I'm starting this here cause this can only end well

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by cstar, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    That's probably because as I mentioned before the staff member that you talked to was incredibly busy at the time. Really this whole thing was entirely unnecessary. A comparison could be made to b's post sure (and to a degree, ben's as well) -- but if you read into those posts they were made from a stance of improvement. This, however, seems to be splitting hairs for the sake of splitting hairs.

    First its about the "racism", next its about how sub-par the staff response was in your opinion. Maybe talk it over with another staff member if that one didn't give you an answer you were satisfied with. There are usually (around this time) half a dozen people available. I find it odd that you came forward with the "system" derived from your discord server, but when it comes time for you the user to do your job, you floundered around derailing a thread and continually talking about this lackluster application of a staff's duty.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I mean it was always about the response but that’s not neither here or nor there. In terms of improvement, I gave some ideas in the “Why I Left” thread. Here’s my suggestion for improvement because ultimately that’s what I want this to be used for:

    Staff members shouldn’t feel so pressured like they have to do everything by themselves. That’s sort of the vibe I’m getting, and whether that’s right or not, I don’t know. But if you’re super busy as a staff member you shouldn’t feel like you’re pressured to reply right away cause that can get sloppy when you’re multitasking / under pressure. I’d suggest, “let me check it out and get back to you later” or “I told X staff member about it and they’ll be happy to talk about it with you but I’m sorta busy.” So that’s my first piece of advice: right now it doesn’t seem like there’s the confidence for staff members to say to each other “hey X I’m kinda busy can you take care of X member Pming me?” Etc. Again that’s the vibe I’m getting, I could be completely wrong and that’s not what’s happening at all, but from a user perspective that’s what I see.

    More then that, formulated responses would probably help. Not like, robotic or anything but if y’all have a standard “I looked through the post you sent and it is/isn’t against the rules, thanks for bringing it to my attention!” Cause that’s pretty clear / straight forward. If you guys make a thread with if X... say Y, it won’t work perfectly for everything but I think it would definitely help someone out, especially if they’re in a rush. For my server I have a guide like that and for new staff members it helps a lot.

    So redirecting a member to a different staff member, and trying to create a response guide someone can reference if they don’t know what to do. I can’t say the response guide will work for KHV, but I know a couple discord servers that have it and it tends to make things 10x easier.
  4. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?

    Nice thing to come to when you get off a long day of work, eh? XD For those who probably surmised and for those who didn't, I'm the person Cal is referring to whenever she talks about the staff member who gave her 'the response' she's talking about. XD I just wanna clear up a few things: She did not ask me to deal with the comment as she says above, she simply pointed out to me what was said, on discord, with an 'lmao,' and then noted "that thread's a free for all rn anyway XD" I told her I intended to reply to the thread in full tonight or tomorrow depending on whether or not I actually had internet as late bills had me cut off this morning, or if my brain would let me live after I had a long work day, but that with everything I needed to deal with in the thread, I might have to choose my battles. When she pressed me about it and I finally realized she wanted someone to do something when her comments had previously seemed more conversational than anything else, I told her that I didn't want to detract from the issue at hand (the major problems the thread was meant to address) by getting sidetracked by smaller stuff, and when she pressed further, I said that I can't fix every problem in the world but I might be able to fix the big ones if I stay focused on them. I then told her that my break was over (because literally it was over and I actually got in a minute late because I didn't want to leave Cal with no response lol) and got off my phone, thinking I'd done okay.

    I certainly did not intend to make her feel like I was dismissing her, or that "yeah it's against the rules but who cares." XD tbh, I was phoneposting, and I was also trying to cram some food into my mouth with my free hand before my break was over. XD I didn't have time to go searching through rules, and honestly? I didn't feel like Llave's comment was worth the anger it was getting, and I was frankly confused by her stance. But I didn't want to speak out of turn, so instead of saying "I disagree so there," I decided to wait, search through the rules when I could, and compose a more adequate response, and, lol, challenge my own views and ask myself if my complacency was a problem. Maybe I should have said that? But since what I said was "also gtg my break's over byyyye" I guess I thought I had a few hours? XD I also fully intended to mention the conversation in the staff chat when I got home from work, just to find all this instead.

