Why do we lie, and not tell the truth? Should we be not able to at least tell partial lies and only truth, keep things secret to a point if you need to lie, then tell the truth about what you're doing? Truth sets people free, and makes things easier, but, I suspect that what we do when we lie, is to ease pain, rather than give pain with our own words. So, tell me...what is the interesting question I'm asking?
Because, without being serious, then we'd be idiots, and idiocies will happen often anyway...so, be serious with a question...for once in the god forsaken spam zone, be friggen serious. So, you ask me why am I so serious? Because it's the damn spam zone. >/
Let's go suggest that they make up a whole section for debate. Or you know, recent news. Or special occasions? Or just to talk about serious things. Maybe even something for anything else.
I'm so happy I'm posting in a thread to get my post count up. I haven't been to the discussion section in a while. WAIT, FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU