In Sand & Stone

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Chevalier, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    In here, I will post most of my poems. As of now, I'll just post the ones, I've made here.

    And we begin...

    Bittersweet Sanctuary

    Kiss me goodbye one last time

    It goes without saying…

    Were I lay smothered in blood that erases all lies

    Should I say Goodbye?

    When I feel like life has cheated me of every try

    Whisper don’t make a sound

    Let me tell you one more thing

    My ears are not deaf…

    I held you close and yet so far

    I cannot be the one

    Just try to understand exactly that

    I’m so sorry.

    Be glad that I’m out of your life

    But I never hated you.

    And still you always declined.

    I can never amend.

    You ignored me every time


    And now I’m stuck in fantasies.

    I was…

    In this bittersweet sanctuary

    Comment: This, is somewhat mediocre, but its a poem I never posted on here so Its my newest poem and I think its not that bad. I'm not all that sure why I choose orange as the title's color, at the time it just seemed to fit, somehow.

    Was it?

    How are you feeling today?
    Is that box treating you well?

    I was wondering if you remember.
    Of, course you do, though today.
    I came to remind you, again.

    I brought these flowers, the ones you loved...

    Now it seems so easy to tell you how I really feel.
    Was it really that hard to understand how I felt?
    Was it really that hard for you to listen to Me?

    I wonder where your so called friends are now
    Do they come visit you often?
    No, do they, am I the only one here now

    I waited so long for you...I guess I should have done something.

    And when I finally tried, it was so late...

    Was it that hard for you to hold my hand as I so many times tried to hold yours?
    Was it really that hard to actually wait for my heart to reach you?

    Was it really that hard for you to understand that I loved you?

    I would have waited for you, even if it took years
    I would have followed you
    Was there in front of you
    Why didn’t you stop and hold me

    The last time...I saw you...I held back so much

    I wanted to tell you
    But you more than anyone knew
    That my heart belonged to you.
    And I was always there for you.

    We just realized it...too late.

    I just hope wherever you are
    My tears reach your heart

    Comment: This is the first poem I've ever done for KHV, and the first person who saw it was our very own Catch the Rain.

    Pull it

    It will howl through the fire
    like the cymbals of lyre.

    The scorching earth spills its sorrow
    it cries through its marrows.

    Pull it now
    the voices say

    pull it now
    so you won't regret

    stop the trembling
    and destroy.
    Everything I've worked for
    Just destroy.

    Watch the scarlet
    run through my face

    Pull it now
    just don't forget

    It’s only a trigger
    pull it now
    without any remorse or regret
    pull it now

    Comment: This was somewhat a test poem, but I'm pretty contempt with how it came out.


    Dusk comes at her embrace
    so there will be no time to regret

    Racing thoughts may tempt you
    but don't give into her dilections

    cold fingers touch you slowly
    Every touch making you feel so lowly

    Don't give into her soft kiss
    beware the despair it brings

    breaking away forth
    from her sweet embrace

    Dawn will break
    without her touch
    and today you live

    to breathe again
    another day.

    Comment: "Her" was somewhat a poem I came up with, apparently it depicts a goddess, but its not attached to that, so I guess "Her" represents a different thing for each person.


    I will climb to the end
    were I can finally find rest.

    The end that breaches
    everything in sight
    within all its glory and might.

    Away from conflicts and war
    I’ll sleep this night
    without darkness or blight.

    I'll outstretch my arms to the sky.
    And I’ll reach toward the light.

    In this high and mighty place.
    I will finally see everything again.

    All the things that fall into place.
    Among this grand scheme of life.

    Let me reach higher
    among the grasp of angels.

    Don't let me fall
    into the den of Devils.

    Where I can only find
    something horrendous.

    Let me see light one last time.
    Before I fall into a painful demise.

    Comment: This poem was supposed to be cheerful, but Alture is ended up being somewhat sad. I guess it just came out that way.
  2. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    I thought these were really good. I liked the Was It? one and Her the best even though they were all wonderful.
  3. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    Listen, learn
    Hear and play
    Walking in the streets
    He wants to play

    Look at the water
    So clear and light
    Touch and bounce
    Let’s take a dive

    Listen to the echoes
    They sing your story’s past
    Look inside the mirror
    A world you will find.

    Look once more
    There it is
    The hidden child.

    Let him play once more
    Through the streets of life
    He knows the way
    Better than anyone.

