Imagine if Sora was in Dissidia

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Tyrant Valvatorez, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    I know its never possible believe me. But its fun to imagine things sometimes, if Sora was in Dissidia, what do you think he would say to the opponent in battle mode, here's my guess:

    To Lightning: Do you ever smile?
    To Vaan: I'm captain Sora of Destiny Island!
    To Laguna: I met someone who never existed before
    To Yuna: did you get so tall?
    To Kain: You're trust in friends is large
    To Tifa: Hey....didn't expect to see you again
    To WOL: Lets see who's light shines brighter!
    To Firion: It is good to always follow a dream
    To OK: Well...can't say I've never beat up kids before
    To Cecil: You're reminds me of someone
    To Bartz: Sorry I don't accept anyone copying my Keyblade
    To Terra: Don't be afraid of you're power
    To Cloud: You'll find you're light, just keep searching
    To Squall: HEY LEON!
    To Zidane: Right....I never really was good at acting
    To Tidus: How did you get off the island?
    To Garland: A cycle must come to an end eventually
    To the Emperor: I'll never be under you're rule!
    To CoD: So, does giving in to the dark mean less cloths?
    To Golbez: You seem to nice to be working for Chaos
    To Exdeath: Shut up with all of this Void crap!
    To Kefka: I HATE CLOWNS!
    To Sephiroth: I'll always believe in the light, unlike you!
    To Ultimecia: If time stopped I hope I wouldn't be in an odd position
    To Kuja: You're singing is making my ears bleed
    To Jecht: I've always wanted to fight a guy like you!
    To Shantotto: I hope I don't feel guilty after beating you
    To Gabranth: Law must be fair and balanced!
    To Prishe: You seem like my type, unfortunately I'm already taken
    To Gilgamesh: I don't know who you are, but you belong back in that Rift place!
    To Chaos: There is always a light that never goes out!
    To Ferrell Chaos: Its time to end this once and for all!

    Well, those are my ideas, what are yours?
  2. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    I think a post was made of Sora being an assist character.

    The concept of him being in the game, nice, but not probable. Sora belongs to Disney not Square.

    Some of the lines were good, but I don't think really fit Sora at all.

    Oh, but the Leon one made me lol.
  3. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    I said its not possible and I know that, I just want everyone to imagine it.

    Oh and I thought the original Kingdom Hearts characters belonged to Square.
  4. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011

    Yeah. I did. But I wasn't thinking of this...

    Good job psycho.
  5. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Thanks for the compliment captain.
  6. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    They do. Sora isn't an original Square charter. He's a collab between Disney and Square Enix.
  7. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    This is not accurate (as far as I know). Square Enxi used licences and payed royalties to Disney, but Disney did not design specific characters for the games... Unless I am missing something.
  8. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Oh man, I do this all the time with my characters. It's actually a fun way to flesh them out a little bit.

    Took the liberty of doing two sets: one he says to them, and one they say to him.

    To Lightning: You remind me of another sour-puss I know.
    To Vaan: Those clothes... Are you a captain?
    To Laguna: You look kinda familiar...
    To Yuna: Wait a sec'... How did... What the?!
    To Kain: Whew. Tall, dark, and creepy.
    To Tifa: Oh hey, long time no see!
    To Warrior of Light: I like your style, but you could stand to loosen up.
    To Firion: ...Whoa. That's a lot of weapons.
    To Onion Knight: This is no time for games!
    To Cecil: Heh, you remind me of a friend.
    To Bartz: Hm... So can you copy my Keyblade?
    To Terra: C'mon, you gotta sound tougher!
    To Cloud: Don't worry, I'll tell you if I see him.
    To Squall: Did... Did you cut your hair?
    To Zidane: Whoa, a tail!
    To Tidus: I can still clobber ya!
    To Garland: Yeesh. Doesn't all that armor slow you down?
    To Emperor Palamecia: Pfeh. Maleficent was way scarier.
    To Cloud of Darkness: You don't fool me, you... whatever-you-are!
    To Golbez: You're too nice to be fighting for them.
    To Exdeath: Did I hear a klonk?
    To Kefka: What's with that get-up?!
    To Sephiroth: If you want it, you'll have to take it!
    To Ultimecia: Leon told me about you.
    To Kuja: Jeez, pipe down.
    To Jecht: Whoa, you must be a tough guy.
    To Shantotto: Is that a Moogle? ...Oh, whoops, my bad.
    To Gabranth: Hate will get you nowhere, trust me.
    To Prishe: I like your style! Wanna spar?
    To Gilgamesh: ...WOW. That's a LOT of weapons.
    To Chaos: P'shaw! I bet Beast is bigger than you!
    To Desperado Chaos: You'll never take my heart, or anyone else's!

