I'm gonna play a game...

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Panda Face, Sep 25, 2010.


Would you rather be a....

  1. Murderer

  2. Hero

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  1. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    'The rotting corpses are a nice touch and the cobwebs are nice however the wallpaper and guests-'
    James looked the figure up and down judging him thoroughly on every bit of his appearance.
    'are not. And I am unimportant, as are you. Now kindly move.'
  2. Hopefulwishes Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 15, 2008
    Somewhere in Florida <__<
    Steffan frowned deeply, but then quickly resumed grinning. "Certainly. Good luck, who-ever-you-are." And with that, Steffan trotted away, chuckling under his breath.
  3. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    Frowning at the fool James moved on to the bedrooms, which there were quite alot of in hopes of information. One particular room, a large royal bedroom with a double bed and purple wallpaper and a wooden floor was completely empty apart from that and a pink wardrobe in the middle of the room.
  4. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack snapped herself out of reminiscing, knowing such thoughts were useless as "Jack".
    She numbly put the photo down, an made her way to the back of the room, taking out a maid's uniform. "What fun." She chirped in an easy tone, knowing fun was on the way. Jack walked out of the room, locking it behind her.
    Jack continued walking down the corridors, dusting away the non-spider inhabited webs, and humming a cheery little tune. (Saddly, the image doesn't match. Does it?)
  5. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    Defence, that is what he needed and he had none for the wardrobe seemed very eerie and unnatural. Why was it placed here?

    The 1st thing to do was to investigate and he could only do that with the exterior so he surrounded it and scanned it and to James' surprise there was a little message on the bottom right hand corner which looke like it was carved using someones fingernails and all their strength.
    The message said

    ...there was no other words.
  6. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack walked through-out the house,searching for her newly-departed/arrived guests.
    "Just whistle while you work~~ Do-do-do doo do doo doo." She dusted her dress off, not liking that the dainty thing had been affected. "Oh where, oh where are darling dears? Oh where, oh where could they be??" Jack continued humming, opening each door and cleaning each room carefully, being sure to remove evidence of the last game.
  7. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    Deciding that this message needed to be explained he decided to open up the wardrobe, James' hand slowly reached for the rusty handle with its rough surface and brown colour.
    Swung open, in a second and what was revealed to be was nothing.
    There was no physical item there so James decided to leave and as he turned away he noticed it.
    The air, it stinks of a very familiar smell. Blood.
    He checked the wardrobe again and most of it was covered in dry blood which horrible flies fed on, he obviously didn't notice it since the majority of it was covered and thus it looked like thats how the wardrobe it supposed to look.
  8. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack finally arrived in front of a room with the door slightly ajar. She recognized it as Bishop's original room, which meant-- She hurriedly stepped inside, knocking on the door only after she had stepped inside. "House-keeping!" She chirped, taking out her broom. "I really must apologize for the mess, sir. Master only wishes the best, and I was only just told we had any company."
  9. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Cat had heard the crash and the conversation that followed. She had been just around the corner hidden by the darkness of the shadows. When she saw that they both had red aura she was hesitant but slowly walked up to the man that had stayed behind.
    'Hello' She said in a cheery voice. Almost as if she were happy to meet another person in this empty place. Which to be honest she was. 'I couldn't help but overhear the crash of the window. You wanna come with me Steffan?'
  10. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack continued through the room, ignoring any disputes. She quickly cleaned the armoire, sighing as the last memories of her forgotten friend were erased. She searched under the bed, taking out a pair of shoes, and placing them on the bed. "A harmless enough peace offering," Jack mumbled. "A fresh pair over clothes can be found in the drawers over here." She said as she pointed to said artical of furniture.
  11. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    There was suddenly alot more activity in this house.
    'More fools?' he questioned the darkness. James' guard was always up, there were traps so he had to be wary of them but its not because of that he is so afraid.

    He is afraid of the message and what it means. He hasn't heard of it and it is a very common thing but Jack has multiple meanings, what on earth could this one be?
  12. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    "Dinner will be ready and waiting in the dining room,so feel free to take your time. Our cook is one of the best. He's practically dying to serve. I am Jack, by the way. The master informed me that you are....a Mister 'James?" Jack's eyes smiled at this thought. Oh how the chef would be pleased at the change of events. Of course, he was dead twice, but he was still the head cook.
  13. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    (when did ya get there)
    James was shocked and surprised

    Was this a sign? Or a warning from the grave? the person seems to show know positive emotions. I'll have to be wary.
    '...im sorry, I dont feel like eating'
  14. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack frowned, truly saddened. "Cook will be disappointed. I will bring you some tea, then. If you need me, please don't hesitate to ask. I am only a few doors down." She quickly righted a picture hanging on the wall, and sent a small smile his way before leaving; closing the door behind her. 'Distrust is unsettling in my home. So long as he doesn't snoop 'round "Master's" things, all will be well. Jack calmly walked down the hallway, tapping , once again, on the walls-- enjoying the sound of her long-forgotten guests.
  15. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    James said nothing, only recognising that this little girl is more than she looks. Her intimidating aura made the air stuffy and its very difficult to say anything witty in front of her.
    'I dont want any tea...'

    James knew that she didn't want him to snoop but better know whats happening then not. Now....where to start.
  16. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack sighed as one of the doors shook. "Oh, shuddap, former Jack. It's no longer your turn to play." She hissed as a knife was thrown at her feet from under the door. She jumped up, kicking the door into silence. "Vulgar, fiendish creature. Silence, lest I nail your under-toe SHUT." Jack 'tch'ed, sweeping up debris off the floor. "Cleaning is the only house-hold chore that is mine~~" She hummed.
  17. Finale Wannabe Nobody

    Feb 3, 2007
    The attic...basement...kitchen...maybe theres a filing room. AH!
    =/ I need blueprints! Would it be safe to ask? No, no it wouldn't. I should stay where I am and wait for the tea...then I can interrogate the girl. Shes small and harmless, what could she do? Mentally a bit ill but otherwise weak.

    Yeah....thats the plan.
  18. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jack made her way back to James' room, tea tray in hand. "Cooks cookies are the best, scones better then the rest! Just an itty-bitty bite is sure to make all well and right~~" Jack chirped in a sing-song voice, opening his door slightly. "Your tea, Mister James." She put it down on top of his desk, bowing slightly. "I really hope you enjoy it."
  19. Hopefulwishes Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 15, 2008
    Somewhere in Florida <__<
    Steffan's grin widened. "Why, of course! Who wouldn't want to accompany such a charming girl?" As he spoke, he wiped off the little blood that was dripping down his chin.
  20. •name: Maggie O'Carroll
    •age: 14
    •height: 5 ft 4
    •weight: Umm...8 st I guess XD
    •date of death: Janurary 15th 1845
    •Character description: grubby, messy ginger hair, bags under her pale green eyes, thin, dirty and shabby looking clothes
    •Personal qualities: When she see's herself in a mirror she pictures the horror of seeing everyone she had loved dieing from the great famine in Ireland while she was the last to survive how her death had happened is unclear but all she does remember is coldness and the smell of smoke also she has no idea that she is dead all she remembers is sleeping and found herself somewhere different, she is also quiet bashful and paranoid and is easily scared.
    •abilities: Healing
    •race: ghost/Hero
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