    Waiting for you, he was
    To let him play once more
    Before your final time

    Running through the streets
    Playing loudly he goes
    Unlike you, for now
    He has to say goodbye.

    Comment: Well, I think its pretty clear what this poem is about, its not really , happy and not really sad. I guess everyone can give it the interpretation they want, but my aim was to portray, how sometimes, when we grow older we forget our overactive imaginations and those long games of hide-and-seek and how we enjoyed and laughed without worry. Try playing those kids games once in a while. You'll see how fun they truly are.
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    The story of the mirror

    It occurs that one time a young lord once had a mirror.
    The image reflected to him clear and bright.
    He was amazed and contempt with this mirror.

    Every day, every night. He held the image to his heart
    Each time something different to arise
    He was obsessed and in love with this mirror.

    No one truly understood his reasons for loving the mirror
    But no one saw through the clear sight
    The truth was his love was on this mirror.

    On the nights of pale moonlight she would come to play
    And just like that by the morning’s dawn
    Her reflection would return to the mirror.

    Everyone thought him crazy, everyone thought him whack
    “Thy young lord is lost something in his head†they would say
    But they didn’t know how much he loved this mirror.

    He would dance with her, until the shadows would grow
    But what he did not know , what he did not see
    The shadows that hid on the innocent glint of her eye

    One night, when the color of the moon became vermillion
    She danced with the young lord, the shadows seeping from her very soul
    He could not see, he was entranced, a fallen victim to love’s game

    He held her tight, morning was to arise, he could not bear to see her go anymore
    She knew that now was the time to strike, and with the gentle look in her eyes
    She was sure she had him hypnotized.

    “My beloved, please don’t ever leave my side†he cried.
    His heart could not sustain the pain of seeing her leave
    For every time she came.

    She had him in her hands, a witch to take his life
    But something inside her had changed
    She had fallen for this man.

    “I’m a shadow, trickery for men’s souls to fall†She cursed
    She could bear to see him sad
    This predicament was breaking her heart.

    “Of the world of light then I shall depart, to share the shadows with the light of my lifeâ€
    He knew what must be done, and he felt it in his heart.
    He would sacrifice his light to be with her at once.

    She looked at him and with tears in her eye
    She declared she was free,
    For true love had granted her light.

    And by the morning dawn, they were no more
    No one knew what happened to the young lord
    And yet, everyone still tells the story of the mirror.

    Comment:'s been a while and I wrote this...It speaks for itself. I've had writer's block so I don't know if this is any good...but I think it's an epic. Anyways comment. Please I need CnC.
  5. R3c0Nzi13 Banned

    May 27, 2009
    OMG-ville, first WTF complex on the right.
    Okay, here's the general expectancies of an Epic, for reference:

    1. Long, as in book length
    2. Descriptive(but try not to recreate Beowulf, PLEASE.)
    3. Heroic(as is necessary in Epics, no?)
    4. Vocabulary to show elegance and intelligence(of which you have a lot of both, given what I'm reading here)

    That's an Epic in my eyes. If I'm wrong on any of those, then I guess I'm wrong. But, anyhow, like I normally say when I see something as good as these poems you've written, good job, very well written, and sometimes, I'll throw in the occasional "There's a few grammar/spelling problems", but I don't see that necessary here.
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I see you're new here, so thank you. I wasn't really sure since I've never writen an epic. Just...could you please not quote it? It's somewhat that's why I ask this...if you could please remove the quote?

    Anyways, thank you for your imput, and *reps*
  7. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Forgotten Hymn: He quotes everything, it's just one of his many bad habits. I would know, I'm both his friend online and in reality. Heck, I bet he'll quote me as soon as he sees this post!

    And by the way, Emmet, you're missing something: Normally, in Epics, the hero/heroine is typically shown as a strong-minded being, and not somebody pulled off the streets who suddenly becomes a hero, like many of our stories portray. Take Beowulf, for example: The guy busts in and starts bragging about his skills. Perseus was the son of a god, Achilles was almost immortal, Odyssius was told how to defeat the Trojans by a god, you see where I'm heading with this. It's just typical that heroes/heroins are portrayed as already powerful and well-known beings, not just any old street hoodlum.

    Minor mistake, no biggie.
  8. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    *gasps in amazement*.....Wow.....I really like your poems xD. THE CHILD is my favourite & Was it? was pretty awesome aswell :'D
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    By a Thread​

    You know how easy it is.
    The breakage of the soul
    It breaks just like a twig.

