If you catch my drift

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by Keyslinger, Feb 27, 2011.

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  1. Keyslinger Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 27, 2011
    I've been hearing/seeing things from KH-Vids for a long time now, and I've lurked for a little and decided to join..

    So from the looks of it, this place seems really nice and I'm sure I'll be pretty active here. (I hope I'll be active anyway, I have lots of projects and homework coming up in school.. >.>)

    I got my username from the cutscene in BBS before you battle Braig.. xD
    "So if I defeat you, I'm the real keyslinger, if you catch my drift" or something like that. Pretty sure this site has that cutscene.. :O

    My cat is sniffing my computer.. What a cutie pie<3


    Hey, I'm new, and I hope to become a better member than I am now.. Just a moogle's assistant. xD I'll have to make that change sometime or another..

    I've had some experience on lots (I mean lots) of other VB forums and I run my own forum. I've been with forums for about.. 2 years, but I've learned pretty fast. I'm not too huge on posting, and my highest number is on BMGf (857 or so posts) so yeah.

    So far I have only been into KH since last year, when my BFF wore a kingdom key necklace to school.. And I have three of the games already, haven't beaten one of them, but I really do enjoy them.

    I hope to make some good friends here, like I have bonded with many others on different sites. I've had lots of good memories, and I hope to encounter some here too.

  2. MisterGrieves Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 27, 2011
    New York, NY
    Hi, welcome to the forums! I'm quite new here myself (I joined yesterday), but from my first impressions I can say that it's a great forum with many very nice people on it. I think you'll like it. Feel free to add me on AIM/MSN, my SN is mistergrieves567@gmail.com if you ever want to chat. Though I have to log off after this message since I have school tomorrow and it's... nearing 1 AM. -.-
  3. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Welcome to the site! Read the rules for sure! You seem nice, and sadly any innocence you have will die here =u=
    Beware of Marey-Sues/Trolls! And always double check your RolePlaying characters!
    have fun!
  4. Keyslinger Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 27, 2011
    Hey, thanks guys!

    Another newbie huh, well I hope we get to chat sooner or later and maybe start up a friendship on our newly joined forum.

    I will read them later tomorrow, thank you for reminding me because I usually forget ^^;
    trolls... Blech. I will watch out. XD

    It's about ten thirty here with school tomorrow so I will go soon.
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Cats, meh.

    Welcome to KHV! Haha, I thought exactly the same about your username when I saw it, it's pretty cool my friend, it's pretty cool. :3 I recommend you really get around to beating those Kingdom Hearts games you have, the endings are always cool. :D I'm pretty envious of your friend for having a Kingdom Key necklace, I want one. T_T Steal it for me? XD

    Anyway, enjoy your time here on KHV, hope to see you around Keyslinger. :D
  6. Keyslinger Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 27, 2011
    Thank you.
    Haha, I knew someone ought to have appreciated it soon. XD
    Yeah but I got all of them in december last year and this month this year and school is getting harder so I barely have time to play them. (1st one I got was chain of memories for GB lol 2nd was.. BBS? 3rd re coded.)
    Still on Terra on BBS and trying to beat Terra xehanort XD
    I Will steal >:3

    Again thank you~
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