then we got teleported here and wala" tara said looking at ling as if she was going to fall on him but didnt sam came out and sat next to al and winry she then got dizzy from dehrydration " some on drop anchor" she said leaning on al"dont wory shes just tired" tara said
  19. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    "So you know Alchemy. Do you come from our world?" He smiled. "The alchemy world." He looked at her, "Actually, I come from Xing. I came across the desert in looking for immortality. That is when I met the Elric brothers. FullMetal Shorty and Alphonse are the Elrics, if you didn't know that. We were having quite an adventure, but then we woke up here. I still don't know why we are here."
  20. swordser2 Banned

    "well no iam not from ither worlds iam from destiny islands its beutiful with some of my freinds theres a tree with poapu fruit it says that if you love some on you eat one fruit together and your lifes are together forever" tara said looking in the sky thinking of kitano her freind but she shall never see him cuase she hates him now sam looked up al and got u p and examined him " ahhh" she said as she saw a number on his foot " number 45667 my dads art work" sam said with a smile
    winry then stopped oiling al he was all done and then she walked to al and took his arm and tightend his bolts " your arm was going to come off you moron" winry said