INFINTESSIMAL RAGE aka halp halp what does I do

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I did a very mature thing today and you're going to read about it whether you want to or not so get comfortable because this might take a while

    Okay so I got back from school to go to another school-

    -don't ask-

    -and I figure that I should ask everyone and their grandmothers on what happened today because I really don't feel like bothering my friends on MSN with one of my long and interesting yet also boring stories.



    Now, this all happened in Sociology, pretty cool class in and of itself but absolutely filled with IDIOTS.

    I guess that really applies to all of my classes to some extent, it really depends on your definition of an idiot. I mean if you're, like, a supergenius then of course your bar for intelligence is going to be a bit higher than everyone else's.

    What was I talking about again?

    Oh right Sociology.

    So anyway, there was this debate going on in Sociology, the topic at hand being whether greater use of the intarnet can affect your "real" social life. That's exactly how he worded it, sans quotation marks. So totally not a biased debate from the beginning at all. To add to the unfairness, the debate was me and my friend Tyler vs EVERYONE. Yeah. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that he had this set up in a really stupid way so that he chose who got to talk, so Tyler and I barely got anything in edgewise, let alone words.

    Fun, right?

    So after I had my hand up for about another two minutes trying to remember every point every person since I last went has made so that I can attempt to argue them all, he calls on the person behind me. And this person says the following, more or less verbatim;

    "If you spend a lot of your time on the internet, say in a relationship-"

    At which point I'm already thinking AW SNAP HE GON HIT BELOW THE BELT




    See, the way I picture debates I really like to visualise the argument going on between the two people

    as an extreme kung-fu fight.

    So what I was visualising was about to happen was he was about to drop to about three inches from the ground and do a debating sweep kick right into my debating ankles and I would hit the floor like a morbidly obese person going for a donut on the ground.

    Metaphorically, of course, he wasn't actually going to sweep kick me.

    But can you imagine how great that would've been to tell you?

    ...Damn I got sidetracked again

    Oh right, so anyway he said;

    "If you spend a lot of your time on the internet, say in a relationship, you're wasting all the time you could be using in actual interactions on a fake and useless relationship that obviously isn't going to go anywhere."

    My hand drops from the air like the morbidly obese person mentioned earlier, and I turn and look away from him because quite frankly if I were to look at him right now I would've jumped over my desk and beat him into submission in a style similar to the debat kung-fu fight, except I would've literally beaten him into submission. But of course the idiots sitting next to him had to make fun of me right then. "LOL DUDE U HIT DAT NAIL ON DA HEAD"

    Not the best idea considering I was about to hit a nail in his head.

    But I do the mature thing and tell the teacher I'm leaving the class. He's just like "Oh god yes please leave before something very very bad happens"

    Which he was in the right of, I was about to beat the shit out of one of the people behind me if I haven't made that clear by now.

    So I leave, the mature thing to do (pffft maturity), and this idiot and his friends are laughing at me on the way out. They were fucking LAUGHING. And although nothing else really happened for the rest of the day since I didn't see him after that (thank god), I was still miffed at it all day. I'm not so sure why it got to me so badly.

    "If you spend a lot of your time on the internet, say in a relationship, you're wasting all the time you could be using in actual interactions on a fake and useless relationship that obviously isn't going to go anywhere."

    Maybe it mad me so enraged because he was talking shit about things he obviously knew fuck all about. Maybe I felt like he was aiming it at me personally (it's a complete possibility). But it did get to me, and although I'm proud of myself for making the mature decision, I'm still pretty damn angry. I'm thinking about confronting him about it tommorow. Should I confront him and if so how should I do it?
  2. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    No, don't confront him. That'll just make you more angry.
    I don't think it was the fact that he said something that "hit you" that made you angry, it was probably just the stupidity of the statement. I can gather, from that statement, and from how you are generally describing him, that he is probably really, really stupid. And you aren't. The stupidity of others tends to make intelligent people rage. Like you said, he was "talking **** about things he obviously knew **** all about" We can describe that as stupid.
    If you confront him, he's just going to keep being stupid, and you're going to keep being angry.

    The solution is quite the opposite of confronting him, to distance yourself from all the stupidity. Sociology class is full of idiots? Well then don't participate. If you know enough about Sociology to pass the class without really giving a **** about the stupidity going on in it, then do it. Forget about the debates, forget about raising your hand, just distance yourself from all of it. Feels good, man.
  3. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Confront him, but show him how mature you are and keep a level face, and tell him that was a bad thing to do, and ask him to not do that again.
  4. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I wouldn't confront him at all. Sounds like he got a good rise out of you if people were laughing at you when you left (which was a very mature thing to do, given the situation. It's what I would have done), so by confronting him you'd probably add fuel to the fire and make the situation much worse.

    People say stupid things like that all the time, and yeah, they're going to get you below the belt, but you can't let that keep getting at you. Holding your ground and staying firm proves your maturity, and their lack of it.
  5. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    Just forget about it. Don't go back up to them ever. ignore their prescence. Why? Because everyone has to deal with idiots. Most people just leave them alone, and that's why they have good days.

  6. Repliku Chaser

    The teacher was wrong to do that to you in the first place and it made the situation nasty, so I would definitely not confront the other student at all. If it was me, because I hate bad teachers, I would actually consider going to the principal or counselor to report him and how he had you and your friend versus the entire class practically and he would not let you both even speak to defend your point. The irony it is a 'sociology' class and he fails at it, is amusing. He let a situation turn into one of little more than verbal bullying because you disagreed with his point. Of course, you can always see if blowing it off works, and it has its chances.

    If you feel you can go ahead and talk to the teacher alone, I'd do it at a time before or after class, or say at the end of the school day or early morning. If you feel though that this teacher is just having it out for you, I'd go to speak to the school counselor or principal, and bring it up to your parents. Walking out of a class can get you in trouble instead of him. You handled the situation itself very well by leaving, but you don't want to escalate the situation in class anymore so the teacher seems to be the person to get through one way or another. The students will cut their crap out in time, but if the teacher is a jackass, you're stuck with him the rest of the year.

    I wish you luck and hope things resolve well for you, whether you end up not doing anything or you do something.