I just read this article and I'm really mad, in fact, so mad that I'm shaking, and tearing up because it's so sad. Who would buy this system? Who would buy this system that is a giant waste of money? I'm sorry, but, if this is what the next generation consoles are going to be like, I'm sticking with the PS2 and PS3.
Yup, that's pretty much the case from the looks of it. Now if only they can make an online version of PS games between PS1 and PS3 and everything inbetween so we can play them on our PCs with no problem. Then I'll gladly go back to being on my laptop all the time. If It means being able to play Dot Hack with no trouble, or kingdom hearts, and even Legend of Dragoon, I'll be good.
Last gen I played everything except Wii Now I will play nothing but Wii U I am amused You could mention ROMs, as long as you don't link to them. In fact the act of acquiring one in and of itself is not illegal, if you own the actual game.
Well, I think the thing that sucks the most about this is the unlock fee especially if it's as much as the retail price as that just means you spend however much on a used game and THEN the normal price, may as well buy it new. I don't care much for Xbox but if PS4 does this then I will cry ;-;
Life's a game we play every day. I get mad over it all the time. I have a solution . . . quit buying their consoles and drive them to bankruptcy. A better company comes in, buys them out and starts giving us what we want. When they turn to being like Xbox and PS then quit buying their products. I can live with just playing Super Mario Bros the rest of my life it this craps gonna keep coming out.
I have decided not to get the One for reasons I already mentioned enough times probably people have memorized it. lolz... As for the Wii U, unless a really great game that really catches my attention comes out, I am skipping it also. I loved Nintendo until the Wii came out. I tried Twilight Princess and Galaxy and lost interest in them after a while. I never really got into their sequels and traded my Wii after about four years of not touching it for a PS2. I need a REALLY good game for me to be convinced to buy the system. If they do old school Zelda, maybe I'll be interested. If they do Xenoblade Chronicles and make it mass market, maybe I'll get it. It has to be an extensive library I know I would like and get easily and enjoy for ages. PS4, I honestly got a PS3 late in the game. Last year to be exact. I am keeping an eye on it, but I don't see myself getting it unless something really catches my eye that I want this time and it's cheaper. I can't really afford a new system right now and if I did, I would have to know it's worth it. Right now, I'm staying out of the console wars this generation.
Nights Ima let you finish, but here's the thing good sir if you forgot Sony supports Kingdom Hearts and I'm a fan so of course I'm supporting Sony. 360's are trash useless boxes that have an "X" on them. Nintendo is also a company I'll continue to support because they have Pokemanz, and Megamanz. Although the new Pokeman games are scrap sauce I like Nintendo. They have Xenoblade Chronicles and that's my all time favorite Wii game. I don't understand why Microsoft didn't try to invent in a handheld seeing as how people say 360 is the best... Hahahahah no but come now you have all that money invest in a little project. I'm not buying the Punk Box 1 when I already have 4 360's so there's really no point. I have 4, but only 2 are mine that I paid for because my buddies couldn't afford a PSTriple so I bought one. The second came in because of the red rings of death problem and Microsoft never sent me my free Xbox even though I paid for the warranty... ****ing... Right and the other 2 are my step brothers so there you have it. I don't see another company buying out a major portion of stocks from Sony or Microsoft even Nintendo because of all the other stuff they're in. Microsoft and Sony are in Computers, Sony has T.V.'s even the little T.V. in cars some of them are made by Sony. Nintendo just has their rights to everything they do so getting a hand on their shares will be pretty intense. This excludes Metal Gear and those Easter Eggs with Mario and Yoshi. So driving them to Bankruptcy will also be an intense challenge.
They'd more than likely sell out if their gaming systems started failing. They'd keep the rest, but get rid of the gaming part of their business. Also, I'm not gonna lie, Sony is a piece of ****. They might support KH, but that doesn't cover for all the crap they dish out. PS4, no backwards compatibility just like the 'One'. It's all crap marketing to get us to buy more games, etc.
You do have a good point about that, but that's probably the only downside to the PS4 really that I would find the most annoying and inconvenient seeing as how the PS3 is backwards compatible. I think true gamers and people who know electronics well don't fall for the buy the new system thing without looking at all the specs of each individual model each company is dishing out. I mean why would I pay all this money for the Punk Box or the PS4 when I'm unable to play the 360 games or PS3 games, and even PS2 games!!! I already own the systems, but it'll be cool to play it on the new model.
Most PS3s are only backwards compatible with PS1 games. The original PS3 systems are about the only one's in which you'll be able to play PS2 games on. I like being able to play Legend of the Dragoons, but not being able to play my PS2 games, like KH, is a downer. PS4 just ticks me off. I'll more than likely not buy it. I'm not a fan of Xbox to begin with, so the 'One' is out of the question. Nintendo should've stuck with rectangular controllers and eight buttons lol By the way, Microsoft, subtly incorporating 'The Matrix' into your franchise won't make me buy your systems. >.>
Hmmm is that right? Is it only the American ones that are like that or does it go for both the Japanese and American ones that can't play PS2 games? I don't think the slims if that's the point your making then sorry hehehehe ^^"
Based on this Wikipedia (I won't hold truth to it as it's a wikipedia page) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3 The last model that was compatible (and that was with software you had to download) was released in August of 07. It was the originals. The slims are definitely not compatible, but even a lot of the original models weren't. I just don't know why they were compatible then they weren't . . . Bad call Sony, bad call.
Yea when I got mine imported it would have cost me 500 extra to get it backwards which was pretty serious for the money I was already paying for it. I'll take you word for it.