I was diagnosed with lung cancer Let me say one more thing before I go You may always complain because having no gf You may always wish you had a life outside of your room You may always wish you fixed the mistakes you made You may always wish you could say sorry to the people you left You may always wish to call your parents and say that you are sorry for all of the trouble you caused them You may always wished to be loved But I'm telling you KHV I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart That won't fix anything That won't fix the fact that the PS3 has not games oh by the way, April Fools
I knew it was an April Fools joke from the first line. Not really funny (considering that i'm someone who does have serious heath issues).
Same here...spinal menenginas (cant spell) bunch of back and mental problems ect. so this was offensive to me especially since my mom just broke her foot...
I believe I have a few mental problems, but I've never really been checked for them. I asked my mom if I had Aspergers, and she went "No. No, wait...well, maybe." I have heart problems though, so bad that I need a new heart.
Oh dear, please get better and be well Tummer :c But yes, there's a drawing line in April Fools. No health/illness stuff please.
I knew this thread was a joke the minute I saw it in the SpamZone. Also, as Din pointed out: *dying.
Yeah, sometimes life is unfair and rough. But it's those who go through hardships that gain greater rewards in life. And sometimes your given small gifts.
Or if your like me are given a HeckSpaun for a niece and have a grade obsessed mom and have very bad luck.