Original idea for this thread was Noroz (though I suppose I started it), reposted instead of bumped so I could possibly add rules/guidelines to this if it takes off. A few months ago I decided to have some fun and imitate some of the pictures in Post Your Picture Here. The game is this: someone will post a picture of them making a weird face, in a strange pose, or just generally doing something abnormal. It's up to everyone else to imitate their picture! You are encouraged to match the surroundings and/or clothing as best you can, but a simple pose/facial imitation is fine too! Along with your imitation, you're free to (though it's not mandatory) post your own pose for others to imitate! It's fine if two (or more!) people want to imitate the same picture--encouraged, even!--but try to be fair and make sure each pose gets an imitation before you start repeating excessively. For example, if I wanted to imitate a post from page 5 and we're on page 10, that's fine! Just make sure everyone in between isn't neglected. I used Noroz's picture: Spoiler And ended up with... Spoiler View attachment 33273 Now KHV, imitate this! Spoiler View attachment 33274
Well isn't this fun looking.... no not really but hey I need a laugh! Misty's pathetic windswept look has been updated: Spoiler Demented Bunny comes to play: Spoiler And Here comes the next challenge (Hoodie included gaiz): Spoiler
Looking excellent my friends! Ross imitation! Settled for a sweater because I don't own a hoodie... Spoiler View attachment 33278 Droid imitation (my mug totally beats yours!) Spoiler View attachment 33279 Aaaand imitate this KHV! (note: i almost fell over while taking this, if you are woefully out of shape like me be careful xo) Spoiler View attachment 33280
I have that same mug! Mug buddies Misty. Mug buddies~ The Demented Bunny Osbourne: Spoiler I wasn't careful...the camera went off as I was grabbing a hold of my bed while falling over.. Spoiler Christmas time guyz~ Spoiler
Okay, so I decided to discover the timer option on my camera and have a go at this~ Spoiler STOMP Spoiler Just gorming in my bright pink hoodie~ Spoiler Tasty~ (Kinda copying Misty more than Ross but ah well) Spoiler It's nearly Christmas and mine is purple because I'm cool like that.
Here's Droid's Spoiler Sorry. No Christmas hat. Paw Spoiler Spoiler Imitate this yo Spoiler And you don't have to wear a hoodie.... Im only wearing mine cause its freaking freezing