Well, then Flattery will get you people no where -w- Though I am curious, who wins Strangest User 'cause I checked, and apparently I have the most votes(Wow, insaneest AND strangest) but I didn't get a pin? Or did I miss something
Typically, when someone has to state the fact that they are something, they are the opposite. For example, if a man loudly proclaims repeatedly that he is not insane, you should back away slowly. In your instance, congratulations. Don't use those pins as a way of picking up women.
Don't worry, you have nothing to fear from my self-proclaimed psychotic nature...expect if I go off the deep-end and decide to go buy a sword and use it against someone.
Insanity is a legal term. So unless a court of law has found you to be so, you are not, in fact, insane. By the will of the staff. As are you.
Unless the artistic side is meant to be on the person of interest rather than the surrounding area, kinda like Saw more than Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Always been more a Tekken man, but I am getting SFV. Hope I finally get good this time. I really suck. I heard recently Tekken VS Street Fighter is actually well into development and is still planning on being released, I cannot wait for that.
I'm so trash at Ultra SFIV but I would do anything for Poison, Cammy, Chun-Li, Rose, Ryu, Ken, Fei Long, Guy, and Cody. At first when I saw that Tekken X SF was a thing I was like didn't we already have that? Then I realized the other one was SF X Tekken and I realized it's probably based on the development studio who's name is first xD