but I got a letter in the mail from The Scooter Store offering me a free power chair for my limited mobility issues. . . . . . I'm confused. And apparently very old. 22 is the new 55, I guess.
I hear AARP is a great place for meeting singles. And nursing home attendants. Go have fun out there, you crazy old person.
It's a prediction that tommorow you will eat 5 tons of ice cream, and order 100 double cheese burgers from mcdonalds. Also your favorite show will be on tommorow. After that day you will no longer be able to move because a muchkin chopped of your legs.
If they're single men, perhaps. I wanna go to Linden Ponds. That's sad...only 4 hours into 22 and already I know what retirement community I want... Goal achieved, yes. But but but...it has a basket and a horn thingy and reflectors and a clip for my SMTWTFS pill case! And glad you like my dancin' MJ. Shoulda known. Damn munchkins. Too bad the cables out *coughChartercough*