Didn't see a thread so I made one. Anyone looking forward to this? Personally I can't wait for it, tomorrow. Look at that picture of vampire Cole. Jesus, he looks badass. (And the Dynamic Theme that came with pre-ordering is pretty nice too) I'm also interested in seeing the more "dark" side, along with blood. :B
It's not really a "full" game. Sorta like DLC/Expansion, but not. You don't have to own inFAMOUS 2 to play it or anything like that. And it's only $10.
You don't need the game? So it's not using your system memory for the powers? Hmm. This intrigues me more. I will be running to the store tomorrow to get a PSN card and check that out.
So it actually IS DLC. Kay, that's cleared up with me. But yea, "previous inFAMOUS games are not needed to play this DLC." I kinda wish I still had PS+ so I could get it for $8. D: