Insert Timey-Wimey Neutron Flow of Coolness Here {Doctor Who RP}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by . : tale_wind, Feb 25, 2012.

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  1. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Oh, right, you're the interesting one." the Master said, looking at the girl that had teleported in suddenly.
    "I was stuck in a Time Lock at the end of the Time War, with a bunch of Time Lords chasing me. I didn't really have time to call a taxi. So I stole a Tardis. I'd call it a mass-production model, but I don't think it can really be called that anymore, do you?"
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Tech giggled, "Yeah, she's definatly not a mass production model any more. We've improved her and customised her, now she's truely special and one of a kind. I 'fixed her up' big time" She rubbed the control panel affectionatly. "And before you start making him out to be a big bad monster consider this. He was running for his life in a place where he would of got destoyed along with this beauty if he'd had stayed. Surely that's not so bad and in his place you might have done the same if it was your only chance of survival. And no one's going to miss her considering they were destroyed. Give him a break, okay? You always assume he's bad and never even consider there is another side to the story." She folded her arms as she spoke. "And you've still not explained who you are or why you're here, but insist on interogating us."
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    She crossed her arms and sighed when the Master pointed her out. Obviously, he didn't recognize her. Still, she didn't mind being forgotten by scum like him.

    "Wait... a Time Lock in the Time War being chased by Time Lords?"

    She took a second and then burst out laughing.

    "Oh god... oh, if you're going to make stuff up, you could at least think of something less ludicrous."

    She regained her composure and looked at the two. Somehow, she could see them traveling in this TARDIS together. Granted, they'd probably wreak havoc, but-

    No, what was she thinking? She couldn't let him keep this TARDIS. She looked back at the girl and began to answer her.

    "Well, the Doctor's tried to make peace with him on more than one occasion. Besides that, you haven't seen our side of the story. I suppose anyone here could call for an intervention of sorts, but where will that get us?"

    She would never admit it to anyone, but she had a point about running for his life and being in his place... that is, if his story were true. She still had her fair share of doubts about that.
  4. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Yes, I got stuck in the Time Lock on Gallifrey when I saved your precious Doctor. Big red planet taking up most of the sky? Don't remember that? Might be a bit past your time, ask him yourself if you like. My Doctor's that one." He said, pointing at the human-Doctor that was with the trio. "Though mine was younger and had two hearts. Assuming he even survived. Did he survive? He'd better have survived, after what I did. Go on now, go see him, do your teleporty thing."
  5. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    When he'd mentioned saving the Doctor, her heart nearly dropped. She wanted to grab him by the shirt and yell at him for lying. After what he'd done to the Doctor, he couldn't possibly be making the argument that he'd saved him. Still, she had to admit that it might've been past her time. She swallowed hard and switched her earpiece on, giving him an awful look.

    "Don't tell me what to do here."

    She was louder than usual, but she had managed to avoid screaming. She sounded pretty angry, and that was because she was.

    "Jack? ...yeah, I need to talk to the Doctor... it's about the Master."


    He had been trying, but there just wasn't any way to activate them. It was odd since the only time interference like this popped up was when someone was traveling through the Time Vortex.


    "Cat? God, where are you? I've been trying get a feed from you for a while now and-"

    "Yeah, I need to talk to the Doctor."

    "Sure, I'll open the channel. But, uh, just out of curiosity, why is it so urgent?"

    "'s about the Master."

    He nearly froze until he realized that people would begin to ask questions. He figured that this was probably only on a need to know basis, so he opened the channel to Ten and Eleven. Since they were the only ones who could help her, he figured it would be best for both of them to be present.

    "Alright, done."
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "Okay, maybe I don't see your side to the story but I keep asking you who you are and asking for an explanation when you could explain your side of the story but everytime you ignore my question. I'm sorry but you can't say that if you're not going to try and expain your side. I was just trying to stop you judging us without listening to what was actually going on." Tech said, she didn't like to be judged when she hadn't done anything wrong. She did not want these people to come and ruin all her fun. "Talk to your doctor whoever that is, just don't see us as the enemy without doing your homework first. We're not trying to kill you last time I checked, what are we actually doing wrong? You were the ones who randomly appeared on our tardis." She shook her head and walked over to the Master, putting her hand on his arm, showing her support for him.
  7. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    John raised his hand at Cat. "Alright, it's alright, just calm down." He walked over to the console once again whiping out his specs. "Well, what have we got here! I like the desktop theme, very nice, very retro. Oooh! Kathy, come look at this! I haven't seen one of these in ages!" Kathy walked over to something her Father was all excited about. "It's a instantaneous bronto-collider, or better known as a thunder generator."

