Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Mielé, Sep 21, 2009.
You're a -[******]-
Are you calling me a ******?....
Saw it coming, and yet I entered this thread. The fates must be telling me that this is true.
No, YOU"RE a lesbian!
i love being a -[******]-. : )
So do I :glomp: we have so much in common
lomg lets like go make out somewhere dark where no one will see us. : D
Am i have *** for calling other people **** :>
Oh damn, I better embrace my homosexual lifestlye in that case.
only if your a girl :Awesome:
r not lol. :Awesome:
sucks for you then
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but i thought you were a ***. now we can't make loves. : (
yeah, because you are like, SUCH a catch. lol even i found that a little bit *****y.
oh well sucks for you :D
:lol: Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!