I'm gonna play a game...

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010.


Would you rather be a....

  1. Murderer

  2. Hero

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  1. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Approved. You may begin :3
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat smiled and walked off with Steffan. They reached a strange hall with nothing but a single door at the end. She tried to see what it held but she was shocked.
    'Wha- This door... it doesn't give off anything. No aura at all... I have to check it out.'
    She walked up to it only to see that it was locked. She was walking back the other way when she heard a click come from the other side. She looked at it and oddly enough it was open. The room inside was pitch black but strangely enough as she walked closer it began to illuminate.
    'I... I can't help but wanna go in there. It feels... nice, and warm.' As she walked in there was but a single mirror in the corner. It was giving off a bluish aura and so Cat let her guard down.
  3. Hopefulwishes Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 15, 2008
    Somewhere in Florida <__<
    Following Cat to the room, Steffan stared at the mirror with interest. 'I wonder what brought her here?'
    With a coy little grin, he asked Cat in a sing-song voice "Miss Cat~ What in the world has caught your attention?"
  4. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    The tea was not safe, was James' instant thought. Even though it looked normal James ignored it.

    Why. Why did he not grab and force an interrogation on the girl. His body just froze up and he didn't know why. 'I've got to get out of here.'

    And with that he ran out of his room, where he noticed some sounds in the house.
  5. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack stared blankly at the stop where her guest had once stood. "He left the tea." She frowned deeply, picking up the cup and bringing it to her lips. "And I made mint tea, too." Jack picked up a scone, and tossed it at the window, breaking a rather odd hole in it. "Cook's scones are as hard to eat as ever." She pinched the bridge of her nose, lifting th tray from it's place and throwing it out the window as well. Jack didn't care for the broken glass, as the hole quietly disappeared before her eyes.
  6. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    'I... I can't explain it. This mirror... it gives off a strange warmth... it's almost... heavenly.'
    She couldn't help but use the word and she was puzzled after having said it.
    'You can leave right now...'
    'Who said that!?'
    It hadn't been Steffan but it was an ominous echo and it seemed to be coming form the mirror.
    'You can go back... to where you were before...'
    Cat seemed to have come back to her senses because when she looked at the mirror again she saw it glow a deep dark red. Just as she was trying to run back out the room the door slammed shut seperating her and Steffan.
    'I warned you... now I must take you somewhere essential to completing your task. I never did enjoy seeing the heroes die time and time again.'
    There was a bright light and suddenly she was in another room. It was clean and well decorated. There was only one door which led out onto a balcony. She walked outside and looked up at the stars.
    '...What IS this place? Why are all of us even here...?'
  7. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    [Jack stared blankly at the floor, watching as blood seeming to come from nowhere appeared on her hands. They were the memory of wounds, these things.
    These wounds had happened at the end of the last game. She had been trapped in that room, and she was surrounded by mirrors. Jack had been encased in such a place for nearly eight days. In the end, smashing those god-damned mirrors was the only way to get out. It always worked like that. Jack's eyes widened. "The mirror! Someone's using it." She ran out of James' room, rapidly searching her home for that room. IT was the room where Lozen died.
  8. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    'Heh heh heh... ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....'
    'What the-!?'
    There was an ominous laugh and Cat had suddenly found herself back in the room with the mirror though she hadn't taken a step off of the balcony.
    'Foolish hero, your kind is always the type to die for the life of a murderer... you try to hide the evil deeds you've done by protecting others, but in the end that evil always catches up to you... and your soul, no, your existence itself disappears!
    Just as that was spoken Cat saw a flash of light and suddenly she saw a little girl coiled up in a ball on the floor.
    'Ohh... why? Why does fate make us suffer like this? Why must we go through these things? Why can't I just be with him?' The girl looked up at Cat and saw that she wasn't alone.
    'AAHHHHHH! Who... who are you? And how did you get here?'
    'I... I don't know. Just a second ago I was alone too. But... how long have you been in here? And-WAIT A SECOND! HOW DID-!?' She saw that now the room was full of mirrors, all emitting a deep, dark red aura. The girl however was glowing green.
    'I'm so scared. I've been here for a little over a week now and... he's probably worried sick about me. WAIT! If you got in... then you must know how to get out! Can you please tell me?
    'I'm sorry but... i'm as confused as you are. By the way what's your name? And who's so worried about you?'
    'I'm Lizzy and i'm sorry but I can't tell you who he is. If you're 'Jack' and I tell you. Then... he might...' She started crying into her sleeve before she could finish that sentence.
    'I see your point though I don't know who Jack is. Anyway i'm Cat. And I think we might've met before... I just can't...' then she remembered. Lizzy was the girl she had seen tapping her broom on the mansion walls. Though now she seemed more... vulnerable. Almost infinitely more human and compassionate.
    'Hmmmm...' she thought 'if she's been in here for a week and I saw her a few hours ago... then... -gasp-' She realized what was so evil about the mirror and what it meant by 'You can go back...' it had taken her back in time. She began thinking,
    'Maybe if I play along then maybe we can get out of here. But it'll take some work. I can already tell there's an evil and spiritual prescence here.'
  9. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    OOC: I'll allow you to use her character XD It's Lissy, by the way.
    Jack felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end. Someone was definetly using that room. She dashed quickly towards the room, leaving any notions behind.
    SHe had to save her guest.
  10. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    OOC: Thanks, I just thought it'd be a great little plot twist. ^^

