Insert Timey-Wimey Neutron Flow of Coolness Here {Doctor Who RP}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by . : tale_wind, Feb 25, 2012.

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  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Luke smiled as it seemed to work, it felt good to actually be of use to the team. And he did not expect the praise of John, "Really? Um, thanks." He said rubbing his neck, "But all I did was rewire the device, she's the one who really deserves the praise." As he spoke he watched Kathy in awe. She was quite a sight to be seen telling everybody what to do and making order of this chaos. She was a born leader, that much was clear, she held everyone's attention and actually meant they were getting somewhere. She could tell the most head strong of people what to do and it didn't feel like she was bossing you around, it felt like you should follow her out of logic. Luke definatly didn't mind following her. She appeared to be even younger than him (The age he was physically at least) making what she did in a room full of adults even more impressive. "Vegas sounds good to me" He said, a large smile on his face. This was turning out to be quite good, he'd missed the maddness.
  2. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Nine was simply following Ten, doing nothing significant (SO IN-CHARACTER, RIGHT?) until he stumbled across the door into the kitchen by complete chance.
    "Found it. Now, where's the ice cream?"


    "Yeah, well, I was kind of trying to break out of a Time Lock, and they aren't supposed to do that." the Master replied, scratching his head a little.
    This was about the most sane he'd acted in years. What was wrong with him?
    "Knock yourself out." he said in response to her asking to fix 'his' TARDIS.
  3. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Eleven burst from the TARDIS moments after the announcement.

    "Hello, lovely people!" he declared. "The TARDIS just tracked down...well, the TARDIS! You lot won't believe it, but..." He did a little spin and placed a fedora on his head. "It's in Las Vegas!"

    Everyone stared blankly at the Time Lord. Rory threw his hands in the air. Sam facepalmed.

  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "Hmm, well I suppose I can forgive you for that but you really need to take more care in furture. We can't have you destroying her, she's far too special and rare for that." She said, not even questioning the time lock. If she knew what it was or not wasn't clear but she obviously wasn't letting it bother in the slightest either way.

    After he'd given her permission, she'd clasped her hands together in delight, "Oh good. I'll make her as good as new. Just give me a bit of time, okay? And don't let those men in suits spoil our fun. They are rather party poopers you know." She said with a grin as she turned back to the machine and resumed her work. She danced around the centre of the TARDIS fiddling with stuff, rewiring and generally doing technical stuff. Before laying down on the floor and disappearing beneath it. It was hard to see what she was doing but things kept lighting up and her cheerful humming could be heard all through the TARDIS before she called back up to give word of her progress, "I think this is coming along just n-"

    She broke off. Silence. Then, "That's not good. I shouldn't have done that. I really shouldn't of done that. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Um, why did I do that? Oh come on, I've got to be able to fix this. isn't good." She went quiet and slowly appeared from below the control panels looking extremely guilty. "I'm sorry but I think we might have a little problem. Do you mind going out of the TARDIS and telling me what it looks like from the outside? I think I might have done something to the circuits controling her outside appearence. Yeah..." She slowly went back beneath the panels to try to fix it. Outside the TARDIS looked a lot less broken than it had before however it was no longer looked the same at all. Instead it seemed to be fluxuating between every colour and form possible, none of which seemed to match.


    Luke decided to be the brave one to break the silence after the doctor had made his announcement, "Um, I'm sorry to steal your thunder but we already knew. We'd already managed to track the TARDIS to Los Vegas between us, though I think Kathy deserves the most credit for it. Sorry." He added and watched the doctor with an apologetic smile as he awaited his reaction.
  5. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy smiled and waved awkwardly, "Hello."

    "No matter! We have to follow it, so everyone on board?"
    John grinned.

    "I think Jack is still checking the mainframe..."
    Rose wondered out the TARDIS to check whilst Kathy and John looked around double checking.

    "Doctor- how did you track the TARDIS? Does TORCHWOOD hold a similar device as mine?" She said holding up her gameboy looking oject.
  6. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    "You lose the Fez and so you get another hat?" Carrie said to the eleventh Doctor, smirking at his hat. "That someone can steal!" She finished, sneaking up behind him and taking the fedora off his head.
  7. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Eleven's smile disappeared. He pursed his lips. "...Well then." Huffing, he replied to Kathy. "It depends on what time it is; TORCHWOOD probably has something laying about that could track the TARDIS at this point in time. I, however, used some complex algorithms and triangulating that you will probably not understand, then flipped the wibbly lever. Just because you can fly her doesn't necessarily mean you can really work her."

    Noticing Carrie attempting to steal his new hat, he quickly swatted at her hands and held his arms protectively over his head. "Mine!" he repeated emphatically.

    { Um Eleven doesn't like being upstaged I guess D: }
  8. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    She let her head drop and sighed.