    "Why would a time machine need that?" Kathy quizzically inquired.

    "Oh you know, stuff." He looked up. "Fun, I suppose. But anyway, no type-40 TARDIS has one because they are too high tech." He span back around to face the Master and this girl. "So I assume the Doctor met you after I was physically born at the invasion of the Daleks and Davros. Well, its to be expected I suppose- we just like to live on don't we?" His childish grin spread across his face. "And you are right, you aren't doing anything wrong so don't mind us, just investigating. Although, how did you escape a time lock?"

    Kathy looked at this alien girl and decided to answer her question. "We are just having a few problems with time and TARDISes disappearing so we are currently investigating. We spotted a reading that wasn't like the ships we were looking for so we followed hoping to find an answer to this problem, we ended up here by the way. I don't think you have anything to do with it but it can't hurt to check."
  8. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "I've known the Doctor for most of his life." the Master answered, before continuing. "Been trying to kill each other for most of that because, well, what else is there to do?"
    "As for how I escaped; it was pretty easy really. Stole a Tardis, looked for a weak point in time and launched myself there. May have destroyed half of parliament, but that's not really important now, is it?"
  9. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    John smiled. "Well, I am the Doctor, well, relatively speaking. I still have his memories, all the memories of us as children as we played in those roasting red fields. So don't discount that." He took off his glasses. "Well, I suppose that makes sense, it takes a lot of energy to do it so I hope you didn't crack all of time and space open as you did so- OOOH! Could that have caused it? When did this happen?"
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    "I've known the Doctor for most of his life. Been trying to kill each other for most of that because, well, what else is there to do?"

    Eleven froze.

    That voice...?

    No. It wasn't possible.

    "As for how I escaped; it was pretty easy really. Stole a TARDIS, looked for a weak point in time and launched myself there. May have destroyed half of Parliament, but that's not really important now, is it?"

    He had to take the headset off for a moment and let his head clear.

    He had watched The Master jump into the Time Lock after Rassillon. There was no possible way he could have gotten out.

    ...But then again, it wasn't possible for him to be here with all his past regenerations and companions, either, was it?

    He gave Ten a frantic look and mouthed, Are you hearing this?

    The nonverbal exchange didn't go unnoticed by Rory. "What's going on? he started to ask, but Eleven immediately shushed him and put the headset back on, listening intently.

    Outside the TARDIS, Sam raised a hand. "Um, I'll help with anything, too, I guess..." She stole a quick glance at Luke, then immediately averted her eyes, blushing like mad.
  11. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009

    "Cat. What's wrong?"

    He was a bit shocked when he heard her in his headset. She sounded upset and worried, but he figured it'd be best to hear her out before asking too many questions. He walked out of the TARDIS to avoid drawing suspicion.


    She couldn't bring herself to talk about it. If the Doctor was really going to be saved by the Master, she wanted to know why she couldn't help him. Was she going to be that useless?

    "What? Keeping it to yourself isn't going to do any good."

    She sighed, knowing that he was right.

    "Well, I tried teleporting into Parliament, but we ended up inside the TARDIS instead... and the Master's piloting it."


    "Yeah. He says he... er, apparently he did some timey-wimey stuff and broke out of the Time Lock on the Time War. I don't believe it myself, but he says he stole a TARDIS of his own to escape."

    "He what?"

    He ruffled his hair, thinking things over. After a moment, he regained his composure and walked over to Jack.

    "Can we get a visual feed?"

    "Well, I'm not sure. It looks like they're in flight, but I might be able to boost the signal using the subwave. It should only take a second..."

    In a moment, he could see what looked like a discotech. She was facing the exit, so he could see the police public call box sign that he recognized from his own TARDIS.



    "D'you mind giving me a lift?"