    Between today’s and tomorrow’s
    And all the day’s past
    Leaving all the traces of sorrow

    How hard it is to say goodbye
    How hard to remember the past
    Maybe too hard, perhaps

    Friendships do last a lifetime
    And maybe, even more
    Memories fall away through time

    The sad, the happy
    The everlasting
    The Eternal

    Untying the bonds
    The hopes, dreams nurtured
    And making new pacts
    They do not last a lifetime

    A clamor
    An ode to the days of past
    For they are never coming back

    Traded for wisdom
    Has amounted onto our senses

    Taking the place
    Of what so dear we held

    Let’s build this thread once more
    From beginning to end

    Comment: This poem actually goes by the hand with "the child" and another poem I can't seem to find....which make...3 poems that are related. this one doesn't deal with understanding the mind of a child, but more about honoring memories.

    Forever & Never

    Our hearts they are dying
    Displacing the pumping emotions
    Into a Frenzy of flurry

    The promise of eternity broken
    Vermillion running through the sun's kiss
    Into the embrace of a night woven

    The cold embrace of solitude
    Hope that revels into the air
    My ever foolish attitude

    I hold onto scraps of that eternal
    Into the morning's dawn embrace
    Forever now just seems...

    Our hearts they are dying
    Into the morning's dawn embrace,
    Vermillion running through the sun's kiss
    Only for us to know...
    That love isn't eternal

    Comment: This one...this one is a way to vent...I haven't been feeling too well...and this's message kinda blurted out of me...this one is new I did it today....

    Moonlit Nightmare

    To be awake and see the moon
    Under it's ebony gowns of lavish
    Among its splendor and glamour

    Under it's radiance and glow
    To dance surreptitious
    Among the darkness and it's flow

    The zephyr our accomplice
    The dance our tool of trade
    The darkness our enchantress

    Our shadows & nightmares
    To break free from confinement
    In this dance they shall be delighted

    To be awake and see the moon
    among the land of great carnage
    To dance and shimmer among the darkness
    'cause by the morning they'll be no chances

    Comment: this one is kinda a last minute...I'd figure it look un-organized if I did not post 3 I saw the seemed to be radiating this intense yellow color, and so...I'm currently in a dark room, and sometimes it feels like something might walk up to me, so...
  10. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    All of the poems are amazing. My favorite is Forever & Never. But they are all emotional. Great Job!
  11. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Once again, your poems are amazing. I like the concept of your latest three. Moonlit Nightmare is a favourite of mine xD It's just so beautiful. And so are the other two. Forever & Never is a deeply passionate poem too :'D
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Le' enfant' du letum innocent

    One single tear
    It leaves this coil
    unto his cold deep touch
    as he watches the disrupt

    The eternal dusk that renews
    Every fear, every fright.
    That any man could hold in his heart.

    His contour waves slowly
    through the sea, the nations
    Every sin, every redemption

    His hands taking without regret
    As the clock falls still on the altars
    Neverending corpses of their own actions

    This wicked light that compels me so
    upon the scarlet riding woman
    My corrupting soul
    The crown of stars, the mother of all
    the refuge I held
    Is no longer my own.

    The seas, the nations held on the devil's lap
    She beckcons me into her arms
    One more life, a prisioner of the dark.

    I fall to my knees
    My head down on soil
    As the breath leaves my lips
    And soil, I become

    The Desired One

    We found her on the verge
    She walked among the realm of god's
    Her power fuelling the soul of self-indulgence
    The power of Convinience.

    Her travelling words flowing
    the wind taking them with vex
    Poison to the simple man
    Elixir to the eyes of tomorrow

    She took, she gained
    Her words to heart
    Her words to lust
    Her words to righteousness

    She was used
    As the apple was offered
    She was it's seeds
    The snake her dark shadow
    Once she was
    Now she is
    And forever in the mind she will be

    Look into her eyes
    Find your poison
    your truth
    your demise to circumstance
    Don't look at her
    And forever be doomed
    never inscribed in the halls of the world

    Don't look at me with spiteful eyes
    Once you see who she is
    You shall foverer and never lose sight of who you truly are.

    Comment: The infant of innocent death, was gonna be my poetry contest entry for july...I just didn't think it good enough. It depicts many things, stages, or a precise moment of light & corruption. The Desired One is special, I tried freestyle, think I to whoever figures who it's talking about.
  13. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Uh...I guess the Desired One is about Eve and the tempation?