    The minutes that passed by felt like hours, and the hours in turn felt like days.
    '...what do you think we should do to get out?'
    'I've been trying to come up with a way to leave but i've never been good at making plans, to be honest. Hee hee...'
    'Well then at this rate we'll be trapped here forever... wait! I think i've got a plan.'
    'Really? Tell me!'
    'Have you ever heard how breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck? Well maybe it doesn't apply to evil demon mirrors!'
    'Oh wow... why didn't I think of that? Anyway this is going to be fun.'
    'You said it sister.'
    And on that note Cat began to punch the mirrors in an attempt to break them. No matter how hard she tried though they wouldn't even crack. The only result of her work was a set of deep gashes along her knuckles.
    'Heh heh heh heh heh...... your futile attempts amuse me, hero. But you'll never gain the ultimate prize through sheer force. You must dig deeper into the past in order to understand what the future holds......'
    With those words another flash of bright light came upon the room.
    'Wait! Lissy!!!'
    But those moments were all in the past now and she was back in the present. She was outside of the door to that evil room which shut on its own. Before she even had a chance to walk away the voice said one last thing to her.
    'Please... tell her that I don't regret anything that happened last time... tell her... that this message is from her beloved hero. She'll understand... and if she doesn't believe... then I can take it from there.'
    '...who are you?'
    'Me? ...i'm just a man who never stopped loving my sweetheart... even after the end.
    She heard footsteps and saw that it was Lissy running down the hall. She couldn't help but wonder whether or not that whole thing was real. There was only one way to find out...
    'Lissy? Is... is that you? Because if it is... then I've got a message for you... from... your beloved hero.'
  11. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    OOC: Lol, the last Jack ist stalking you. :] HE SHALT NEVA WIIIIIN XD

    Jack stared blankly at Catherine. She felt numb, if only for a moment. Lozen had to have left. He just had to. That was the only thing that she had held onto the last few years-- she had been waiting for the time that she too could pass. But being a Jack meant there was no rest. Only a hero could leave, and she felt like the anomaly. She was the one that was different. Lozen had always teased her high threshold for pain, and how she never really cried. He was her only exception. And to hear that he was still here frightened her. She felt so unbelievably dirty. She always felt as if it was her fault. He had saved her, from herself, and from the last Jack-- Labane.
    Jack could still remember what Lozen looked like, long hair hair, caramel eyes, and face always marred with a look of deep thought, like he was trying to hide a sore spot.[​IMG]
    Jack had fallen head-over-heals for the cheeky b*stard-- slowly, of course. She had always been way too naive to just fall in love with the flick of a wrist. She had died at age 17, after all.
    "What are you talking about, Miss Catherine?" Jack asked slowly, collecting her thoughts, and judging the reaction of her face.
  12. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    'That spirit... it told me to tell you that he never stopped loving you. Even... even after the end...'
    Cat was nervous, she didn't know what to expect. When she had first entered that room the mirror glowed dark red but when that spirit talked to her... it almost felt... sad. As if it, no, he only wanted to send out one final message... to his beloved.
  13. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack was bewildered, and hardly noticed as a tears started to pool in her eyes. He had kept his promise. All this time.