    From Lightning: If you're not serious about this, then get lost.
    From Vaan: Heh, this oughta be fun.
    From Laguna: You wanna fight me, kiddo?
    From Yuna: I'm sorry, I don't think we've met...
    From Kain: You're as willful as him. What a surprise...
    From Tifa: Wanna fight, huh? I guess I can take a break.
    From Warrior of Light: Your light is strong, young one.
    From Firion: Heh, we both daydream too much, huh?
    From Onion Knight: ...But... you're just a kid!
    From Cecil: Your lightheartedness is refreshing.
    From Bartz: That's a nice blade you got there.
    From Terra: I-I won't lose! ...Was... Was that good?
    From Cloud: You're still searching too, huh...
    From Squall: ...Who is this kid?
    From Zidane: Hey! I've already had my tail pulled once today!
    From Tidus: Whoa, your hair is outta control!
    From Garland: Run along home, child.
    From Emperor Palamecia: A trifle. I'll dispatch you myself.
    From Cloud of Darkness: Afraid of the dark, little boy?
    From Golbez: How long will that childish innocence persist?
    From Exdeath: There is no light within the Void.
    From Kefka: BAHAHAHAH! Nice shoes, Bozo!
    From Sephiroth: That weapon...
    From Ultimecia: Sad little boy, lost and alone in a strange land...
    From Kuja: I'll shut that grotesque little mouth of yours.
    From Jecht: You sure you wanna take on a champ, kid?
    From Shantotto: You may need a change of clothes after this.
    From Gabranth: So young... So naïve...
    From Prishe: Don't underestimate me, bud!
    From Gilgamesh: That weapon! I MUST add it to my collection!
    From Chaos: There is no light within darkness, boy... There is only me.
    To Desperado Chaos: GAOOOOOOOH (etc.)

    And finally...

    To/From Sora: Oh man, not this again!
  9. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011

    That's really good.

    I'd like to see a Riku version of this.
  10. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Eh, probably. Either way, Sora belongs to both SE and Disney, so SE can't use him for any other games unless they ask Disney.
  11. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71

    Using KH1 Riku, because KH2 Riku would be flatter and more boring than Cloud.

    To Lightning: So what are you fighting for?
    To Vaan: If I win, you gotta take me on your airship!
    To Laguna: Let's do this, old man.
    To Yuna: You remind me of someone back home.
    To Kain: Oh man, a real knight! Cool.
    To Tifa: Careful, don't hurt yourself.
    To Warrior of Light: Heh. Hey, to each his own.
    To Firion: Another dreamer, huh...
    To Onion Knight: Haha. Sure, I'll play with you.
    To Cecil: I see you're fearless, too.
    To Bartz: After this, whadya say we go treasure hunting?
    To Terra: Relax, I'm tough. You won't hurt me too bad.
    To Cloud: You're scared. I can see it.
    To Squall: Strong, silent type, huh?
    To Zidane: Don't underestimate me, monkey man.
    To Tidus: You wanna take me on by yourself?
    To Garland: You don't scare me.
    To Emperor Palamecia: You wanna rule me? Go ahead and try.
    To Cloud of Darkness: Wow... How do you do that?
    To Golbez: Hey, save the lectures for someone who needs 'em.
    To Exdeath: I can take you. Just watch.
    To Kefka: I know mimes who are funnier than you.
    To Sephiroth: Man, what a creep.
    To Ultimecia: You can't stop me!
    To Kuja: Get a grip, you're embarrassing me.
    To Jecht: One champ to another!
    To Shantotto: 'Scuse me if I step on you by mistake.
    To Gabranth: I won't end up like you.
    To Prishe: Hey, c'mon! This is no time to be goofing off...
    To Gilgamesh: You're my proof.
    To Chaos: Do your worst. I won't back down.
    To Desperado Chaos: This is... This is what I've been waiting for!