    "Whoo boy, even in your next regeneration you're incredibly jealous."

    She smiled and patted Eleven on the shoulder. Suddenly she heard running come from down the hall.

    "So, you've found her then?"

    To her surprise, Ten and Nine walked out. It probably would've been hard for them to hear their conversation from the kitchen -- wherever it was.

    "Uh... yeah, she's in Vegas. I don't want to be rude or anything, but how did you know?"

    "Because you told me, about... nineteen seconds ago."

    She smiled.

    "Nineteen? Alright then."

    She teleported outside the open kitchen door, seeing Ten grab a bunch of bananas from a bowl.


    He turned, wondering why she seemed so excited.

    "Ah Cat, what is it?"

    "Well, we've found your TARDIS."

    "Already? Well, that was quicker than expected."

    "Yeah, I know; you might want to get out here... both of you."

    She walked into the hall and stood there for a few seconds.

    "Oi, and why d'you seem so happy?"

    "Oh, just because I'm on schedule."

    She smiled and reappeared where she had been before.

    "So, where'd she end up?"

    "Vegas, apparently."

    "Really? Well, that's odd place for a paradox to send a TARDIS."

    He thought it over for a quick second and then smiled, glad to know that she was still alright.

    "So, what're we waiting for? There's not much point in just standing around."

    "Not so fast."

    It was Jack. He stepped into the TARDIS with a small white box in his hands.

    "I know you can get off by improvising, but what happens if there are Slitheen or Sycorax waiting for everyone?"

    He took a small metal ring out of the box and tossed it to Ten.

    "And what's this then?"

    "It's a headset. We use them on rare occasions, but it's nice to have 'em on hand."

    As Ten inspected it more closely, he discovered a switch. When he flipped it, he came to a realization.

    "It has a perception filter..."

    "Yeah. After our little 'year that never was', I looked at that TARDIS key you gave me and figured out how to make one of my own."

    He set the box down on the console and began to search his coats pockets.

    "Which reminds me... ah, here we go."

    He pulled his hand out and held a key -- similar to the one that Cat had given Kathy -- tied onto a string.

    Ten smiled and walked up to him.

    "You kept it... all this time?"

    "Of course! Though it's not like I need it anymore."

    He handed it to Ten and grabbed the box again.

    "They've also got a tiny little camera, so I'll be able to search up anything you may find."

    He handed it off to Cat.

    "Pass it down when you've got one."

    "So you're not coming with us?"

    He sighed just a bit.

    "No, sadly. I'd love to come, but I'm afraid the whole place would burn down while I'm gone."

    Ten smiled and saluted.

    Jack saluted back and walked out, sitting down in front of the keyboard.

    She carefully opened it up and flipped the switch. Smiling, she walked around Eleven and grabbed his new hat. She teleported back to the top of his TARDIS, grabbed the fez with her free hand and left it on his head. She quickly put the fedora on and walked to a mirror on the console.

    "It doesn't look too bad. Still, I can see why you like them so much."

    She patted it down and adjusted her earpiece.

    {Well, I guess this long post makes up for my lack of posts in the past few days.}
  9. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy smiled at Eleven, "Well, I'm not at stupid as I look..." she decided to stop before she began boasting. "Anyway, it doesn't matter lets move on."

    "Do we all get one of those?" John pondered as he thumbled over to Jack. "I mean, there are technically 12 Doctor's here- I mean, I don't know if they are all coming with us but I can assure you that I'll be going, I'm as much the Doctor as the rest of these people." He gestured around the place.

    River walked up to Eleven with a trolling look on her face. "Doctor, are you being bullied by teenage girls?" She smiled at the thought and hoped the gesture would be infectious.
  10. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Jack heard John's question through the intercom, and he replied.

    "Well, whoever's going to be in this search should wear one. Since we're trying to avoid more paradoxes than we need, I think we should have a limited number of people go out and look."

    Ten nodded.

    "He's right, we have to avoid causing any unnecessary paradoxes. That being said, I think we should stick to whoever's been in or ahead of my timeline."

    He turned to Nine.

    "Unless of course you'd want to come along. I mean, my TARDIS is your TARDIS... literally."
  11. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie laughed as Cat succeed in what she failed to do-steal the Doctor's hat. "This is why you are awesome Kitty Cat," said Carrie smiling brightly. She was really surprised how much she had been smiling since all this happened... even since Cat left and the Doctor regenirated she'd been so... down...but now she couldn't be happier... She sighed when reality hit her and she knew everything would have to go back to the way it was.
    As she heard the conversation between John, Jack, and her brother she piped up and said "Do even think you're going without me or anything,"

    OOC: Btw what happened to Donna? Lol
  12. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat smiled at Carrie's comment and tipped her hat; she was having a bit too much fun with this.