    Lissy stared down at her hands, knowing there was nothing she could do to change the fact that her dear friend Bishop was now dead. Lozen sat next to her, knowing she was breaking her own heart worrying about things. He knew she couldn't handle things like this. In reality, she was a virgin to things like death. He wondered how she had even died. He imagined it was an accident. But he wanted to know, so he asked her.
    "Lissy, how did you die?" She had looked at him with sad eyes, knowing he was the only person who would believe her.
    "My father remarried when I turned 9. The women always disliked me, and let me know this every time we were alone. She hated me as I grew older. She hated how charmed everyone seemed to be with me, though I hardly noticed. I only ever wanted to be approved by my father, and she knew that. So she lied to him, about everything I did. Until, finally, he turned his eyes and ears away from me, and listened only to her infectious lying, words. It gave her the chance she always wanted. She poisoned me."
    Lozen looked shocked. Why would someone do that?? To someone who was supposed to be their kid? It was disgusting.
    "When I realized what happened, I was very angry. I haunted her. But after awhile, I realized that I was just sad-- so I gave up."
    Lozen stared into the eyes of the scarred girl. "Listen to me now, Alissa. I will never, and I swear this to you, leave your side. And if I ever do, you can be sure I'll be back before you can even think to say 'Goodbye.'"
  14. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat saw the tears come down her face and to her it was odd. The only time she'd seen this girl, she had been happy and carefree. Now it was almost as though she was really, truly human. As she kept looking at the girl her aura began to turn green. She seemed unsure of what to do and at this point both of them were confused.
  15. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack needed to know, before anything else, this one important thing.
    "Who told you about the mirrored room?"
  16. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    '...no one did. I was walking down a hall and ended up here. I couldn't help but go in... it's almost like, he forced me to go in there... so he could use me to give you his message.'
    Cat clenched her fists by her side and put her head down. She couldn't understand any of this. It was so sad... but at the same time, she couldn't help but wish that someone cared about her as much as that man cared for this girl... She began to cry but she didn't make a sound.
  17. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack suddenly felt very old, and placed a hand on Cat's shoulder. "Time passes much quicker for us than others, MIss Catherine. You will find, in time, that the only thing you can do is try to play along." Jack offered a small smile. "You know, there is a way to get back. It's in the rules." She hummed, gently. "If you want to make it out alive, than be the last to die. The only way to take back what was taken, is to become a good Jack." Jack's smile became chesire-like as she suddenly realized something. "That's why Labane is still here, the sick b*stard!! He didn't play by the rules when he was jack!!!" She started to laugh, a smile tear falling from her eyes. That was why he was still hanging around-- why he attacked her every chance her got. He didn't want anyone to win.
  18. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat was speechless... to think that someone could be so cruel as to do this. It made her sick.
    'W... why? ...WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!??!??!??!??!??'
    Cat leaned up against the wall with her hands. All she could think about was him. The one she would've died for in a heartbeat. The one who was always within reach... but could never be hers.
    His name was James. She had known him since they were little kids. She would always make small talk but she'd never taken the next step. He was always the most popular guy in their grade. He usually had a new girlfriend every month and he was the envy of every male in their school. She could remember every detail of how he looked that last day... Blonde hair and green eyes that would always make her forget to breathe. He had a serious look on his face that day. As if he was thinking about something.

    'So, uh... happy birthday! I kinda couldn't decide what to get you so I figured i'd just build on something you already own.' He pulled out two MP3 players from his pocket.
    'I kinda took yours last night so I could put the songs on the new one. Hope you weren't looking for it.' He smiled the smile that made her heart melt and she just nodded.
    'It's great James... thanks.'

    That day got worse and worse as it went on. James had been called out of 3rd period only to be told that his dad had died in a cave in, he was an archaeologist. The news made her feel horrible as well. She'd known his dad since they were both kids and he had loved her like his own.

    That wasn't the worst of it. Apparently the news had hurt him so bad that he wouldn't talk to anyone, not even her. She tried to talk some sense into him but it was hopeless.
    'Why should I be glad!? Huh? My dad's dead and you expect me to just keep living my life like nothing's changed!?
    'No... that's not it at all. Look, I hate this too. Hell if I were you i'd probably commit suicide or something, but there's nothing you can do about it! He knew that this could happen anytime and he still kept doing it. How do you think he feels about you-'
    She stormed out without another word and James just stood there speechless. He couldn't believe what he'd heard and after she was out of sight he chased after her to ask her if she really thought all that. Little did he know that would be the last time they'd ever see each other.

    Cat felt horrible, recalling everything that had happened that day.
    'I hate this... James... i'm so sorry...' She was crying as loudly as she could, hoping that he would hear her, though she knew it was useless. What hurt her the most was that she would never know if he truly loved her back...
  19. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack looked down to the little hero. "Catherine. .... Cat. I have something that you might want to know. Answer the riddle right, and you might live again. You could try.
    'The object you seek lies not neck-to-neck, but sometimes by the heels. What have thine heart fought so hard against? Find me so close, but lose me so easy. An ask be thy killing.'
    What do you think it means?" Jack smiled saddly. Maybe this time she would see him. THey could be together again. Her and her Lozen. The man she had met only in death, and wanted to have a life with. THe prise was a wish. Always a wish. A hope for a future. Jack had wanted that with him. KIds, a cute little house with a yard and a graden. SHe wouldn't even have minded if th they ended up as an old couple with a thousand cats. She loved him just that match. ANd she wanted that, as well, for Catherine. "Answer right, with pure heart. And the key to the next game is yours."
  20. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    '... I don't get it... but i'll try. For his sake and mine.'

    Cat thought about what it all meant.

    'Hmmm...' she thought. 'well not neck-to-neck but sometimes by the heels... I don't know what it could mean but let me focus on the rest first. What have thine heart fought so hard against? That, for me anyway, could be my emotions... or maybe just love. Find me so close, but lose me so easy, that in itself describes love, but what about that last part...? An ask be thy killing, could be if you ask someone to marry you and they refuse or maybe just with a date...

    'I think I might have it, but i'm still not sure... is it true love?
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