    From Lightning: Get outta here, kid.
    From Vaan: You wanna see the world too, huh?
    From Laguna: Whoa, feisty little guy, ain'tcha?
    From Yuna: I'll... do my best!
    From Kain: Hm... Perhaps we have something in common.
    From Tifa: Don't count me out just 'cause I'm a girl!
    From Warrior of Light: That aura... You're...
    From Firion: Let's both keep striving.
    From Onion Knight: I'll show you what I can do!
    From Cecil: Careful. Don't push yourself too far.
    From Bartz: Aren't you afraid you're gonna pull something?
    From Terra: ...Are you sure you want to do this?
    From Cloud: Not interested, kid.
    From Squall: You're getting on my nerves. Scram.
    From Zidane: This is gonna be one hell of a show!
    From Tidus: Bet I can run faster than you!
    From Garland: I'll crush that indomitable spirit of yours!
    From Emperor Palamecia: Know your limits, peasant boy.
    From Cloud of Darkness: You intrigue me, child.
    From Golbez: Mind your recklessness. It may be your undoing.
    From Exdeath: You do not know true darkness.
    From Kefka: Oh, I'll send you out to sea all right...
    From Sephiroth: Even at world's end, you will have found nothing.
    From Ultimecia: You seek a new fate? Foolish.
    From Kuja: Such brashness... How vulgar.
    From Jecht: C'mon, gimme your best shot!
    From Shantotto: You will submit to my will!
    From Gabranth: I sense turmoil in you, boy.
    From Prishe: You think you're a tough guy, don'cha?
    From Gilgamesh: The search for new horizons grows old after a time...
    From Chaos: Rest assured, boy... I'll put the fear in you.
    To Desperado Chaos: GAOOOOOOOH (etc.)

    To/From Riku: Think you can take my place?
  12. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    Very nice. Well done again!!

    Now, I wonder about their assist phrases and EX-modes...
  13. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011

    What is the To/From for?

    When you play as Riku and set your opponent as Riku too?
  14. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Yep, Riku mirror. All the other characters have unique lines for fighting themselves, so. :L

    The more I do this, the more I want to write an essay on the subtle differences in personality between characters. Like... Kefka and Kuja. They both pick on their opponents and make cutting comments. But Kefka is always mocking some aspect of his opponent or trying to get them out of the way, whereas Kuja likes to imagine or threaten situations that would challenge their values or perceptions. Kefka also seems a lot more single-minded; sometimes he'll just tell a character to buzz off, but if they're powerful enough to wreak some serious havoc, then he takes an interest.
  15. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    I'd like to see some Xehanort's heartless/Xemnas or Xehanort himself quotes :3
  16. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    I love these.

    I lol'd at From Kefka.
  17. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Bumping this because I did actually plan to do some Xehanort lines. But I think they're on my other laptop and I've forgotten it somewhere four hours away. Won't have it again for a few days.
  18. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Dang it well until than I'm gonna do my best to keep this thread alive:
    And yes this is fake, well no **** Sherlock what did you expect?
  19. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71

    Here's Seekernort lines. Didn't do the "from" this time, might add it in later.