    And, I want to point out, this all detracted from the major issues the thread was intended to address. And now I've spent about an hour typing up a response to being 'called out but not really' instead of the response I'd intended to write up for B's thread, that I've been composing in my head since the thread went up.

    So I guess... I'm sorry I wasn't more clear in the quick-chats? But I don't really feel I deserve to have my statements twisted and 'paraphrased' like this because of it. And for the record, I totally ask for help from other members of staff when I need to, all the time. I go to Aelin, Lux, Heart, and Explode for advice regularly, and I also ask for help in the staff discord chat often and get advice from any other staff member who happens to be around. My saying I didn't want to detract from the main issue of the thread wasn't because I felt like no other member of staff would be willing to handle a little thing while I took on a big thing, but because I felt like Llave's comment was a really little thing and I didn't understand why such a big deal was being made of it when really serious stuff is happening in the same thread? So I said I was going to pick my battles, and then my options were either "tell Cal you have to leave right now and then deal with this issue when you get back," or "ignore Cal completely and tell a member of staff that she has a problem but don't explain what's happening because I have to leave right now, so whoever reads my post won't have enough information to understand what's happening and won't be able to help." XD

    So really:
    Guess I learned that today lol XD

    (Also it's Valentine's Day and my husband's been trying to talk to me and I've been busy with this.) XD
  5. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009

    Go enjoy your night with your husband.
  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Thanks, I think I will. XD

    B, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I haven't got to your thread yet, I promise I'll respond to it in the morning and give it the attention it needs. <3
  7. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I probably should have been most straight forward with you but I didn’t wanna be too confrotional about it. It was more of a “Lmao this is uncomfortable”. I’m glad though that I’m wrong and you do talk to the others when you need to, but I think you put too much of the responsibility on yourself sometimes XD like take a break, let the others deal with it.

    And I don’t think it would have been out of turn at all imo. Like that’s exactly what I needed to hear - that you disagreed of that makes sense. Because if you were like “Nah Cal I don’t think it’s bad” I would have been like “oh okay just checking”, cause usually when I see something and I’m like “yikes”, I’ll casually slide into the DMs and be like “hey what’s with this?”

    So like, in short please confront XD. I need the confront and I think a lot of people prefer clear and bluntless rather then trying to avoid the “out of turn” stuff. Like as a user I’d rather people just say what they actually think of something (and so if you disagreed to say you disagree), and like, I would hope the mods on my server would be straight forward with me too lol.

    To be fair I guess I wasn’t entirely clear either and I should have just said I was wondering if something was/had to be done or not so maybe I gotta take my own advice. Thank you for being up front.
  8. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'm just here for the vagina
  10. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Yeah, the main reason I didn't just tell you I disagreed was because I wanted to make sure I was right before I said something, lol. And because, as I said, I was in a rush and on my phone and I generally try to avoid making spur-of-the-moment decisions regarding something as serious as racism when I'm distracted and on my phone. XD It wasn't so much a fear of confrontation (as obvi I'm comfortable confronting you about this whole thing lol) as much as it was an attempt to be open-minded and thoughtful towards your position and not dismiss your claims without considering them more fully. Because, I wonder what these messages about me might have been like had I distractedly replied that it wasn't a big deal and I thought you were overreacting, without being able to take the time to explain why. XD
  11. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I don’t know, I’m sure another multiple universe Marushi found out. As for this timeline though, in my opinion I trust you as a mod, and so if you were like “I disagree Cal but I gotta go rn ttyl”, I would have been like “ Maru knows what she’s doing” cause I honestly think you’re one of the best Mods we’ve had on the site, like I sorta said in my first post on B’s. But I can’t say I know what someone’s doing if I have no clue what they’re doing you know what I mean. But now I see what’s up

    To be less serious for the minute though, it’s totally the phone posting. :p
  12. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I know of a Nagina if you're OK with that.
  13. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Tumblr and it’s moronic virtue signaling need to buzz off.

    It’s an expression, not a derogatory term. Calm yourselves,