I got a haircut, now my long luxurious mane of hair is gone, replaced with unfittingly short hair it's terrible
short hair > long hair I used to have long(ish) hair until I changed it completely. I cut it short and I'm never going back.
I too prefer having longer hair, but I hate when mine gets curly. Longer hair is easier to style for me.
i love riku with short hair >:c I like to change my hairstyles on a yearly basis. Usually, I prefer short hair in the summer because it helps cooling me down. I then proceed to grow my hair out to about 20-24 inches and then usually chop it off and donate it to Locks for Love.
^ this I haven't really ever had short hair. I just let it grow super long then chop off a bit and donate it.
I prefer short hair as I think it suits me better, I normally get an annual MAJOR hair cut to cut it down to shoulder length again. That is when I wave my head around, enjoying the lightness of having less hair : D
School forces me to have short hair. -_- Though it does help me keep cool, but sometimes I like the feeling of having longer hair (more chances to style it any way you want)
I have never had short hair. My luscious locks have only ever been chopped down to a few inches below the shoulder. I'm too afraid of major change. :c
My hair used to be out of control. Then I realized I was only growing it out to emulate somebody nobody liked, so I Locks of Love'd it. Christ it was great to cut all that off. Made washing it so much less of a chore. Except now it's growing out again because I can't find anybody to cut it; the lady who did it the last few times doesn't work at the salon anymore.