I'll give you my Doctor's Trench Coat. (It's genuine) Also... if I lose my wife Enzy to you when this happens, I will hunt you down and spank dat ass!
you could get shot by a Dalek, you could turn into a midget from old age at around 1000 years of life, you could be alone you whole life, you could endanger the entire planet time and again, only to save it and cause yet another problem, you could lose friends to a seperate world, you could have them take in a power not meant to be and have their head burst if you didn't help them forget, you could have your time machine break down and you could fall who-knows-how-far into a pool and end up with a harmful bellyflop.....need I go on?
I'm talking on here......ok, who actually wants to see their screen split and some sort of dimensional rift take its place? Because that would be frickin awesome
you wouldn't have to worry, all you'd have to do is go to another universe where you computer already is, take that one, bring it back, and you'll be just fine. It'd be like the Groundgina
I just had to use that joke. Nostalgia Critic came up with Skygina, I just paraphrased to Groundgina. Actually, now we seem to have a Spacegina. You can thank Star Trek for that one