    She smiled to herself, almost glad that the Doctor wanted to come and confront him in a way that she never could.

    "Of course. You'll be here in a sec."

    She teleported next to him and took his hand, quickly heading back to the Master's TARDIS.

    "Ah, I see he's changed the desktop theme... well, it's a bit colorful if you ask me."

    He turned around slowly and saw the other Time Lord. His face went from happy to serious and he walked over to John, pointing his finger at the Master.

    "Now, you have got some serious explaining to do. Start talking."
  12. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "Here we go again! Why does everyone automatically assume he's done something wrong and needs to explain himself? Give him a break already. We've already been through this once, do we really need to repeat ourselves?" She shook her head at new person. "We've not done anything wrong so why do you have to spoil all our fun?" This was really starting to annoy her now, couldn't they at least consider the possibility the Master wasn't the bad guy?

    She quickly glanced over at John though, "You like that little addition? I thought it'd be pretty cool."
  13. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Ten looked suddenly at this little girl. He had noticed her before, but really hadn't paid a lot of attention to her specifically. Upon closer inspection, he smiled.

    "Ah, so you fixed her?"

    He was giddy at the thought of a TARDIS that had gone through a Time Lock being repaired.

    "You did a good job with her. And may I just say your image inducer is lovely; quite a nice piece of technology if I do say so myself."
  14. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    That took the girl by suprise, she hadn't expected him to say that and for once it actually showed, she wasn't quick enough to hide it. "Oh um, yeah, I fixed her completely and got her back working fully. Well I couldn't just leave her as a wreck, could I now? It'd be such a waste." She rubbed her neck, "And um thanks. I quite like it. But seriously, can everyone here see through it? Can't I fool anyone at all that I'm human? Personally I thought it worked pretty well but clearly not." She shook her head, so much for pretending to be human.
  15. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    "Oh, don't be so modest. Fixing a TARDIS that's supposedly been through a Time Lock is nearly impossible. Y'know, I'm tempted to call you a genius right now, and I don't feel that way very often."

    He tilted his head to the left.

    "Well, the people that are here aren't exactly ignorant. It's good for fooling humans because most of them don't think that any extraterrestrials would be among them. Now, given all of the things that I've seen, it's not too hard to figure it out. Then again, it took me longer than it should've... well, maybe just a tad bit longer. Well... maybe it was a bit conspicuous that you'd be hanging around him."

    "That's what I said."

    Cat walked over to them, trying to let her sullen thoughts go. She figured that a bit of socializing would do her some good.

    "Well, an image inducer... sounds like something out of Star Trek."

    She laughed, feigning the sort of ignorance that most people would have when it came to alien tech.
  16. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy smiled at this girl, she was growing to like her. "Well, it just has a strange metallicy smell that is very promenant when close to you. Nothnig personal- it's a lot fainter then a lot and almost undetectable compared to some of them out there- especially shimmers, man have I seen some bad Shimmers."

    John also looked over to this alien girl. "So, what's your name?"
  17. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    {Carrie can't hear him. It's just Ten and Eleven. Check post #205, I specifically said so.}
  18. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    (Kay I just deleted it. I have nothing to write so I guess I'll have to post later.)
  19. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    The small girl grinned as she swished her dress from side to side, "It is? Well, um, thanks. I just do it because I can, I enjoy fixing things and making everything sparkle again. I hate to see stuff broken when there is so much potential." She laughed, brushing her hair back before turning to look at the other younger woman. "It does? That's not good, I shall have to fix that, I can't have that giving me away. No sense of smell you see." She explained and shrugged. "As for my name, my actual name is unpronouncable in human tongue but you can call me Alize." She did a slight curtsey as she introduced herself before moving back over to the Master, she wondered what he'd call her now. She wasn't sure if he'd stick with Tech or use her name. "Just please don't be mad at us, we only wanted to have a bit of fun."
  20. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy smiled. "Nice to meet you Alize. Well, having fun is always enjoyable although if you fancy helping us get to the bottom of this madness then that would be much appreciated."

    John looked at the Master, unsure of his reaction to this. Was he the sort of man to care? Was he willing to help? He had no idea.

    "It does mean a trip to Vegas." Kathy innocently added.
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