So, this sounds really stupid, but my mom bought a new dog, without telling my father. We were really exited about it, and yesterday we told him about it. And he got really mad! He said that if there will be a new dog, he will leave us. My mom doesn't care to much, and my brother and sister are really mad at my dad, but I'm rally afraid he will leave us... I don't want to be at home anymore, and i didn't tell any of my classmates. Today we are going to pick the dog up, but I don't know if I still want to go...
Don't you have any idea why he would say anything like that? It's just a dog, which is why it seems so strange. Sure maybe he'd get mad, but not to the extent of threatening to leave. Do you have any other pets? If so, how is he towards them?
You probably should've told him about it but if he would leave you over a DOG then that's just sad. He should care about his family more than that, and be the bigger man. Did he have any issues with dogs as a kid, like any traumatic events?
Dang, that's very very sad. I'm sorry, no disrespect to your dad, but he needs to grow up. If he's seriously planning on leaving because of a dog, A DOG, he has some serious issues to figure out. He either needs to say why he doesn't want the dog or just live with it
Well, we were mad about it, but decided we'll wait with the dog. I think it is a good dicision, because now he has the chance to say something, but if it's just stupid, and he can't tell us what;s wrong, we will take the dog. I din't want to lose someone because something that stupid, but if this works. Shame though, we bought everything for her, and I am feeling really bad about this. BTW, As an answer to you all, today he told my mum he feels left out, so that could be the main problem.
Wait, I'm sorry I might be interpreting this wrong, but are you saying your dad said he would feel left out even more if you got a dog? I would post a Nostalgia Critic video(I hope that doesn't turn into a signature trademark for me) but I'm not even going to waste the time. Do you have a picture of the dog? I want to see how cute it is
@Aqua101; Yeah, I know it sounds strange, and I don't understand it either, maybe he shouldn't stay in bed for such a long time...(he stays in bed untill 12 am, if he can) And BTw, this is her, she's called Marina
Awww! She is soooooo cute!! I want her!! She reminds me of Seiyah when he was puppy. (I admit, I've got a soft spot for puppies and kittens)
Haha, she's not a pup that's whats so awesome bout her, she's 3 years, but she has a really sad story, that's why I want her so badly...
Don't care, she looks like a pup and that's good enough for me. I had a dog a while back that was only 6 months when we bought him and he was already bigger than our St. Bernard/Border Collie mix. But he was hit by a car when he was younger, so his side was messed up a bit, and he could never go in a car unless you picked him up. And he would never go through a front door of a house until we finally got him used to it. We had to sell him when we moved here though because there just wasn't enough space. Mom decided to name him Elmer, after Elmer's glue(I didn't like it). Either way, enough rambling about dogs I don't have anymore. I hope you can get this dog soon, because it's always nice to have a pet in the family
Aha, yes it is, although my house almost looks like a farm! But I like it that way, haha, as long as the animals are soft and cuddly
Please remain on-topic. You can talk about the dog, but the thread creator is asking for help in this situation. Anyhow, maybe the dog isn't the problem then. Maybe it's your relationship with your father and the rest of the family. So, it may not be the dog, but it's definitely something that the looking for the dog triggered. I mean, that's a cute dog, I'm sure he'd actually warm up to it.
So I want to tell you guys that we didn't take the dog. We decided that we wouldn't want to lose our father because of a dog. Thank you for all your help! I discoverd that KH-V is very supportive!
Maybe he might've just said that as a threat, but nothing more. But to get mad and threaten to leave over a dog is kind of sad.
Yes, KHV is very supportive, but to the problem at hand... You're dad said he was feeling left out? Have you ever actually seen this from him? Maybe there's something more that's a little bit more deep rooted with all of this. People don't just get mad over not being told over a dog. Well... They do, but when it's so extreme that he's threatening to leave you, then there's something bigger that's bothering him. I would get to the bottom of it before it gets to be a bigger issue.
There's always the high possability that he only said he'd leave to make them not buy the dog. Wouldn't they have bought her if he hadn't threatenend them?