    I liked Le Enfant Du Innocent Letum. The personification was excellent- hell, you should have entered that in the contest without a doubt, it surpasses the majority of entries anyway :v
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Thank you. I'm not a very sure person of myself. Anyways, rep for you, no it isn't that...but that's a very nice guess you did there. The poem actually is talking about Wisdom, it's presented as a double-edged sword and how it has contributed to both advancing and corrupting the world depending on who had it in their grasp. At the end it implies a contradiction; A torn path that is decided upon how Wisdom is used
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    You seem to getting better and better. These last two were pure gold, I especially liked the regret and sorrow in "L'enfant du letum innocent" (that's the correct form, just to help you out). I'll be checking back here!
  16. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Thank you...pure gold, eh? I like the sound of that. Anyways here is another poem that I wrote before those other two, it's not as good as them, but it was mainly to vent, and blow my feelings into a poem. I think it worked...better than I expected.

    mY LoSt SaNiTy

    Look at me, tell me what you see
    Dark pools of truth?
    Or the crimson lust inside of me?

    I'm afraid that yesterday's gone
    And I plunge further with the clock
    My play of white curtains
    stained red with the sins of my soul

    Don't leave me tonight
    Facing demons alone
    It's the last prayer that falls from my lips
    Please don't let me go

    I've torn my resolve
    Halted the God's will
    now my human courage
    Is a ghost filled of deceit

    Plunged as I may be
    I yearn, even when my sins are writ
    With blood and guilt
    the last of my self-purity has wore thin

    Don't leave me tonight
    The silent seekers are scratching at my walls
    Hold me tight to your heart
    Hold me with the dreams of warmth

    A Candle lit in the dark
    Embrace that bathes in light
    the battling resolve of my self
    Maybe tomorrow, the angels won't pass my penitence...
  17. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I agree that this wasn't as good as your previous two, but this was still a decent poem where you alternated strong metaphors with literal, to-the-point phrases. I appreciate that the point of your poem is so clear here, partly because I'm currently in no condition to delve for deeper meanings myself. It was a good piece.
  18. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    I have to be honest,I didn't read every single poem...But I really like what you did with them so far.They are nice,some longer than others;but a nice flow and a lot of thought put into them.

    This quoted poem: I really like this one. Honestly, sometimes reading poems;It's hard for me to read them because, they are a bit boring and don't have a nice flow.
    But with this one,and many others; They have a nice meaning and tone to them, which is good.

    Nice job :3
  19. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Left in Yesterday

    I find you,
    hands outstreched.
    You wait, you wait.

    I can't see,
    No, not her.
    She's gone, She's gone.


    Upon wisdom,
    the raven lays perched.
    Nevermore, Nevermore.

    Over plutonian shore,
    the voice of prophecy.
    No more, no more.

    A dance for tomorrow
    the gown of velvet for you.
    It all goes, it all goes.

    I can't see
    You're left in yesterday.
    Evermore, Evermore

    Final Falling

    That light...
    A pathway for the heart
    Where the air connects
    it connects to the soul

    You, me, tomorrow...
    Promises, memories
    Where the earth connects
    it connects to our thoughts

    The calm...
    Hope, and destiny
    Where water connects
    it connects to our spirit

    Eternity, finality
    where the fire connects
    it connects to our hearts

    The final falling...
    Goodbye, nevermore
    Where the collective connects
    it connects to...

    Comment: Crazy poem time. This aren't really crazy or whack, they do have a meaning, but I'm not explaining it, because I want people's deductions. Hope you enjoy them.
  20. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    It's time to post

    Day of Fantasy

    Welcome to Illusion Street
    Open the doors of deceit
    Come to lie on the floor
    But don't ponder on it too much

    Welcome to the eternal ever last
    Where dreams connect to a never land
    Wake up through the morning dew
    And watch the stars fall like drops of glue

    Goodbye my beautiful, dear heart
    Where existence corners the after life
    Adios, my little morning star
    Tomorrow we will play again, until dawn


    I hate you so much,
    and I wonder how the saying goes
    When you feel you hate someone, so.

    I'm afraid you've torn me a hole,
    hollow, and void.
    I can't even begin to count my woes.

    Too lazy to feel anymore,
    oh, I hate you so, but,
    so lazy to hate someone, so.

    And now I feel I hate you more,
    for making me feel like this
    oh, so numb.
    So lazy, this wretched soul.

    Add these thoughts to ponder
    on my undying sloth,
    For I hate you so.
    When you've gone and left me so numb.