I'm really getting sick of this.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Xaale, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. LoneWolf Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2008
    Google Earth
    Well, I know what you mean because I have this myself, even ask the doctor, my mother, my dad, anyone, or even check the birth certificate. People think I'm mental sometimes, I'm anti-social at times, and most of the time I really don't know what to say to people if they ask me a question of any kind. It really hurts to have people make fun of you about this kind of thing. So from personal experience, I tell you that it doesn't matter what people might have, it's about who you are and don't accept put-downs from other people.
  2. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    Ok... so the basis of this whole problem seems to be your brother making you look bad.
    Try working against it :]
    Hang out with your brother around people more and talk to him and make him start talking more around you, and people probly won't care anymore, then that will solve alot of the building problems.
    Then try to be more social yourself.
    I know the idea doesn't sound that great at first, but it works in the long run. You'll be treated as a normal individual soon after, cuz it will be considered old news.
    Noone will even really remember.
    Trust me, I've been through this.
  3. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    I have been through worse accutally.I think the best thing is to put the past behind you and start fresh if you can.

    I have to disagree.

    He can't help making her look bad because he is mental.
    If she talks to her brother,how does that make anything better or worse?
    It will be the same,come to think of it..It might make things worse being social with her brother since he's the problem to start.But, family is first.

    She is going to try to be social afterwards.That's the whole point.BUt it won't happen over night.And she is never going to be fully normal because her brother is always going to be there.
    Xaale,just try making friends with the kids and they will understand.

    They will remember,and that's hard to overcome at first.
    Again,I have been through way worse then this.I don't want to get into it,but I have.

    Xaale, if they don't let you into the group or they don't want to be friends..Ignore them.Go along with everything they are saying.
    Then it will eventually get old to them,and not fun to pick on you.
    If you take the fun out of bullying you and your brother, they will eventually find someone else.But this is the last resort.Try being friends first.