If you could live forever.......

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Tadashi, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Umiyuri Papaeyra Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 2, 2010
    In a box!

    If I could live forever, heal no matter what, and be forever young (I wanna be foreeeeever young~) I would either be experimented on in a laboratory, or legally change my name to Mary Sue. Just 'coz.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    What are the first things you would do?
    How would you continue living your life?
    Do you think you would get bored eventually?
    If you got bored, would you die if there was a way to do so?

    First I'd do is celebrate the fact I can live forever and enjoy playing video games or learning Japanese fluently.
    How I would continue my life would probably be, no restraints, enjoy it!
    I'd get bored at sometime until the next big game comes along.
    I'd die if I found that things evovled beyound my understanding or the fact my family line ignores me.
  3. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    Ah, I would make friends and say funny thing. I would never me ashamed of myself. I would go for everything, never give up. I would try everything that looked funny. I would spent all day trying clothes in a shop. I would fall in love. I would take pets to accompany me. And when they died, I would take new pets...
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    First things first, I get used to pain. After the fear of maiming myself goes away, I'm sure pain would become a lot less worrying. Once I get used to pain, I go and sell my organs. You'd be surprised how much people are willing to pay for a new heart. So now I've got my flow of cash. From here on out, it's just a matter of enjoying the world. I'd also need to figure out a way of getting out of the minor problem of having my feet encased in concrete, and getting dropped in the Mariana Trench (because at some point, I'm sure someone would consider it great fun to do that.)

    After a while (read: An infinite period of time), I'll have experienced every possible scenario an infinite number of times. At that point, I might consider dying, or at least investing in something that can clear away memories.
  5. Jesse Andersen Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 8, 2010
    Duel Academy?
    What are the first things you would do?
    Hmmm. Well, I can't die, so I would do a lot of Crazy things that I would never do, lol. I wonder If I jumped from a building, I would become famous? I would survive the fall, lol.

    How would you continue living your life?
    Nah, I don't know an exactly response, But I would take any challenge, because I can't die, lol. 8D
    But the bad thing is that everyone that I know would die. If I find a way to ressurect people, I would ressurect them and I would die, because I always wanted to know what death is like, and I would ask for my friends or family to ressurect me.

    Do you think you would get bored eventually?
    I don't know, probably. At least I... forget It.

    If you got bored, would you die if there was a way to do so?
    Lol, of course... so the answer is Yes.
  6. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six

    Well living non-stop would be great. Cause then maybe just maybe all the evil and corruption you see. You have the power to fix it cause you can't die. So all those scandals that need to be exposed would be exposed. Helping others would be a breeze cause you can't die. So I would love for that to happen cause then that way I can make the biggest difference in someone's life just with a helping hand. That will never go away.
  7. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    If I was immortal, i would stay 15 forever, Put an end to the plot of global oppression, do everything in my power to ruthlessly punishment and eradicate evil and bring peace on earth.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    How? Even if you can't be killed, they can always tie you up, encase you in concrete and drop you in to the Mariana Trench. Hell, they could even just lock you up forever. You'd need a superpower of some kind before you could become a revolutionary.
  9. Wheel of Time Time forever preserved in memory.

    Apr 1, 2007
    Europe, Sweden
    If I could live forever, then I guess I would gamble all day long (but not for an eternity) In that way I meet new people all the time, and I can play fun games ^^
    After I get alot money I would get me a servant and give some money to the poor (I wanna become Robin Hood :lol:)
    I would climb up on houses, I would climb to the top of Mount Everest ^^

    There's so many possibilities. However there's a downside with it; all your family, friends, will die.

    I don't know if I would die if it was possible, that's a really hard question.

    And also what would happened if there where a bomb that exploded right next to you so you will become nothing more than ash. Would that recover?
  10. Soras heartless Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    The first thing I would do is see how far I could go. As in if I know all the information you gave then I would see how far I would go, like would I jump off a building, still play my life safe, etc. Most likey I would live my life the same way, maybe be more careless then before. I may get full of myself, and that can lead to trouble. Maybe after sometime I would get bored, tire out of being the same age while my friends grow older, and then have a new generation of people come around thinking they are all that. When I had seen it all before, and probably would see it again. If i did indeed get bored i probably would not die, I would want to see until the world repeated itself all over again.