I'm sick and tired (of always feelin' sick and tired)

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by MadDoctorMaddie, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Basically, I'm tired of almost everything, and I've got no energy left. I'm continuously sick, sometimes because of allergies, sometimes because my immune system is pretty weak and I seem to catch a cold every time it's on the move. This then leads to me being away from school quite often, so I fall behind.

    My motivation has never been too good, but right now I can't get myself to study/practice things that I actually like or liked. My already poor self-esteem then suffers from me feeling like I can't do what others can seemingly easily, and then I feel even less motivated to practice. And even on the occasions that I manage to psyche myself in to studying/practicing and I get good results from that, I still feel like I could've done better. Nothing seems to be good enough for me.

    I usually get about 7-8 hours of sleep, I eat properly, and I even do light exercise a couple times a week. So I really don't get why I'm sick and feel crappy all of the time. This has been going on for quite long now, so I'd really appreciate any advise you can give me.​
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    OK, well, you sound depressed. For the loss of energy, try not eating anything after 6 PM. It works for me - I always have tons of energy now. For motivation, concentrate on what you want to do with your life, and remind yourself that unless you get good grades, you won't be able to get into college to do it. Immune-wise, vitamins, supplements, etc can work. I personally have a very strong immune system, and my folks attribute it to my diet - extremely balanced.

    Also, do you seriously stay home from school with a cold? That's not gonna help your grades. Not to be rude, but when you have a cold, suck it up and go anyways. If you have like, the flu or something, then stay home until you are no longer contagious, of course.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    If you have allergies, those can certainly wear you out. What are you taking for allergies? The medicine or lack of it can attribute.

    One thing that my friend uses which does wonders for her is a Neil Med Sinus Rinse which can either be bought with a Netty Pot or a squirt bottle. You can pick these up at quite a few stores such as Walmart, Target, drug stores and sometimes grocery stores. It can help clear out the nasal passages and assist in stopping nasal drip so that it doesn't go into your lungs and wear you out. You might want to try that as it has no ill effects like some allergy drugs do in wearing a person out or making them high-wired for a while and twitchy.

    Some other things to do, are to try taking a multi-vitamin per day that includes iron in it. You may have iron-poor blood at the moment so that can revitalize you within even a couple days after beginning taking the multi-vitamin. Also, try to lower caffeine intake, and if you want to, try getting some kind of protein shake like 'Designer Whey' with whey in it. Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast that is not just full of oils or sugar. That way you aren't burning yourself out through half the day.

    The last suggestion is to try to get up your metabolism as you do these new foods and vitamins and such, and take care of your allergies. Try doing something fun to get the blood going that is exercise. Do a start up of easy things and work on up. Even if you feel lethargic and say do 15 jumping jacks to begin, that will help get your blood moving some more. Do push ups or 'wall push ups' if you can't manage push ups. Do some crunchies now and then. Like 10 each of the push ups and crunchies. Work these into times where you are doing nothing else basically to work the muscles and then you won't be sore but will get some energy as time goes on. Work out more as you feel you can. Maybe go for a walk now and then just to look around, feel better about your surroundings and get the blood moving some.

    Having a low self-esteem and these other issues you have such as allergies can lead to depression and exhaustion. Make sure to get your 8 hours of sleep a night if you can. Don't sleep more or less if you can help it. A nap now and then is ok, but you want to make sure you get proper rest as too much or too little is also a contributing factor. If after these sorts of ideas don't work, or if you feel really down and just can't motivate yourself, the last thing I'd suggest is that you see a doctor who can address your allergies and also recommend you to a psychiatrist or counselor to talk to so that you can get other help. These suggestions work if you are willing and able to invest some time and all, but if you are really depressed, you really have to try to break that pattern. I wish you luck and hope things get better for you.
  4. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Perhaps something is upsetting you? That can make people pointlessly sic. And if you can't do things you like try tuff you don't like. And for your low self esteem. You just need to remember...There are people suffering much more than you. I hope this helps
  5. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    you delima sounds similar to mine
    but i dont eat breakfast or lunch
    just dinner and snack after school so yeah

    maybe you should..uh...
    take medicine...and
    uh..work your buttoff until you can catch up enough to rest a little
    thats what i do

    thats all i have
  6. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    You might be vitamin deficient. I'm a vegetarian and apparently I haven't been getting enough iron, which makes you feel tired all the time no matter what you do. Try getting a blood test, just to make sure you aren't missing anything vital.