If I read correctly, they want to bring N64 games to the 3DS and to do that they need to add another anolog right?
I wouldn't mind if they brought something like Pokemon Stadium. Or, if it's really as strong as a Gamecube, I'll take a Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness or Colosseum
The Nintendo 64 had an A and B button, analog stick, control pad, C Buttons, L & R buttons, and a Z button. The 3DS has an A, X, Y, and B button, analog stick, control pad, L & R buttons, and the touch screen. I honestly don't see why the 3DS would need a second analog stick. It would be very simple to add whatever the C and Z buttons did to the touch screen...
Ohhh. Well, it could come in handy you never know. That's actually pretty cool that they're bringing N64 games to the 3DS. I would so love to play Perfect Dark and RE2 on the 3DS
Its because people would rather have a second analog stick than a stylus. I mean the stylus is fine and works but it kind of takes you out of the experience.
I always just quickly moved my thumb over and pressed the thing needing pressing on the touch screen. If I need to press something on the left of the screen, I move my left thumb to it... and alternate for the right.
3DS Sales up by 260% - New Color Launches Tomorrow Here's something else of note that should interest some people.
ooh a pretty new color! :D As for the expansion, I dunno, it seems like something that would be good IMO. It would widen the range of games and make them better, like say, when Dream Drop Distance launches and is compatible with this expansion, you would be able to control the camera with another analog stick, instead of testy directional buttons.