If we were created by god, then what created god??

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by DigitalAtlas, Jan 22, 2007.

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  1. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Alright, I was helping my little borther with his religion homework(he goes ot catholic school), and I cam across something interestinog that made me think. The chapter in his book was disproving athiests with a therory called the uncaused cause. This therory states that everything had to be made by something else, nothing just appeared. If that's the case, what created God?? He had to be made by soemthing, the therory saying he's always been there is BS, for there had to be a time where he first opened his eyes, where he first moved, since there is always a first. And if there is a first, there had to be time before he opened his eyes for the first time or before he first moved, meaning had to create him, see what I mean?? I wonder, what created God... Does god have a god?? Does he have a religion?? Is there a whole other set of religion in the afterlife??
  2. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Read the Bible... God has existed since the birth of time.
  3. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Time is a manmade concept RVR....
    This always bothered me....I asked my mother about this and she said he's always been....but like you have said,he had to be created by something....
    I believe,if we even have a "God" then he is not the most powerul thing ever and he was created by something else.But that something would have to be created by another something ect.
  4. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I have read it, but as I said in my post, that's pure BS.. There had to be first. There is always first... Time had a first, the unvierse had it's firsts, god must've had his firsts, since everything does, you can't sauy there was never a time where he never first opened his eyes, and if you ponder on that for awhile, you'll see what I mean...
  5. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    If you call the Bible BS, you arent truly Catholic... as far as God, the question cant be answered, for no human knows the correct answer...
  6. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I am not Catholic at all actually, I am no religion. I beleive in being a good person with faith, and I'm sure that's all god cares about. Your right, the question can not be answered, but it is good to ponder these things. Not jsut for entertainment, but if you beleive in the bible, it says to make god the highest interest in your life, pondering him and everything about him only shows you've taken that interest.
  7. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Then let me ask this... if you are "no religion" why do you ask such a question? I realize your helping your brother, but im curious... do believe in a God or many Gods?
  8. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    No religious bashing guys. Keep it cool. (Just a friendly reminder. xD)

    Point proven.

    Nothing created God, for God is merely a man made explanation of how everything started from one being. Think about the Bible's interpretation on how life started in comparison to the rock hard fact's that are around you every day. The Bible says that life started with Adam and Eve, yet we clearly proved it wrong that life started with little creature's known as homonid's, 3 foot tall, monkey-like creature's.

    So you see, the universe is essentially God, since well...the universe is capable of nearly anything.
  9. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I ask such a question to disprove a religion that is clearly not thinking outside a book, nothing more. And I don't know what I beleive, I worship the one god I believe created me, however, if I believe there could be a creator of that god, then meybe I do worship more than one god... I don't know... You know, this uestion could be redirected to your religion to, for you worship many beings and claim it's one god you know?? And I think we're getting off-topic...
  10. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Sry Darky, just trying to see someones beliefs through their eyes unfortunally I cant... so ill stop Posting here and let you guys get back on topic here... Thanks for your thoughts Shadowjak.
  11. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    No problem, I enjoyed expressing them. It's not often I can talk to a catholic about this without them claiming all of my opinions are wrong instantly >.>
    Yes, evolution has been proven, but it's also been proven that matter canot create other matter, which is what scientists claim what happened with us, we were created b chemicals in the water, but what created these chemicals?? What created the planets?? What created the stars?? Matter cannot created other matter, if it was that simple, it wolud be easier for us to get resources, create continents, etc. And about Adam and Eve, you can't really go by what the bible says...
  12. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well matter can't create other matter, but it can duplicate itself.

    Integrate that one thought into your theory and tell me if that changes your thought's. ;)
  13. Budabuda Banned

    Dec 14, 2006
    in a hole in the ground next to ur house
    I believe the universe is the ultimate conciessness, and that is the thing that is what we call god or is what made god cuz it was kinda lonely.
  14. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    There's no such thing as a god. Nothing created god, because he doesn't exist.

    I can't explain a lot of things, whyt he earth was created, the meaning of life, all that shniz, but I can tell you, god doesn't exist. And if he does he doesn't care.

    The bible blaims everything bad on Satan, and everything good on god, everything that has ever happened happened due to rare coincidence or man's influence. God never did anything, because nothing ever created him. We are alone in this world, and when we die we die, if people learned to accept that I'm sure the universe would move a lot smoother.

    Whenever we strive to improve human life, "god" gets int he way. Religion is holding us back from reaching the height of human development. Instead of people thinking that when they die they'll go to heaven and live forever, we could be trying to make a procedure or something that makes humans live far longer. Or curing deseases, people say stem cell research is wrong, a lot of them say because god doesn't like it, well those cells could be saving people, instead of letting them die to go to a god that isn't there...

    I personally thinkt hat anyone who really beleives in god is just running from the truth. No offense to anyone.
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    ...that's completely off topic, Cin? xDDDDD

    But yes, I agree with your thought, Cin. xP

    Only difference for me is that I think there is a being out there, but not this 'God' mankind has created. More like a being that really did come here, but it wasn't super natural and perished around the same time we stopped hearing about all this 'supernatural' power. :/

    I'm weird. >.>
  16. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i wondered that too. and then, who made time? none of these can be answered
  17. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    I love Cin's off-topic rambles xD

    Anyway, no.
  18. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006

    Yeah, I decided that I'd answer the question, then throw my own two cents in about religion as a whole...XD
  19. Budabuda Banned

    Dec 14, 2006
    in a hole in the ground next to ur house
    I can explain some of the things that u didnt, there is no meaning of life if there is no god because no one planned this stuff out so without a creator there is no meaning, a car that appeared on another planet isnt gonna do anything except make us wonder how it got there.

    And god has done many things according to the bible, and many of them were alot worse than the things satan did during that time. Like how god wiped out the entire population with the flood. And he destroied that one city and he kicked man out of Edan for eating an apple dispite the fact that hes supposed to be god and he knew they would. Satans worst act was telling Jesus to jump off a cliff

    As for the live longer thing you stupid ****, they are trying to do that and many other things. You are the biggest moron i have ever seen
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I'm sorry, Budabuda. I'm rebuking you for that post. <_< That insult was foul and served no purpose for this discussion.

    Anyway, Budabuda, you can't prove that. You can't prove there is no meaning to life, you can't prove there is no God, it's personal belief.

    It's all about opinion. >_>
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