What!?!? *Clutches onto one arm of D @ R l( ! N l)'s* :cryinganime: I'll miss you loads... It seems really sad that you're leaving so soon...
Gone for like good? STAY!!!!!!!! HERE!!!!!!!!!! We love having you around and you fill us with joy :3 I'm not to good at these kinda things but please stay here but then again I think I might be overeacting if your just going away for awhile >.>
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You talked some sense into be so I didn't leave! Trust me, if you have a bestie on the site who will drag you onto the computer, You'll wanna come back. But i guess its your choice. *cries* well, see ya.
MS!!! NOOOO!!! ;-; *clings* If you're just taking a trip, then see ya when you get back. ^^ If you're going for good, please don't!! There are so many people on this site who care about you and don't want you to leave! Please stay!!!! :(
;~; Bye-bye Dar! Come back to the family if you can D:! Momma, and your lots of brothers and sisters will miss you! <3 And Momma will miss you cute Sora pictures DX
Well this is unexpected. o.o I'll miss you man, I hope this isn't for good or anything though. Bye I guess. ._.