    To Lightning: Insolence... I will not stand for this!
    To Vaan: Aha, another heart full of wanderlust...
    To Laguna: You have nothing left but to return to darkness.
    To Yuna: You would give your life for such a glorious deception?
    To Kain: I see... You have already begun your fall.
    To Tifa: You will submit.
    To Warrior of Light: I'll have to extinguish you, and quickly.
    To Firion: Keep dreaming your pathetic dreams.
    To Onion Knight: Do not expect any mercy from me.
    To Cecil: Those who teeter on the edge are fated to fall.
    To Bartz: Your freedom is an illusion, and nothing more.
    To Terra: Open your heart, child. Let that wickedness run free.
    To Cloud: You cannot escape. Darkness will find you.
    To Squall: I will break your feeble shell.
    To Zidane: Face me, rogue. Face your nightmare.
    To Tidus: You cannot outrun the darkness, boy.
    To Garland: Pitiful pawn. I shall end your struggle.
    To Emperor Palamecia: Only one may be crowned king.
    To Cloud of Darkness: Ahh... A most exquisite creature.
    To Golbez: Whether good or ill, your deeds have no weight in the abyss.
    To Exdeath: Golem... You are a pale shadow of the truth.
    To Kefka: Mind your tongue, jester, lest I rip it out.
    To Sephiroth: So, you have seen the dusk...
    To Ultimecia: This body is mine, and mine alone.
    To Kuja: What happens when the darkness comes for you?
    To Jecht: Yes... I see it in your eyes. You know what is to come.
    To Shantotto: Hahahaha! A darkness to rival my own!
    To Gabranth: You know you are no match for me.
    To Prishe: Simple-minded girl. I will teach you respect.
    To Gilgamesh: All of your weapons will break. And so will you.
    To Chaos: This... is the final darkness.
    To Desperado Chaos: You will bow to me! YOU WILL SUBMIT TO MY WILL!

    Y'know, you guys are welcome to do this, too. Not trying to steal the show here.
  20. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Alright, guess its my turn with Aqua:

    To Lighting: I know you have light, you just like to hide it
    To Vaan: Be careful, so much wandering can lead you into darkness
    To Lagun: You seem determined enough
    To Yuna: I know exactly how you feel to protect others
    To Kain: I scene a strong darkness in you, yet I see a strong light
    To Tifa: You have a strong will and heart
    To Warrior of Light: Never have I battled against light itself
    To Firion: I would love to dream just like you
    To Onion Knight: Hm, your just like Ven
    To Cecil: So it is true, you can use darkness and yet stay in the light!
    To Bartz: I don't like people mimicking my fighting
    To Terra: Wait......Terra? Thats odd
    To Cloud: You're just like Terra, don't know rather to give into the darkness or the light
    To Squall: You should work with friends more often
    To Zidane: So you're an actor? I'd like to see you're acting skills after this!
    To Tidus: Why would you ever want to fight you're father?
    To Garland: The heart should not only be used for battle
    To Emperor Palamecia: I won't allow someone like you to be my leader
    To Cloud of Darkness: So here I am, fighting darkness itself
    To Golbez: You should try the things you say instead
    To Exdeath: I was trapped in the Realm of Darkness, I won't let you trap me in the Void!
    To Kefka: Why destroy when you can build?
    To Sephiroth: What kind of hero gives himself into darkness?
    To Ultimecia: Time cannot stop the heart!
    To Kuja: Jealousy is one of the main points of darkness
    To Jecht: You have the energy but do you have the spirit?
    To Shantotto: I'm pretty good at magic too, wanna see?
    To Gabranth: Your law is corrupted in darkness
    To Prishe: Such enthusiasm, you seem to be most cheerful
    To Gilgamesh: You should start collecting other things besides weapons
    To Chaos: This is it! I can stop darkness once and for all
    To Farrell Chaos: I can stop this madness once and for all!

    Yeah I know they suck, but I least.