    Ten turned to Carrie and smiled.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were before my timeline," he said in a playfully sarcastic tone.
  13. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie stuck her tongue out at her brother. "Well technically I'm after your timeline," said Carrie playfully,but still a slight bit of saddness slipping into her voice.
  14. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Eleven merely grumbled to himself at River's comment, while accepting one of the boxes from Captain Jack and fixing the fez's position on his head.

    "Well, that means I'm going then, right?" Rory queried, in response to Ten's statemet regarding the mission. "If you're the Doctor's last regeneration, then that puts me in the right group."

    Sam hesitated before answering. This stuff was all new to her for one thing, and for

    Stalker, she told herself. She ignored the comment as best as she could.

    { If it's all people from Ten and Eleven's timelines, I still feel like that's a lot of people. D: }
  15. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    {Well, people could always stay behind and help Jack with their earpieces.}

    Ten heard a hint of sadness in Carrie's voice and tried as best as he could to ignore it and push on.

    "True enough. So, considering how many of us will end up coming along, I think a few people should sit this one out."

    "I agree. If we bring this many people along and it turns out to be an ambush or something, we don't want everyone in danger."

    She walked beside Ten and Eleven, putting her arms over both their shoulders and laughing just a bit.

    "Still, it's not like we can let you go all by yourselves. You both know that we're better than that."

    She took her arm off of Eleven, pulled off the fez and placed the fedora back on his head. Once she stuffed the fez back into his hands she started fixing her hair, knowing that it would be a mess.
  16. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Rose smiled. "I think I'll stay behind then, I'll help Jack with manning this place." John looked over to his wife unsure of whether his burning desire to go on another adventure was stronger than staying with his wife. "You should go John, I know how you miss it." A huge grin spread across his face.

    "Well, I would like to see what is out there so I'll come along." Kathy strided over to her father.

    River just looked around, she had to be with Eleven but feared that it was probably better if she stayed at the base, there were already a lot of people going and she could protect him from this side. "I'll stay behind as well."
  17. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    "Right," Eleven said, addressing the room. "So now we've got me, my last regeneration, John, Kathy, and Rory going to sin city. I think we could take one more person, tops?"

    Rory glanced at Sam questioningly. She quickly held up her hands. "Umm, I think I'll...sit this out. This is all really new, and...yeah." She could feel her ears turning bright red as she said this, with so much attention on her at that moment.

    "...Anyone? Well, if no one else volunteers, we can manage perfectly fine with six." When the Sixth Doctor's head perked up, Eleven sternly told him, "No."
  18. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Seven." Nine corrected, stepping forward. "I'll come along too, if you don't mind. Always wanted to go to Vegas, and now I'm going three times at once."
    He grinned stupidly, enjoying the humour that could be had from him being around other versions of him.
    "I'm begining to get an idea of how fantastic it is to be around me."


    Doing as his new -- ...whatever she was -- asked him, the Master stepped out of the TARDIS and looked at the now-rapidly morphing form it was taking.
    As fun as the idea was to go around in a constantly changing vehicle, it would be the most annoying thing ever to try to get inside, so he quickly grew bored of the idea and swiftly kicked it harshly, which actually succeeded in stopping it on it's current form; a bright pink toilet cubicle.
    "Well that's no good." he said aloud, before zapping it with super-palm-lightning-whatever, which caused it to change shape once more.
    It had become a scarlet Police Box. An almost exact replica of the Doctor's own TARDIS, but a much better colour.
    "Ironic. I like it." he said, heading back inside. "It looks fine." he said, not deeming to mention the events.
  19. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    " Oh No. Don't mention me or anything!" said Carrie, stealing the Fex off of his head. " No Fez now! it's mine," she Carrie sticking out her tongue
  20. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Eleven didn't like the idea of adding another him to the group--there was already himself, Ten, and John, who was Ten--but he decided, Hell, we're already mucking things up badly, why not try our luck? That was what Vegas was all about anyway, right?

    He made a noise of protest when Carrie took the fez. "Fine!" he blustered. "I thought you said you weren't coming, but fine! Just give me my fez!"

    Gathering himself again, he straightened up. "All right, solid group," he noted. "Jack, we're going to need a few more of those rings."


    Okay, fine. Rory had ulterior motives for going. There, he admitted it!

    Yes, he'd love to help get time back in order...or something. He vaguely rmembered the Doctor mentioning some nonsense about wibbly-whatever balls of stuff. He didn't really get it. But what he cared about more than anythingwas finding his wife and keeping her safe.

    Amy... Where are you?

    (He could practically hear her berating him for thinking she needed "protecting.")

    He didn't doubt that the Doctor--at least, the bowtied one, the one he knew--realized this, but he hadn't said anything about it.

    "All right, you lot," Eleven said, indicating the Vegas group. "We don't have time to waste--pardon the expression. Into the TARDIS with you, once you've received your headpieces!"
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