First of all I would like to thank Khchick55 for colouring this drawing! Thank you so much!youre so win :3 Okay Ill explain the drawing: 1.Me surprised because the Waffle Man followed us,saying also:"OMG its you again!" 2.Jazz(Khchick55)scared of the waffle Man and saying "He´s still there right?!" 3.Macie(Lookaheartless)chewing Jazz´s shoe while looking at the Waffle man confused,thinking:"youre next..." 4.Easter-chan(Kitty,eastercat)Jumping with no reason whatsoever saying "Horray for us!!" and last but not least...the Waffle man saying "Why hello there..."yes like in the commercial.xD so anyway comments will be very nice and Insane sisters FTW! =3 Drawn by:Me Colouring by:Khchick55(thanks again!)
Well...seen those DQ commercials? well me and Jazz hate that dude dressed up as a waffle man. xD -Val- Oh I will! =3