[I know, I know, get a blog, etc] I got a call today for my first job interview (for the job I was most interested in, to boot!), and I just found out that my student loan application went through! I'm so excited I can't stay still, I've jumped out of my seat a few times while writing this just to flail and squeal (quietly since everyone else is asleep).
Oh I love those days when everything seems to be going just right and getting done, hah. What sort of job is it?
Oh God, so do I 8D I'm not exactly sure yet, it's for a hotel and I applied to be a server, front desk clerk, or a house maintenance person (a.k.a. maid). I'm kinda hoping for the first one the most, but not like I'd say no to anything they offered.
Front desk clerk sounds like the best to me (although you'd probably have to deal with clueless customers...). I would find serving people really degrading (ololol even though I do it as a job) and I've heard some bad stories about it, and maid just sounds icky to me haha. Just because people are gross sometimes. But any of that is better than no job at all!
Front desk clerk wouldn't be bad at all, but I kinda prefer to be able to move a bit more. But yeah, I've been reading NotAlwaysRight a lot, and some customers can be awful... But I've become somewhat of an expert at smiling and remaining calm while being insulted, so I probably could manage it pretty well.