Insert Timey-Wimey Neutron Flow of Coolness Here {Doctor Who RP}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by . : tale_wind, Feb 25, 2012.

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  1. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Alize? Well, it fits given the fact that we've fallen down one hell of a rabbit hole."

    She smiled, still being slightly wary. She was beginning to open up to the idea of the Master being a good guy, but she wasn't the type to forgive and forget so easily.

    "Yep, sin city. There's a lot to be explained, but I think there might be an easier way of doing it."

    She looked towards Ten, knowing that explaining everything would take too much time.

    He nodded at her.

    "Well, only if you're up to it. After all, this isn't an ultimatum. Telepathy may be convenient, but I think everyone should get a choice."
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alize grinned, she was warming to these people now they weren't trying to steal all their fun. Instead they were actually asking for their help, that was certainly a turn for the books. "Our help?" She looked at the Master, "So Blondie, what'd you say? You've been quiet. Shall we help them or not? Do we at least go to Vegas and just take it as it comes?" She still respected the fact it was his TARDIS and he got a say what they did, plus she wanted to stick around with him. She closed her eyes and connected to the TARDIS's systems before she walked over to the control panel, resting her hand on a lever. However she waited for him to speak before she set about changing it's course.
  3. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Oh yes, alright I suppose." the Master resigned, shrugging half-heartedly. "Not like I have life force occasionally leaking from my face or anything. Speaking of which, I haven't had a--"
    His words apparently tempting fate, his head momentarily flashed blue, showing his skull, before going back to normal again.
    "Yes, one of those. That happens."
  4. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009

    She was shocked and confused by what had just happened to the Master. Frankly, it was creeping her out.

    "Jesus Christ! What the hell was that?"

    {I'm too damn tired. Will post with Ten later.}
  5. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    As soon as the Master muttered the words 'I suppose', Alize moved fast, pulling down levers and pressing buttons, all with her eyes still shut. The TARDIS didn't even jerk or shudder, the only thing that might show the change of route was a few different lights coming on. "Done. We're en route to Las Vegas." She said, though quieter than she would have usually. Her forehead had creased slightly as she looked round, "Um, what were you saying a moment ago about life force? You alright? Anything I can do to help?" She asked calmly, getting the feeling that she had missed something important, especcially with the other woman's rection. It was quite clear she'd not seen what had happened to his face.
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "What?" he asked back at the girl he vaguely remembered. "That's just a thing that happens now. Somebody threw a thing at me while I was doing this thing, and then things happened, and now I do that thing. It's all very long and complicated and boring, ignore it, can't do a thing about it."
  7. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    She looked at him, still completely creeped out by his skin turning transparent. Even if it couldn't be helped, it was still just...

    She shuddered.

    "Fine, though that doesn't mean I can't get creeped out by it."

    She crossed her arms and intended to speak into the headset.

    "Doctor, get everyone ready. We'll meet up with you in Vegas."
  8. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy jumped at his skin.

    "Has your regeneration... gone a bit wrong?" John inquired rocking back and forth on his heels.

    Kathy walked closer to her father, she was experiencing a whole new world today. "Cool, to Vegas! No idea what we'll find."

    John looked at the Master, glad that he was helping but he knew him... was he up to something? He doesn't just help without a selfish motive... has he changed? Well, he didn't have a choice but to trust him right now... that was just who he was... a trusting guy.
  9. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie just stared as both her brother and his next incantation looked surprised and she herself was surpirsed when Cat poped up and teleported her brother away. "What the Hecate is going on?" She questioned the Doctor.
  10. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Tech smiled, making the choice not to worry about what ever had just happened to her friend, "Well as long as you're alright. If you ever need me to help in any way at all, please just let me know. I'd hate to see you suffer in silence." She laughed happily, she just wanted everything to be fantastic and have fun. She looked down at her summer dress as she swished it from side to side, "So, we're going to Las Vegas then. Hmm, I'm not really dressed for that so if you don't mind I'm going to disappear into the back and change." She told them before turning and skipping away into the back.
  11. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Eleven rubbed his temples; this was getting rather out of hand, and the Master being "nice" was just too far beyond comprehension.

    "All right, everyone," he finally said. "We've wasted enough time as is. Everyone who is not going to Vegas out of the TARDIS? Good. Because we are leaving..." He pulled the wibbly lever down. "...NOW!"

    Rory latched onto the nearest object bolted to the floor as the TARDIS lurched into motion. Eleven noticed the odd instability and attributed it to the fractures in time and space.

    "...So, what's the plan once we actually get to Las Vegas?" Rory asked warily, fearing the answer he'd recieve.

    Eleven grinned like a madman with a box. "We improvise!" he answered cheerily. Rory just groaned.

    As she watched the TARDIS fade, Sam was struck by the sudden lack of leadership; the three young-looking Doctors had seemed to know more than anyone what was going on, and now they had left.

    " What now?" she queried.
  12. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Carrie's eye twitched and she felt like hitting the Doctor when he didn't answer her. Let it go.. she though sighing. She watched the Doctor pulled the lever and sighed. "Isn't improvising what we always do anyway..."
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "Um, so yeah." Alize spoke quietly as she walked back to the main part of the TARDIS again, her voice slightly deeper and more mature than before, "Do you like my new look?" She asked as she stepped out into the open, revealing how she had completely changed. Gone was the little girl in a summer dress she'd been only moments before. She'd grown in every sense of the word, she now appeared to be a young woman perhaps in her twenties. She was still not that tall but much taller than before. She'd suddenly got curves and boobs, all showed off to their fullest in the fitted red dress she was wearing. Her skin was flawless, not a spot or blemish in sight, she could have been a model. Her red wavy hair wavy came to rest neatly on her shoulder. She'd kept the same facial features though they'd matured and her eye colour had changed.

