In-Depth KH3D Demo Info!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. Ty Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 30, 2010
    Hey, guys!

    A writer from Famitsu got their hands on a demo for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. The full impression, translated by SQEX, reveals that there will be a new enemy that is not the Heartless, Nobodies, or Unversed that will be featured in the game. Furthermore, there will be two new party members to aid Sora in Traverse Town. The person who wrote the article censored the names of the characters.

    Thanks to TheMaster for the news!

    Source: SQEX
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 30, 2011.

    1. Sonic Toadstool
      Sonic Toadstool
      A new type of enemy? Hm, personally I would have liked to see the Unversed make another appearance but oh well. I hope the new type of enemies will be able to bring something new to the tables of the Kingdom Hearts universe and stand out from the heartless, nobodies, and unversed. :)
    2. Baxby
      I wonder who the new party members will be? Hmm I also wonder how large a role will Donald and Goofy play considering they have not been mentioned yet for this game.
    3. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      New enemies. eh? I can't wait to see the first screens. Keep us posted. Thanks Ty. Great work. ​
    4. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      I wonder if the new teammates will be FF, Disney or original characters. And the new enemies are likely enemies created specifically for the Mark of Mastery exam. Maybe enemies based on Sora or Riku's dreams?
      Interesting, I actually am a lot more interested in the game from this small paragraph.
    5. Excasr
      new party members and new enemies...
      i wonder how they are, now i'm getting curious.
      I think it'll be new characters, that we never saw before, and the enemies i don't have a single clue... many possibilities...
      Thank you Ty, keep up the good work, guys! ^^
    6. Clawtooth
      Seeing as the title has something to do with Dreams ... perhaps Nightmares for the new enemy? Just throwing around random speculation here.
    7. Tienewman
      with a playable demo available, i wonder how far along the game is in terms of development.

      makes me think a 2011 release is more likely now
    8. Clawtooth
      Well, in a recent interview, he said it was 40-50% done ... however, that 40-50% might have been the design stages and the ideas stage ... and the rest of the time could be the actual implimentation of those ideas and making the final game ...
    9. redhairedking
      I'm thinking a 2012 release. If the game is about 50% done, I think it might be asking a little too much to have it out by Christmas 2011.
    10. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
      Great, hopefully more news is tom come. I do wonder who will be accompanying us for our new teammates. So I'm thinking this game will be somewhat finished soon.
    11. Speyeker
      That's what I'm guessing as well. Alright, we called it first!
    12. 61
      Interesting, i hope the battles arent too flashy. This game is sounding pretty awesome, im a little upset its for the 3ds and not the psp, the psp needs more kingdom hearts love.
    13. Miles
      I bet you your teammate are Ansem and Xemnas! Not joking!
    14. Iskandar
      what I'm annoyed by is that I won't be getting it anytime soon since I need a 3DS, and by the time that happens, the rest of kingdom hearts will be out.
      But it would be awesome if your teammates were Tidus, Selphie, or Wakka.
    15. KHMasterPK
      I'm still hoping for José and Panchito. They deserve to appear somewhere in the series.
    16. Daxa~
      Hopefully it will be released within the next year or two...
      But you never know D:
      And new teammates and a new enemy?
      Sounds exciting! <3 <3

      Thank you for the update Ty :3 :3
    17. Shikou
      New type of enemy?
      Lets see.... we have Heartless, Unversed, and Nobodies.
      Whats next? The new enemy will be called Soulless or Dreamless?
      (this is 100% sarcasm and my actual opinion if they are called that I will wear a banana suit for all to see lol)
    18. Key master Sora
      Key master Sora
      anybody know if there is any new worlds? i know in the trailer there was stuff for the hunchback of notre dame but i don't know...

      And i like the sounds of new allies and enemies!!! ^^ Cant wait to see this!!!!!!

      And KIRA94000 you better post pics! XP
    19. Shikou
      Ahahahaha!!! Dont worry. I will have one of me in a banana suit holding the game box as my signature xD