Why should Misty get to stomp around like a giant, while the rest of us try not to get smushed under her big feet? What's so great about Misty? Hm? Roxasvsriku is just as cute as Misty. Roxasvsrisku is just as smart as Misty. People totally like Roxasvsriku just as much as they like Misty. And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that's not what Rome is about. We should totally just *stab* Misty! >: when misty dies can I have her position? k thx Sabby<3
You do realize Brutus, Cassius & Co. were themselves put to death shortly after they killed Caesar without ever seizing power.
Mutiny? Well I want her blue name, not so fussed about the power and responsibility behind it I just want the blueness.
It seems some of you don't get it. Misty IS Darth Vader. Why do you think she's so Misty-rious Ah, Ah, A-*shot*
Call out threads are against the rules guys, I think Sabby should now be banned forever and never allowed back.
/offtopic ish but oh well it is the spamzone. But Ienzo! It's scary..I was watching the same video like..A few minutes ago..Are you watching me again? << >>