Inu x Boku SS also known as Youko x Boku Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural So, did anybody else watch the anime? I found it adorable, a bit slow in pace plot wise till episode 11 but enjoyable, nonetheless. It's based off the manga, which I plan to read since it's much quicker in pace, apparently. I recommend it to anybody who likes comedy and fluffy love anime, like myself. I really enjoyed this anime, I found myself making unusual sounds/squeaks of joy all throughout. I also enjoyed the comedy. I agree with others opinions about it being slow paced and think it could've been wrapped up alot sooner but I like the twelve episode stretch, it left episodes which was just based on character development, which really made you feel for the characters. The music is wonderful! I loved the opening theme and my favorite ending was "Sweets Parade". Spoiler: Episode 12 ALL MY FEELS. ;A; So, I thought this episode was adorable. It tied up ends nicely, makes me wonder if there will be a Season two showing Ririchiyo and Soushi life or something after, etc. Not much else to say really. I'm pleased with the anime, overall~ I'm bad at making threads like this, aaah.
This is one of the best anime I've ever watched. Whαt? was the one who recommended it to me. All of the characters are awesome!! •Â°Â°\(>ω<)/°°•
I followed Inu x Boku SS because it gave me my weekly dose some really mushy and fluffy stuff. I personally loved the anime, but I don't think it appeals to everyone, especially people who expect a lot of action. It has action, but it focuses more on the relationships between the people in Ayakashi Kan. I liked just about every character. I found Karuta and Ririchiyo easy to relate to, Soushi adorable, and Kagerou and Nobara hilarious. Overall, I can't say that this is the best anime I've watched, but it's definitely up there and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Since the manga is ongoing, I really hope that they consider a new season.
I really enjoyed this anime - and like Cookiie it allowed me to get a fill of mushy stuff in my anime schedule. I liked the blend between the mythological stuff and the character driven stuff, and the plot and humor was fun and interesting. I would really have liked to see more of the mythological stuff though, the fight scenes were very well done for what few of them there were, and the powers the characters had were very interesting. I would have especially liked to know what Zange's power was, for example can he really see into the future? What exactly is his deal. There was also an unresolved plot thread at the end, that of "Okay so Soushi and Ririchiyo got together ... but she's still engaged to Kagerou. How is that gonna pan out? Will there be interhouse politics etc to determine who will actually get the right to marry her? So, yeah, and since the manga's ongoing apparently I suppose that might become an issue later.
OMG!! the ending was sooooo adorable!! it made my heart go "kyuun", but i can't believe soushi said that! (yeah, u hadn't gotten updated with the manga when i watched the last ep... but i caught up after that episode.) i seriously hope that a second season will come out soon. it will probably be on their relationship more. and i also wonder about the same thing as clawtooth - what about kagerou???
I found the anime really enjoyable, and the characters were ones that I really liked. If the manga is still going on, then hurry up and make season two.