    However as she shurgged and smiled, it was quite clear that all that had changed was how she looked. She still had that mischeivious glint in her eye, that just wanted to have some fun. "I could always change again, if you don't like it."


    Luke looked over at Sam from behind a computer screen, "Now, with a bit off luck someone will bother to turn on their earpieces to tell us what's going on so, we are actually able to get to work and help out from this end. We're not useless and can help out if they just talk to us." He shook his head, he was slightly annoyed that despite all his insistance he'd been left out of the loop and not been told what was going on. "Anyway, I hope you don't mind Jack but I've been getting to grips with your systems. They're not too difficult. I've set that computer there" He guestured to a unmanned computer near to him, "to check all media reports, from TV to the internet even to newspapers to check for anything out of the ordinary that might be of interest. I've set extra stuff up around Las Vegas so we know what's going on even if they don't tell us. There's loads off stuff coming up about parliment but now all the action's moved from there, I don't want anything like that slipping through the net." He grinned cheekily and looked back at the computer he was currently at, "Now I'm just seeing what else these can do. It's quite impressive I must say." He told Jack, there was no dening he was enjoying himself.

  14. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    {Glad to see that this is alive and well again.}

    Ten smiled.

    "I like it... except for the dress. I mean, does it really have to be so... fitted?"

    He looked her over quickly and turned away, afraid of making things too awkward.

    She looked at her, seeing how drastic some of the changes in her appearance were. It was incredible how her device could change every aspect of her appearance.

    "I actually think it looks good on you. It's better than anything I'd ever be able to pull off."

    She smiled and nudged the Doctor playfully with her elbow.

    "And you shouldn't be so reserved. If you like it, you like it and that's that."

    She heard Luke complaining about everyone turning their headsets on and realized that it would be best to do so now.

    "Guys, turn your headsets on. Everyone else just left and it's best if we get ready before we land."

    She now spoke directly to Jack.

    "Jack, you heard me. Open the channel to the rest of the group."

    "Yes ma'am."

    He replied to her jokingly and worked to open the channel. He replied to Luke.

    "Thanks. Still, we'd be a pretty bad top-secret government agency if we didn't have the technology to support what we do."

    He smiled and finished up with his work.

    "Alright Cat, you and the Doctor are live. Now we just need everyone else."

    She heard him and smiled.

    "Thanks Jack."

    She turned to Ten.

    "Doctor, did you hear that?"

    "Yes, I did."
  15. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    John and Kathy turned on their headsets just to listen.

    In all honesty, Kathy was jealous of Alize's figure as she stood there in front of them looking completely different. "You look nice, that dress suits you."

    John said nothing but couldn't help being slightly attracted.
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "You think so? Thanks" Tech's face lit up as they said they liked her new look, "You know I've never really had boobs before..." She said looking down at them and without warning grabbed her boobs and started squeezing them. "They feel all wierd and squidgy. Are they supposed to feel like that? I tend to be a young teenager, you know as even though I'm 143 years old, I'm the equivilant to that in my species." She laughed and bobbed up and down a little as she did so, unconsiously. "They're bouncy! They're funny little things, aren't they?" She said as she stood there, oblivious to everyone else, entralled by bouncing her new boobs up and down.


    Luke grinned as he finally got a responce but looked over at Jack first, "I don't doubt you but you've got to admit the technology is pretty cool." He laughed, before turning his attention to the people now with their headsets turned on, "Thankyou. Now would somebody mind explaining what we've been missing when you lot were all being secretive?"
  17. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    {God, Midny. I was laughing so much at that one bit. xD}

    Cat chuckled a bit to herself as Alize got used to her new body. It was pretty entertaining, though she didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

    Ten looked on, not because he wanted to, but because he couldn't stop; he almost wanted to laugh, but he knew better. When she talked about it, he thought it best to chime in and calm her down about her... breasts. He walked over, putting his hand on her shoulder.

    "Uh, you know, you might want to do that somewhere else."

    He leaned in and covered his mouth as he whispered to her.

    "Humans tend to be... easily amused by, er, bouncing breasts."


    Jack smiled at Luke, knowing that what he worked with every day would seem impressive to someone else.

    "Yeah, it really is."

    He laughed just a little bit and then tensed up again at the question, trying to figure out how best to explain things.
  18. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    "Hey," Carrie said into her headset. " Would you guys mind telling the rest of us what the heck's going on?" said Carrie rolling her eyes.
  19. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alize paused for a moment from her bouncing to look at Ten with a confused look, "Why?" She asked before grinning and starting again, "I can see why they find it amusing, it's great! And wait, isn't being amused a good thing? What's wrong with being amused by something?" She asked, physically jumping up and down a bit now as she got excited and made her boobs bounce more, "Up and down, up and down..." She said as she giggled.
  20. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Oh, is that what they're for?" the Master said, munching on an apple that definitely hadn't been there before.
    "I always wondered why human women had those funny bumps. You look good though. Very mature. I'd say more, but I'm trying to stay PG-143 for the kids."
    It was arguable if he had even paid attention to anything that had happened recently, but he seemed to be pretty happy just eating his apple.
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